Stop Preaching the Pietism 'Gospel'

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If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be of all men most miserable. Jon and Justin have spoken about pietism and its effects on the Christian life in many episodes of Theocast. This is a compilation of the most informative and helpful portions of those episodes, with the aim of being extremely clear on where we stand, what problems we see with pietism, and the subtle yet devastating fruits of the pietism 'gospel' within the local church.

Here’s a list of the episodes seen in this video:



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It seems like the older I get the more aware of my sins I become. I think it’s that way for everyone as we grow in Christ.

I don’t know about other people, but sometimes if I sin in someway, like I’m a real jerk to someone for example. (And I can be a real arrogant jerk sometimes.)

Anyway, in my flesh I will feel like I have to keep my distance from God for a while or from doing ministry. I will feel this way even after I have confessed the sin and repented.

I think Satan tries to tell me that my repentance isn’t good enough or something.

Well the other day I was feeling like that and I was praying and I asked God to speak to me in the scriptures.

I open up my Bible and I opened it directly to Hebrews chapter 9. I thought maybe the Lord had something to say to me in that text and so I started reading chapter 9 and I got to verse 14,

“ How much more will the blood of Christ cleanse our conscience from acts that lead to death SO THAT we may serve the living God.”

For the first time I truly understood what it means when we say that Grace makes us free to serve God.

We will still sin sometimes, but Grace cleanses our conscience so that we don’t let our sins cripple us from worship, prayer, service, and obedience.

Otherwise we might feel like, “Oh well, I just committed that sin and now I can’t minister to this person, I cant pray, I can’t worship, I can’t preach that sermon until I no longer feel bad about it.”

Without grace, the knowledge of our sin could lead to despair. That is why I truly believe that if not for the grace of God I would fall away from Jesus.

But now I can say with Paul, “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
(Romans 7:24-25)

Whenever God answers prayer like that and speaks so directly it brings me so much joy.


I love you guys. Your faithfulness to the gospel is encouraging. I'm in an introspective/examine yourself/pietistic church where the gospel is not preached weekly. It's a good church though, I believe, like most churches we lose the centrality of the gospel for Christians. As finite beings we are so prone to forget and return back to legalism. It's in all our hearts. Oh how we need the good news every hour!


I cannot thank you enough for this content (I'm definitely going to download your ebook)! Since I got saved, I have really struggled with feeling like I'm not doing enough or I'm doing things wrong. I grew up Catholic (in an extremely abusive household), and ventured into New Age and even the occult...which are all related by "works." No matter what happened, it was up to me to fix it or make it right or make it happen completely...and I could NEVER rest. It's so easy to fall back into striving and perfectionism and legalism and the gospel of works and I sincerely thank you so much for speaking about rest and how His yoke is easy and how He requires mercy not sacrifice. I think Hebrews 10:26-31 really scared me when it talks about deliberately sinning and falling into the hands of the Living God, but after contemplating it more, maybe it's more about the consequences of not actually accepting Jesus as the true savior and sacrifice, and knowing that we WILL be sanctified, or we haven't been saved in the first place. Still wrestling with that part, but I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on Hebrews! God bless you and your ministry!


36:05 I’m reminded of what Tim Keller wrote: “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” Only the unilateral unconditional and free love and grace and mercy of God in Christ can save me, for I realize that in me apart from Christ dwells no good thing. May all God’s people know the love of The Father, brought by the Son, and sealed by The Spirit. Amen. 🙏


This is one of the best Christian videos I have seen in a long time. Thank y’all so much!


This was so good and I’ll have to listen again. Feels like it cracked open some not so great teaching I’ve heard; so that’s good. Thanks for this. Very helpful!


This is so good and healthy. I love your football analogy. "Leave it all on the field!" Isn't this the narrow way? Jesus ALONE.


Amen and praise God for giving you both these good works of good teaching


when the bible says examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith it means to see if you are trusting in christ or in your works, does jesus dwell within you or are you striving for approval


It is no longer I who live but Christ that lives in me, it is not about us.


Yes, Jesus IS Lord! If hearing that gives one pause, they ought to question whose side they are on.


Just checking out your channel. So happy to have found you! Subbed!


Thank God that there are Reformed brethren like you two who aren't subscribed to "Lordship salvation" Calvinism aka fear & anxiety-based back loaded works salvation that often results in arrogant fruit inspection of others (playing God) and making claims who is and who isn't saved based on works, a focus on works/performance, and no assurance of salvation. Some of these double tongued MacArthurite types of guys give of a prideful Pharisaical perception to me, but you two come off as humble and preach an un-muddied Gospel of grace without convoluting it with works. Lord willing, keep it up brothers!


Let us lay aside every sin that so easily besets us. This is scripture!😊


See this is helpful, not just main line baptist, but confessional baptist need to hear this as well.


YouTube is pushing ads in every 4-6 minutes. It's pretty annoying


I don't think the critical people in the comments watched the video.


We are called to live holy loves after we are regenerated.

How controversial is this statement to this group? Genuinely asking


Behavior matters to Jesus, get a command of His seven letters to the seven churches in revelation chapters two and three and be what he wants you to be, an overcomer as He is🙏


Why do you want Holiness? Christians want to turn from sin, that’s unquestionable. They want to be like Jesus. They want to abide and dwell in the light. The want to avoid 2 Peter 2 reminders that it would be better never to have known the way of righteousness, then after knowing it to turn back, or become entangled and overcome. The issue is why? That’s the difference between a growing in grace and growing in fear is the motivation. Change your motivation from fear to love! Christ doesn’t dominate us, He teaches us. Love your neighbor enough to be Holy! Love your Lord enough to honor His payment for your sin and trust Him to be your ultimate righteousness. We can love correction because it means loving each other and our Lord, and it doesn’t condemn those who are in Christ!
