The Postmillennial View Of The Rapture

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In this video, Pastor Joel Webbon clearly explains how Postmillennials view of the Rapture.

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The word rapture in the song Blessed Assurance I think means intense joy or pleasure in knowing you are saved by Christ.


This makes a LOT of sense. I'm blown away by the amount of Scriptural support for the postmillennial view. By the way, you can thank your discussion with Mike Winger for turning me on to Right Response Ministries.


Such good timing- I’ve been going through all your postmill videos the past few days and it’s been an interesting journey! Lots to learn.


You are such a daily inspiration. God bless you and your family! Hope the new little guy is doing great😍


I'm thankful that I'm a pretribulation rapture because it doesn't make sense in just going up just to turn around and come back we are the bride of Christ and the 7 year tribulation is a time of the wrath of God on the unbelievers and God would not beat up His bride.


This topic came up in my church group meeting last Friday! Not sure if this is a coincidence or if this is a trending topic, but now I'm aware that I've been holding contradicting views about the rapture. When I read scripture, I believe Yeshua is returning once. But I also believed in the pretrib view too. Gosh, there's so much to learn and unlearn.


Either way, the Lord has come to this earth many times he walked in the garden with Adam. He met Joshua opposite Jericho. The first and second advents are Jesus coming year to the earth. When he appears in the clouds, that's not him coming to the earth.


Most premils don't call the rapture a secret. It's all over Scripture. Paul called it a mystery. No one says secret except post mils arguing it.


An interesting take. However, I’m struggling to find the similar language of 1 Thess. 4:17 that Joel references is in Matthew 25:1-13. I don’t see the link between these two passages. Maybe I’m missing it, but it is not clearly there.


I find it interesting that none of the eschatological views seems to account for the event when Christians will judge angels 1 Cor 6: 3. In fact I'm not comfortable calling myself aligned with any formal eschatological view because there is too much in the Bible that they don't account for as well as I get the clear impression that God has not revealed everything or possibly even close to everything He is planned for the future. We should all account for not knowing. What takes me back more than anything and is the death knell to any real assurance of future events (aside for Christ saying it is not for man to know the times or seasons) is Luke 18: 8: When the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth?


This is also imagery of what happened in Rome when the victorious army would return from battle. I believe the audience receiving this message would have seen this as well.


The number of "comings" seems unimportant and arbitrary to my mind. I mean, reading through the OT we see multiple instances where most likely Christ interacted with humans in human form (or at least the appearance of human form). I'm inclined to believe there are many more instances which are not recorded in Scripture. I certainly do not understand the totality of Revelations or prophecy, but given that we all believe in the omnipotence and omnipresence of God, some of these concerns about the comings and goings of Jesus seem very contrived. Just a thought.


Is there a family discount for the conference? Unaffordable for a big family. 😅


Amen, he Shall have Dominion Here, This is why we have this verse in revelation 11:15.

Revelation 11:15And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever!”


My new name for the secret rapture doctrine is "Protestant Purgatory"! Lol-)
sDg'n it!


I'm Pre-Mil, Pre-Wrath and that viewpoint also has no secret Rapture.

Now the question is "Do you believe the Great Tribulation is 7 years or 3 1/2 years?" The Pre-wrath viewpoint is that the Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 years, NOT 7 years. Proper definitions are important. The eschatology passages dealing with the Great Tribulation ALWAYS point to it lasting 3 1/2 years.


The same concept "words" appears in Acts 28:15. Where "the brothers and sisters in Rome heard, " Paul and his companions were coming, so the y went out to meet them.


Pastor Joel. Where can I find a bio of you that includes your education and training credentials?


Interesting to use Matthew 25 parable of the ten virgins since it doesn't have the rapture word (harpazo). Being "caught up or snatched away"(harpazo) is much different than just going out to meet someone.

I wonder what preterist post mils would do with Rev 3:10, "he will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming upon the whole world" (world is the term - oikoumene - meaning the known inhabited world)


You basically just described the post-tribulation rapture belief.
It was interesting to see the great lengths you go to describe the rapture and place it in your eschatology.
That is what we call isigesis.
Remember that a few verses after the description of the rapture we are given the details of the tribulation that textually speaking follows after the rapture.
Glad i know my Bible well enough to recognize erroneous teaching.
