AITA For Not Telling My Parents They Were Missing My Wedding?... - Reddit Family

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AITA For Not Telling My Parents They Were Missing My Wedding?... - Reddit Family
My Parents Favored My Younger Brother Over Me. They Even Chose To Attend His Game Instead Of Coming To My Wedding.
The narrator, a 27-year-old woman, has always felt sidelined by her parents in favor of her younger brother, Mike, who is 21. Mike is described as a spoiled "man child" and "mama's boy," and their mother shifted all her attention to him since his birth. Despite not having any special needs or circumstances, Mike received all the parental care and support, while the narrator felt increasingly neglected. This favoritism was so pronounced that her parents would often miss her important life events to attend to Mike's needs or achievements.

The narrator found some respite in her adult life after moving out of her parents' home. She met Lucas at university, and both have become successful professionals. When Lucas proposed, the narrator was thrilled, and they planned a simple but meaningful wedding. However, when she informed her parents of her engagement and later the wedding, their reaction was dismissively brief, indicating a lack of interest.

Despite the lack of enthusiasm from her parents, the narrator, encouraged by Lucas, sent them an invitation to the wedding. They did not respond and continued to ignore her attempts to discuss the wedding plans. Instead, her parents focused on Mike's football career, using it as an excuse to miss her wedding day, which coincided with one of Mike's games.

The wedding proceeded without the presence of her parents. It was a joyous occasion with the narrator’s and Lucas’s friends and relatives, and her grandfather proudly gave her away. The absence of her parents was noted by many guests, and the narrator explained it frankly. Afterward, a relative's social media post about the wedding went viral, highlighting the parents' absence, which led to community backlash against them.

Upon returning from her honeymoon, the narrator found herself amidst a family crisis triggered by the viral post. Her father, emotionally broken by the community's judgment and a stern confrontation from his father (the narrator’s grandfather), considered divorcing the mother. Meanwhile, the narrator’s mother bombarded her with a mix of insulting and pleading messages.

The narrator chose to confront her parents and brother in a neutral setting. During this meeting, it was revealed that Mike had destroyed the wedding invitation and deleted messages from the narrator, which her parents claimed never to have received. The parents apologized, but the narrator, realizing the depth of their deceit and manipulation, decided to cut all ties with them. She blocked them on all platforms and shared evidence of her mother's derogatory comments with her mother's church, leading to further social consequences for her parents.
#redditfamily #redditstories #redditfamilytales
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my dream is to do artsy stuff with baked goods with my future S/O.... also, good on OP for giving her fam the dose of reality they needed.... this situation hits way too close to home for me... ive already cut my father, sister, and brother out of my life... and my mom is on thin ice too... i hope that OP is happier and living a much more fulfilling life without all that dead weight BS hanging over her head.


This a combo of several storys still entertaing brain rot
