Money, Power and Wall Street, Part Three (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

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In part three of this 2012 award-winning series, FRONTLINE goes inside the Obama White House, telling the story of how a newly elected president with a mandate for change inherited a financial crisis that would challenge his administration and define his first term.

FRONTLINE’s veteran financial and political producers Michael Kirk (The Choice 2020: Trump Vs. Biden, United States of Conspiracy), Martin Smith (The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, The Pension Gamble), Marcela Gaviria (A Subprime Education, Separated: Children at the Border) and Tom Jennings (Right to Fail, Opioids Inc.) team up to present this Emmy Award-winning documentary series.

#Documentary​ #MoneyPowerWallStreet

Major funding for FRONTLINE is provided by the Ford Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen.
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Global financial markets have been significantly impacted by SVB's demise, prompting investors to sell off bank equities hastily and reevaluate their interest rate expectations. I am a $350k investor who is at a crossroads and wondering if it is wise to hold onto securities that are losing value. I want guidance on the best approaches to maximizing my returns in this negative market.


These types of docs are SO essential for Americans to watch.


seriously, how no one got arrested baffles me .
if i make a mistake of this kind at work. i am GONE THAT SECOND


"You owe the bank a 100, 000, the bank owns you. you owe the bank a 100 million, then you own the bank." this is a super appropriate quote by a frustrated small borrower that i came across in a book.


Privatise the profits, socialise the losses. Welcome to the banking system.


"You cannot vote Wall Street out because you have never voted them in."
― Chris Hedges


One of the best documentaries I've ever watched.


The absolute insult of calling this whole mess a PR issue. Millions out of work, losing their homes. Regular middle-class people in my town were in line at the local food pantry. This was so far beyond a "PR" problem, and a "confidence" issue. The unmitigated gall.


Creating wealth entails establishing positive routines, I had only $78k to my name at 42 when I first woke up to this reality. I chose the stock market as a medium of growth, got an excellent financial advisor, Financial management is a vital subject that many avoid, often leading to future regrets.


saw first two parts in 2012, amazing, but seems thing s still unchanged even 9 years past, greed is always greedy.


United States is not a country its a corporation


I remember getting denied for a car loan less than 15k with no debt and a full time job working 40 hrs making minimum wage. BOA and Chase said no even though they just got bailed out. Never forgot that.


"The table is tilted folks, the game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care..." -- George Carlin


51:44 - "This crisis really never ended." Very, very true! Let's see if those responsible are held accountable this time!


"We're all in this together, " said the bank executive worth hundreds of millions and who gets a golden parachute and a cushy bonus for "avoiding financial disaster." They gambled with the livelihoods of millions and lost, and instead of repaying the people who footed their bailout, they walked off with after handing America an IOU written on a used napkin. They got bailed out again this past year when the pandemic recession rocked Wall Street again. That's three major recessions in under 20 years, with zero repercussions, and not a single person put in prison for it. People asked for change, and instead it got a president that was adamant that lessons had been learned and they won't do it again. We can't keep doing this, funding their private casinos using pensions and mortgages as their betting chips.


The Federal Reserve publicly asked Congress for $700 billion in October 2008 to save the US financial system. Secretly the Fed lent $ 7.77 trillion, eleven times as much, to US and banks all around the world in December 2008, which means that the banks were in a much worse financial state than was publicly admitted.


Greetings everyone i will love to know what to do to add to my job as a side hustle to double my income i need something to support myself with aside from my job can anyone here share any side hustle ideas or business ideas with me please, something that won't come between my job cos is all i've got for now


Markets were seasawing for months! Drops of 400, increase of 100-200, but never recouping completely in the first half of Obama's 1st year, which was not an unreasonable but expectations from Wall Street was high! They blew the economy and wanted to be paid for it! The biggest fail was not stopping the Foreclosures, Banks got paid so homeowners should have been allowed to stay in their homes and provided fixed rate 30-40 yr loans, but the people got nothing! Except bad credit and high rents from that point forward to this day(2021)!


I'm in financial services and even I can't believe how much these guys got away with. The U.S. people gave them money with relatively no conditions. No financier in the world would have given them those terms.

No restrictions? No conditions? Virtually no voting rights? If I were a U.S. citizen I would have been p*ssed..especially if I had lost my home, job and savings in the process.

Catwoman said it best: The rich don't go broke like the rest of us (paraphrased)


These documentaries are extremely insightful and entertaining. People need to understand that if our government didn’t take these actions to bailout/support our banks the economy would be in a way worse place
