Karen Read Jurors Speaking Out to Confirm Not Guilty Verdict

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More jurors are reaching out to both sides of the Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial to confirm a not guilty verdict for Karen Read. She returns to court Friday, August 9, for a big hearing where she hopes to dismiss her murder case in the death of Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe.

00:00 Opening Statements with Julie Grant
02:43 Karen Read Jurors Speak Out
16:24 Sonya Massey Shooting Update
21:10 Hotel Workers Charged with Murder
26:20 Brendan Depa Sentencing
36:06 Karen Read Back in Court Friday
#CourtTV What do YOU think?

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00:00 Opening Statements with Julie Grant
02:43 Karen Read Jurors Speak Out
16:24 Sonya Massey Shooting Update
21:10 Hotel Workers Charged with Murder
26:20 Brendan Depa Sentencing
36:06 Karen Read Back in Court Friday
#CourtTV What do YOU think?


The judges behavior towards Karen and the defense attorneys was ridiculous. Her sighing all the time was uncalled for too. She had it in for Karen and team the entire trial. She should not be involved in anymore of Karen's court proceedings.


PERHAPS if the Judge made the instructions clearer the jury wouldn't have been confused, but let's be serious, this case oooozed with corruption, right down to tainting the jury. AWFUL.


Don't soft pedal Proctor by stating he has been moved to another dept when he has been suspended without pay. Plus other LEO's on this case are under investigation


When there are multiple charges on a verdict form it should be absolutely mandatory to pole the jury foreman on each charge before declaring a mistrial. The fact that it's not legally required is a huge hole in our judicial system.


To me, the directions sounded like the jury needed a unanimous decision on "all" counts before marking the jury paperwork.


The judge failed also, you can hear she is bias


For the Sandra Massey, go back to the beginning when they first arrived at her place. Both officers started to walk away after checking in on her. Her alledeged m*rder stopped and asked her about medication, DELAYING them from leaving.

If he was "in fear of his life" why didn't he leave when he first started to leave and why didn't he make sure his body cam was on?

I hope the prosecution will do their due diligence and investigate her alledeged m*rder's connection to people that may be connected to Ms. Massey. Her family deserves the truth.


$5 bucks says they’ve reached out to the courts as well. This is very very disturbing and scary for us ALL!


Judge Cannone clearly stated in her instructions they couldn't talk to anyone including her, until theyd reached consensus on ALL charges. Judge should have asked if this was the case in each charge


The jurors are not law professionals, the judge is and it is up to the judge to have a clear historical record for this proceeding. Period.


This Judge was horrible in the Karen Read trial. She did not do justice for this trial. If they do have a trial then I would say they also need to start over with a NEW investigation of the case by top investigators to look into the family that held the after-party and where the victim died. Investigators that can look without any bias but just wanting truth.


Here we go again, trying to defend this killer and lier.


For those who blame the Karen Read jury for not clarifying their position on the charges in their notes to the judge, the defense had time to talk to the judge after the hung jury announcement since the judge said she would be speaking privately with the jury. But they chose not.


Shocked that 9 jurors voted guilty on ANY charge. Worst case I’ve seen in recent memory. Weird stuff going on in Mass.

Edit: And Massey was murdered in cold blood. Cop is done. Life without parole; do we really even need a trial when the entire encounter is on camera?!


About Brendan Depa - if he is that dangerous at school, at home, at treatment, in public to society at large, what else is his possible trajectory other than prison if no one is able to help him change his behavior? Hopefully there's a state psychiatric hospital somewhere in the area with a forensic unit.


Auntie bev needs to make the jury Intrustions, way more simple. All these charges are ridiculous. The CW literally pilled on a bunch of charges. Its ludicrous.


Agree, the jurors were articulate. They had the golden opportunity to clarify their thoughts.


This was a pretty dumb jury not to tell the judge that they reached a verdict on two counts. They really misled everyone saying they were "deeply divided."


The defense “blame game” yet with no proof continues via this Motion:
1. There are no affidavits of the alleged four jurors attesting to such allegations (as were filed with the Motion in the Alex Murdaugh trial when jurors made certain allegations) and the other eight jurors have not come forward making any such allegations.
2. Further, the defense were given a full opportunity to be heard throughout deliberations and had (forcefully) sought and obtained changes to the jury slips and consented to them, they sought the Tuey-Rodriguez, and thereafter repeatedly and eagerly favoured/pushed for a mistrial to be declared (Yannetti stating, quote: “I think exhaustive is the operative word here” in regards to the jury’s deliberations).
3. From that point, the reasonsable anticipation of a mistrial was apparent to the defense. They even took a “victory lap” (even though it wasn’t a victory at all) after the mistrial was declared and gave an interview on the court steps reflecting such, yet now want to blame everyone else for their own failure to say or do something at the time.
4. Furthermore, the judge can ask if the jury were hung on any of the verdicts, however she was not obliged to and when you review the final jury note (#4) it clearly indicated the jury were not hung on any of the verdicts, to any reasonable minded person.
5. The Motion will fail because the rule of law and numerous case law dictates what the defense seeks is not lawful in these circumstances for many and obvious reasons (as any proper and truthful legally minded person would/should know).
6. Yet they continue to waste tax payers money (court time and resources) on unmeritorious Motions, defense’s and arguments, that are never proven or meritorious, and their never ending “blame game” yet with no proof continues … go figure!
