Why is my ex jealous if they dumped me?

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Why is my ex jealous if they are the one that broke up! I have spoken to so many people around the world who were confused by their ex’s behavior that I felt compelled to make a video in order to provide you with answers to your questions!

Why is my ex jealous after a breakup if they ended things; if you are also asking yourself this question, you have to remember that love and emotions don’t always make sense… you may feel strongly something at a given moment and then feel completely differently just a few hours later.

Furthermore when it comes to love and relationship, people often times want what they can’t have! You may also have experienced this yourself, wanting to be single when you were in a relationship or wanting a boyfriend or girlfriend really bad when feeling alone!

I simply wanted to provide you with a bit of context if you are asking yourself why is my ex jealous; they most probably had a change of heart; or they could be having trouble dealing with the fact that you are moving on as well and that you are no longer in a state of emotional dependence to them!

I hope to hear from you soon,




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So funny after dumping me she got a new boyfriend after 2 months then now she’s trying to reach out through our mutual friend. Our friend said they both only want to say hello? I said no need to bring along my ex. I want us to become total stranger as if we never existed in our lives..


This brings me comfort ;) you know my story. I know he reacted this way because he cares. Even if he says he doesn’t


Now my ex got drumped and wants me back
But is not willing to fight for me after she walked out 5 months ago and now expects me to do all the work with healing her heart from me and the other just pathetic ... if they rebound stay far away until they have healed on there own like the dumpee ....coz time will show u if they can handle going through the pain on there own ... or will they find another rebound to just hurt someone else again .... u dont want to become the rebound from the girl u love x


after more than a month of no contact with my ex gf after she dumped me, i met with a mutual friend (a guy) for some beers, she apparently sent him a sms saying oh you're meeting with your ''boyfriend''... pretty childish, either she is jealous, or just going along with being disrespectful


My ex girlfriend cheated on me and dumped me after I found out, .6 months later I find someone new and shes trying to ruin our relationship, it's quite shit haha




So my ex and I broke up 9 months ago over jealously reasons (on my part). She moved on a few weeks later but recently got dumped by that guy. I've just started seeing a girl who I do like and I think she likes me back, cause I thought she had moved on so I gathered I should too. Anyways, the three of us were at the same party and my ex, saw us arrive together and gave us a dirty look. later on in the evening I went upstairs and my ex asked this girl im seeing who she came with, even though she knew the answer. She said she came with me and then my ex asked her wether we were seeing each other. She said 'no, we're just friends'. My ex then said 'good cause I will kick your ass if you do'. The girl im seeing asked her wether she still likes me and then my ex said 'ewwww, no, gross' then literally left straight after the conversation. What on earth is up with my ex? Yes I want her back, but I dont know how. Im still blocked on


So my ex of 2 1/2 years left me about two months ago. I get on POf on a Friday and supposedly he created his account that same weekend on a Sunday. He obviously saw me there and got completely jealous. He even mentioned he was furious. He asked why I was there and I told him I just wanted to have fun. Tell me why he later reached out to tell me he wants to work things out with me again. Idk if maybe this could be a last chance for each other.


My ex is jealous of me having fun being single while she is in a relationship haha can tell SHES HAPPY AY HAHA 😂


So my ex girlfriend got a new boyfriend same day we broke up and brings him around my son.. I haven’t even dated in 2 months but today she found out that I am dating this girl and she has been harassing me about being a piece of shit.. I’m confused she told me she didn’t love me


My ex dumped me then started playing the oh i miss you and us come home i said hey there's stuff i need in the relationship then it went to no i hate you fuck you you fucked me up etc etc etc all while trying to make me jealous in the process. I've always been the glue and stepped up jist to be belittled and isolated or shamed by her her friends and family. Now that i set boundaries its a problem. No you let your circle ruin our relationship and chased the greener grass an don't want to feel or look stupid in the process. Rollercoaster. I haven't moved on honestly i don't really want to try with anyone after that for various reasons.


I think it did somewhat reignite her feelings, but I had to choose clarifying that I wasn't seeing a certain person when she asked in order to not be mean -- me being mean is one of the main reasons her mom called and said we couldn't talk anymore but I hope she'll give me another chance, same with my ex. After time passed, my ex came to agree with her mom but I have to be VERY careful to not mess up. I did get delivered. If I'm not perfect, I'm still WAY better than before.

Anyways, I think I got an Asian King (Chinese buffet) and Walmart date if it'll work out! That's a common date in my town that doesn't involve alcohol because we're both Christians.


My ex dumped me because he hated my anxiety disorder and got mad when I was upset that he wouldn't text me for over 12 hours sometimes. I moved on pretty quick because I wasn't gonna waste tears and time on him. I find my current boyfriend. Its been a month of no contact with my ex (his request). My ex texted my friend when he found out about my new relationship demanding my boyfriend's number wanting to know why I love my new boyfriend so much more than I loved him. Yet he still talks crap about me behind my back. Is that jealousy?


I moved across the country for my ex. We lived together for a year and then he broke up with me. About 6 months later, he asks me to move in cuz his dumbass quit his job and couldn't afford rent. We FWBs until I started dating a guy from work, news that he didn't take very well.

Ex would tell me how he hoped that me and my boyfriend would break up, that no one would fuck me the way he did, good luck dating a guy who follows women into coolers, you're dating a bootleg version of me, etc. He got jealous because I was spending more time with my bf that with him. He demanded to know everything we did, would constantly text me "are you coming home?"and just being overly obsessive, controlling and jealous.

Finally everything blew up when I told him that I didn't want him in my life anymore since he decided to break our apartment lease and leaving me with two months of rent when he knew damn well that I couldn't afford it.


Ok so my ex texted to me to say he saw me on a dating site that he was also on last night . His exact text was "see you're on pof now. Hope that works out for you". This is after he ignored all my texts like nothing of me saying begging back for him then saying goodbye pretty much. Why would he text me just to say that ? BTW he broke up with me


What if my ex is already talking to someone else and she still get jealois now that she see's me with someone more beautiful than her when shes the one who wanted the break up.


Why is my ex trying to get with a coworker/mutual friend that I work with. She broke up with me, weeks later. Shes trying so hard to make me jealous. I act like I don’t care but it’s getting annoying


Not when they stalk you or they intimidate you. And their remarried for 10 yrs.


My ex and I broke up a couple of weeks ago and I begged for about 2 days than dipped. She saw me go to the gym with another girl a couple days ago. She’s been acting really happy and went to a party with one of her new friends and would not stop talking about me being “all over this new girl” and that she researched who it was and all that at the party she went to. My friend was also at that party and told me how happy she was trying to be but how jealous she was acting towards me hanging with this girl. Any thoughts?


why is my ex asking me if i still talked to the girl from LA?
