All Our Anxieties - Part 1 | Timeless Truths – Dr. Charles Stanley

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The things we want in life, no matter how great they may seem, can take possession of us if we're not careful. If that happens, anxiety will enter our lives in the form of fear, worry or other paralyzing emotions. A steadfast focus on God is the only answer. Learn how to find the relief you need with Charles Stanley's All Our Anxieties.

This message is part of the series "All Our Anxieties."

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Say this prayer against Anxiety: Heavenly Father, Lately I’ve been so worried about things that are out of my control. Help me to trust that you are working every little detail of my life out and that I have nothing to fear or worry about.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.


I watched this on 4/21/24, not knowing it was about anxiety. Wow did I need this. Great anxiety and panic attacks. My faith in God is strong.... praying that God will help me trust more, and turn it over to him.


These old sermons withstand the test of time. I appreciate Dr. Stanley's teaching so much as he gets things straight from the Bible in the way it's meant.

*Dear Our Heavenly Father, I pray everyone who needs a miracle in their life receive it. I pray those who are down on there luck & having hard times have all their worries lifted.Only YOU can lift those worries & stresses off, we love YOU 1000×over & are so blessed to serve You.Amen 🙏🏽♥️*


RIP Dr. Stanley. You are deeply missed. God bless all of you.



Reasons for Anxiety:
1) Poor sense of self-worth
- We are worth more than birds and and lilies of the field, God will supply our needs.
2) Attempt to change things they cannot change.
- God has predetermined the length of our lives. Healthy decisions can improve productivity and quality of life but not length.
3) Failure to trust God.
- Anxiety is unbelief in disguise. Anxiety is unbelief in God's character, integrity and promises.
4) Following the world's pattern.
5) Misplaced Priorities.
- Seek first and submit your life to Jesus as the LORD of your life. Allow him to create godly character in your life.
6) Trying to live in tomorrow today.
- Today has enough trouble of it's own. Tomorrow will be anxious for itself.

When we seek the rule of Christ in our lives and desire to be conformed to His image, He supplies all that we need.

God's name is I AM, not I WAS or I WILL BE. (My name is I AM by Helen Mallicoat)


I was regretting the past,

and fearing the future.

Suddenly my Lord was speaking:

"My name is I Am".

He paused.

I waited.

He continued...

"When you live in the past,

with its mistakes and regrets,

it is hard. I am not there.

My name is not I WAS.

When you live in the future,

with its problems and fears,

it is hard. I am not there.

My name is not I WILL BE.

When you live in this moment

it is not hard. I am here.

My name is I AM."

(Helen Mallicoat)


best preacher that ever existed besides jesus


These classic messages are great. Pastor Stanley has received his reward for being a good and faithful servant of the Most High.


Thank you for this message. I live in anxiety and I know I need to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I know he has the best plan for me. I also have depression in my life, and loneliness. It's hard for me because I come home to empty home. I don't have anyone to talk to so it's easy for me to sit and think about my anxiety or my loneliness or think about my depression. But instead of doing that I should be thinking of how awesome God is and how much he loves me. And how much he cares for me. So please Lord help me to change my heart please lift me up during these difficult times. Help me to find a wonderful Church to belong to and be surrounded by people who can lift me up and who I can lift up as well. I'll need to be a good Witness to other people and help me to be able to listen to other people's testimony. Thanks be to God


I'm Catholic and i love listening to Dr. Stanley's insight.


I can do all things through Christ who strength me. Philip.4:13


“When I said: “My foot is slipping, ” Your loyal love, O God, kept supporting me.When anxieties overwhelmed me, You comforted and soothed me”


So love this man. He was a true blessing from God ❤️


Amen.second mortgage has me owing twice what I earn now without overtime pray for us and our home.


*Let's pray🙏🏽Thank YOU FATHER for YOUR goodness, YOUR grace, YOUR love, YOUR mercy, YOUR peace, YOUR power, YOUR provision, YOUR direction, YOUR joy, YOUR strength, &YOUR guidance. Father YOU are our all & all.Thank YOU for what YOU have done & what YOU are doing in our lives.We love YOU & we exalt YOU in Jesus' Name.Amen*
*GOD Bless Us All.*


God Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the current to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. God needs to come back now and protect us from all these bad guys that's trying to destroy United States and Canada and other cities countries. I don't have anxiety about what is going to happen it's what is happening now. And no one is doing a damn thing about it😠


Wow I was feeling a lot of anxiety this video came at the right time. Thank you Lord Jesus for sending this sermon.


This is the sermon I needed to hear. Thank you, Pastor Charles Stanley 🙏


The Lord is abundantly supplying my needs. I'm concerned over an issue of my community that I've been interceding about.
SOOOO true. Uncertainty breeds anxiety. It's like walking and suddenly a dense fog comes along, and now you can't see where each step is going to take you. Solid ground ? Or a curb that will throw you off balance.

*Proverbs **12:25** Anxiety in the heart causes depression. A good word makes it glad* .