Dan Abrams weighs in on Karen Read trial and jury deliberations

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The judge told jurors in Karen Read murder trial to keep deliberating after deadlock alert Friday
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This case should have never made it to trial given the shoddy investigation.


No evidence points to HER killing him. I can't believe the family wants to convict her only on opinion. That's Not justice. Go after the real murders.


How can Dan Abrams say its a tough/tricky case? If Karen did not go back to where she dropped John off that night, who would have been on the hook? I think the inverted video that was submitted by the State from the police department should have been grounds for a mistrail.


Whoever has been watching this circus from day one has to agree there's no case here.
She's being framed who knows why and so the verdict will have to be NOT GUILTY.
There's no other alternative here for those jurors if they're to be fair.
Otherwise their conscience will traumatize them for as long as they live so I trust they'll do what's right and FREE Karen Read.
Justice for John O'Keefe.


Medical examiner could not state a car hit JOK. 2 other experts said JOK’s injuries are not consistent with a car. Proctor and Canton PD owe the Okeif family an apology. I would never live in that state. Not when their police force shows signs of corruption. Nope.


Dan is great but maybe needs to watch the whole trial… Since when do the Feds give the defense 3000 pages of docs the help in their defense against the state… a little hint


Not Guilty ❤ and never should have went to trial with the corrupt cops and set up! And Pauls family is trash! The nerve of Paul to smart something off to Karen on his way out...how dare he!!!!


Free Karen Read! Trooper Proctor has been fired! Next up is Auntie Bev


And there is also a woman who was set up


John's family knows ....it's very sad when you know your child's peers covered SOMETHING up, if not anything else, but investigating it so contrary to protocol. My bet is, John would have done a better investigation for them than they did them.


I disagree that it’s not a slam dunk. So much reasonable doubt you could drive through it 🤦🏼‍♀️


The fact that people keep saying, "We have to keep the victim in mind" means they are never really keeping the victim in mind and that is why they have to say it. Let's face that fact, first. Plenty of evidence of guilt if you do what you are suppose to do and weigh the circumstantial evidence collectively. The trial showed the pieces, but a jury has to put them together and some folks just can't or don't want to do that.


There is not just one Victim here . There are two . John o keefe and Karen read .


Trooper Proctor REHOMED after the mistrial


Dan of ABC never lets me down .. what a joke .. he is beyond awful


I truly believe Karen is guilty. Not because she hit him hard enough to have injured or killed him, or even hit him at all. But BECAUSE SHE LEFT HIM THERE. 1. Slippery ground, slippery shoes, unsteady on his feet because he was drunk, so he fell. 2. He tried to get up, he was on his knees, possibly hit his head on her bumper, or cut it when he fell back down. Did not get up, again. 3. Did Karen actually see him come out from behind her car & walk (20 or 30 feet) to the Arnolds' house? If she did not see him, WHERE did she think he was? 4. I think she checked, panicked when she saw him (DUI & vehicular homicide) and left him there to freeze to death. Or she felt herself back in to him. He was 6', 200 pounds. HOW do you not feel that? She left, pretty sure she hit him, and now it would be leaving the scene added to DUI & vehicular homicide. 5. She told Johns' sister-in-law over the phone "JOHN IS DEAD"! This was BEFORE she, Jen, and Carrie even went to look for him. 6. She DID say "I hit him", not "did I hit him"? 7. She knew right where to go when they were looking for him. Why didn't she just call the Arnolds' & see if he was passed out on the couch? Because she KNEW they would say he was not there. She absolutely knew where he was. 8. She texted/voice-mailed John over and over and are you" to give herself an alibi. Called her dad three times. 9. NOTHING about John being "beaten to death" in that house UNTIL she was being booked & finger-printed, because she had to come up with another story. 10. For having been beaten to death implies MOTIVE. No motive was established in 8 weeks. NO black eyes on John, no split lip, no bruises all over his face, no cracked ribs, no bloody or cut up knuckles from fighting back, and no broken bones. NO canine DNA. No bloody or torn clothing. 11. She said to Yanetti "I didn't think I hit him that hard". SHE LEFT THAT MAN THERE, KNOWING HE HAD THOSE TWO KIDS AT HOME WHO DEPENDED ON HIM AND LOVED HIM.


Yes! Mistrial! My guess is they will try to negotiate a plea on a lesser charge. OUI and driving with a broken taillight maybe?


If your in a toxic relationship Totally cut it off. Don't end up like John.
