How to Change Battery in Samsung TV Remote

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I realize that most of you who have a problem with this remote are because batteries have spilled inside.

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To the designer of this remote: You created a very sleek, attractive remote that I enjoyed using until the batteries needed to be replaced. If it wasn’t for this video and some of the helpful comments, this pretty remote you designed would have been smashed into 1000 pieces with the nearest hammer I could find.


Hello everyone. I’m also a victim of the smart Samsung remote control. This video didn’t help me but reading the comments it was like a group therapy for me. I felt uniquely stupid cos I couldn’t open a remote control, I felt embarrassed and worthless and lost my confidence. But reading the comments here I discovered there are many others like me who have been tormented by this damned remote control. Now I feel normal again and confident.
In the meantime Im still trying to open the remote control . but the psychological support I got from you guys will give me the courage to keep trying until I achieve my goal.
Best wishes to everyone . Stay strong. Never give up.


1.turn the remote upside down and put the remote between your hands like you’re praying

2. Press your hands together and push up with your right and down with your left.

(If the back side of the remote is facing right, you push up with your the right hand and down the left hand. If the back side is facing the left, you push up with the left and down with the right.)


Hey guys the prayer position really works. After two frustrating days, and much cursing I finally looked up these comments and BINGO worked first time, THANKS, might need to pray more often !!!! lol


I can't believe I had to search for this video but thank you.


This is one of the worst ergonomically designed remotes ever.


I have issues with low self-esteem, this control got rid of the little esteem I had left.


After hours of running on a hamster wheel of failure and disappointment, I finally gave up. Luckily, chucking it off my bed out of frustration made it pop right open! Anger really does solve all 😌


Simply push it 🤔I already tried that but let's say this is motivating me to keep trying.


For everyone who has been struggling to open the back of the remote. Try laying the remote face down on your thigh, press the remote down with your non dominant and try to slide the back of it (as shown by the arrow)with your dominant hand.


Wow what a ridiculously difficult remote to change batteries! Thanks to all of you below as I ended up using many of the prescribed options but still was a fight.


For those having a hard time opening the controller, it is because of pressure or buildup on the sides. I had to take a flat screw driver and slightly pound in going around the edge of the controller to release the inside pressure or buildup. I did scar the edges a little doing it this way, but I was finally able to slide it open easily after doing this.


Use the palm of your hand about middel and slide up as if you were sliding your hands to slide up and down.


Damn remote has more fight in it than Floyd Mayweather. Whoever designed it should be fired!


I’m glad I’m not to only one who couldn’t get it to slide out at first.. I wanted to check the internet to make sure that, that was what I was supposed to be doing before I put more force into it and accidentally break the remote 😂

I do somewhat appreciate the Netflix/Prime/Hulu buttons on the remote, but the other feature I do really like is the picture frame button. Idk if everyone else has it on their remotesbut it changes your tv screen to your choice of a picture. I typically pick a forest scene that they offer, or this other picture that shows off colourful stained glass. The screen is at a duller brightness; probably to save energy/costs, make some tv’s blend into the decor, and allow it to not be as distracting. On my tv it’s in a way that you can have it on in the dark while you try to sleep, and it doesn’t bother me in a way that normal bright TV’s usually do. It’s almost like nightshift mode on your phone that tries to not give you that wired feeling.

Everyone was mentioning the bad parts of the design/features, so besides mentioning the difficulty I had removing the back, I figured I’d put something positive that I liked lol


Was struggling as well. I finally put my thumbnail in the slot on the back just below the IR top bit (thin end).


I've been struggling with this remote for days but this helped me open it. It worked twice but I have to struggle many times to get it right. Poor design.


Your direction though were correct...mine wouldnt do!! So I read the first post about the thumb nail!! Thank you whoever posted that!!👍 That works!! So please add that to your demo about therhumb nail in the slot at the other end of the remote!! Thank you!!😊


Whoever designed this remote did an awful job


Thanks, Pascal! This confirmed my suspicions that this was how the remote was designed; it is the entire back piece which slides off. I was hesitant to use force/elbow-grease to slide it off at first, but with a little effort and patience, I got it down.
