Trudeau announces new mandatory COVID-19 measures | Special coverage

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced new mandatory COVID-19 measures that include getting a self-isolation plan approved by authorities for anybody arriving in Canada.

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Click timestamp for English chapter select style
15:20 Start
17:34 more tests
19:49 Supporting the north
20:53 Supporting jobs
23:47 Lost a loved one
24:40 First question Reopening the economy
28:14 Translated Second question
29:37 Second Answer
30:30 Half translated followup
31:17 Followup
31:52 Translated Question going to cottage
32:17 answer translated (i am the prime minister i can go there if my family is living there)
33:23 question quarantine plan
34:34 Followup is it harder to allocate resources across the country knowing all the data?
35:10 Answer Sharing Data
35:53 Question Equity stakes
37:22 Question proper staff
38:38 Impatient followup
41:13 Followup more info
42:11 Translated question care facility
43:13 answer
43:52 Question Provence Consequence
45:06 next question medical system?
46:18 And hes gone.

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Thank You.


CBC! Listen to your comments, stop the voice over. He’s speaking in both languages. Frustrating as hell.


We need him to get out of office let take our freedoms back!!! Authorities said even if it means not spending time with your family you cant Wake up people this is an outrage!!!!


I must be a little thick headed so I am looking for anyone to explain this logic to me. We are supposed to social distance from everyone correct? How much more distance from people can you get than taking your family out to your cabin in the middle of the damn wilderness? How come that is not allowed? Why have they closed down all Parks?? We are allowed to go to grocery stores as long as we keep our distance....why the heck can we not go to the park and do the same? If anything, this allows us to stay even farther away from each other.

When we go to pick up our groceries or drive up to a Tim Hortons (or similar), how come all the workers inside are not social distancing themselves? How do we know they are not infected with "this killer virus" and handling the food we are going to throw in our mouths.? So as long as you work for the same company, you don't need to social distance from your co-workers. This goes for the Police as well. I guess they are immune.

But people are freaking the f&*K out when they see a family in the park getting fresh air and ratting them out to the Police and taking pictures of their license plates. Does this all seem logical to anyone?

Have we all lost our minds or were we always this messed up and this COVID was just the catalyst to bring this all to the surface. Pretty sad if you ask me.


can someone please just do a quick rundown of what the “new mandatory covid-19 measures” are? i don’t feel like skimming through 2+ hours of horribly translated video lol


I wish you didn't do the voice over, he is already doing it bilingually. we don't need to hear it two times in English besides the translation is badly done.


Never in my life have I heard so many answers that don't answer a question. Ever. lol


Dr Tam waiting for “evidence” of human to human transmission is disgraceful especially considering entire cities in China had already been locked down and the Three early German cases traced back to a Chinese business woman had already been reported. The precautionary principle should have been followed and Canadians deserve answers. We deserve better and Dr. Tam let us all down


How nice politicians can fly places during covid-19 at our expense when the rest of us have to remain in our homes worrying about our bills. ☹


Where is all this money coming from ??? Wasn’t that long ago he said there was no money for our military vets ... disgraceful!


So essentially he didnt follow his own rules. Just because he announced it a week ago doesnt make it right. He said a minimum of8 times we must stay AT HOME. My family has been isolated 3 to 4 weeks but it is not ok for us. I hope this is over soon so we can have parliment make a vote of No confidence and elect a good leader not a self serving border line dictator.


We should keep our parents with us and take care of them as they use to keep us with them and take care of us .


A pet peeve of mine...people who give out advice yet don’t follow their own...


"Remember, we're all in this together. Except me, I'm heading to my vacation home while I command the peasants to stay home." ~Justin T


he never did say why he was "allowed" to cross the border specifically, or why he was allowed to rejoin family for just a few days and then come back, how is the different from any of us going to our families house for Easter and then going back home... all he did was say he announced he would go spend time with his family, as if saying his intentions ahead of time makes it ok to ignore the rules they put in place.


The Government is not your Mommy or Daddy. The sooner we stop treating them like our parents the sooner they will stop acting like it.

Be independent. Be self sustainable.

There is no such thing as free money. We will all pay, with interest and with freedom.


Enough is enough……
They don’t play by the same rules as everyone else.
Premier Doug Ford urges city residents to stay out of cottage country on Easter weekend
Trudeau: I went to join them for Easter weekend. We continue to follow all the instructions from public health authorities.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, his wife and five children: They flew to Ottawa on a packed nine-seater government aircraft along with the Green Party's Elizabeth May.


Unplug from the television it's time for a change.


He did not answer a single question. Thats the "leader" of Canada


Part 1: It was appalling that the WHO was advising not to wear masks and discouraging people from wearing N95 masks even when they knew it would help prevent them from being infected. Rather than push a positive narrative explaining the proper use of masks, they chose to explain that the general public would very likely not use them correctly and be at more risk.
