Dual Boot Windows - The Smart Way

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In this demo, I show you a cool way to install multiple Windows operating systems on the same pc. No virtualization and No disk partitioning required.

It's simple to add or remove an operating system at any time.
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this man spoke in no english, no spanish or latin, not technical yet still precise, brother spoke in nothing but facts and did it natively


Just wow! Thank you bro I have a few customers where my peoduct does not work on there windows version I always told them to use dual boot but they just don’t get it to work with this it will be 100% easier video is so easy and just such a smart and nice way todo it Thank you!


Daaam! This is the best information ever.


this is an excellent video man. im very impressed. this is the perfect solution for my line of work.


Nice and clear - worked a treat for me updating from 10 to 11 !


This is pretty helpful, i was always using the partiton method which can be a pain to get rid of, Keep upthe good work!


A compact solution and fully packed tutorial for windows 10 lovers but wanna give the 11 a try, too.


One downside of this is that unless the host windows drive is protected the other OS can access the files. Say you downloaded a malware’virus that compromise those files. This should be used with care if intent is to protect your host OS. If direct hardware access isn’t needed then any Hypervisor to run a VM would be better.


Thanks man! super helpful! To my dismay I found ur video right after finishing creating the partition so... rip me but is good to know for the future!


for some reason CMD.exe will not allow me to selct any other disk apart from the USB which comes onto the command prompt as X:\sources>. . I can see the disk where i put the virtual directory with diskpart. and see all the volumes too. But It wont allow me to change drives. The (. : ) does not work.


very good video and very well explained so much easier to do it how you have shown


wondered if you can add a windows 98 partition on a windows 8.1 computer?


Do you know how I can change a boot partition for Windows 11 to also boot Windows 10 from a different drive?

Also, can I copy an existing boot partition from one drive to another and still be able to boot my OS after deleting the original?


I guess one should be able to get all the tweaks done on the VHD and then clone the VHD to a SSD?


8:48 Could've said this at the start! 🤬 Win7FTW!
Just kidding. Great video!


Sir i am using win 8.1 bootable pendrive but while selecting "cd vhdx" its showing me error that the system cannot find the path specified....

Btw m using windows 10 and trying to install win 8.1


I need help with dual boot. My case is that I have an HP Z4, which was set up by my work IT people. It is highly secured. I cannot install anything, and I even do not have access to Disk Management.
I decided to install a second SSD hard drive with fresh Windows 10. I was able to install it, and it is working. The problem is that I need help getting to the dual boot menu. It boots from the new SSD with the latest Win 10. I could not change the booting drive from the BOOT Menu. It just would not boot from another m.2 original SSD. When on the new Win 10 SSD, I set the original SSD as the default. Now, I can only boot from the original SSD. I tried to change the boot drive to the new SSD, but nothing happened. It just boots from the original SSD.
Does anyone know how I can have a dual boot menu to boot from the original SSD or the new one?


This is a great video thank you. I do have a question i have 2 m.2 drives on my pc 1 is a 990pro and the other a 970. The parent os is on the 970, i will call c drive. I want to install a second copy of windows of the 990 as gaming only. Could i just install windows to that other drive without making a virtual drive on the 990? Im sorta confused as to where the boot originates. I know in my bios it looks at the 970 first. I would like to see a video with 2 physical hdds have the boot choice


Hello. Very very interesting method ! Thx !
Can you answer me these two questions ?
1) Is there a significant perfomance impact, when running windows from a vhd ?
2) Is there any program or method on the planet to HIDE the "Parent OS drives", perceived from each respective Sub-OS ? I mean on a very early, low-level layer.
I would even buy a specific mainboard for just that


Is it possible to block access to other disk while using VHDX OS? I don't want the chance of affecting those main files while using the virtual one.
