IS PAGANISM RIGHT FOR YOU? || 6 Things to Consider

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In this video I share some things that indicate the Pagan path may be right for you:

1) You love being outdoors
2 ) You enjoy observing the seasons change
3) You believe there is a higher intelligence or force, but you are uncomfortable with the accepted notion of an all powerful, perfect God
4) You want a spirituality that embraces the sacred Masculine & the sacred Feminine
5) You have an interest in ancient civilizations
6) You are uncomfortable with the excessive materialism in the world

Would you add anything to my list? Share in the comments below


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Most religions wouldn’t even bother to ask “is it right for you?” They’d go straight to “this is why it’s right for you”


After watching this video I realized that I was pagan my whole life without even knowing it.


Don't forget a kinship with animals and plants!😁


1) You love being outdoors - Yes! Yes! Yes!

2 ) You enjoy observing the seasons change - I love it and I really enjoy eating seasonally!

3) You believe there is a higher intelligence or force, but you are uncomfortable with the accepted notion of an all powerful, perfect God - Totally! I also think that every living thing on this planet is a piece of that "higher intelligence or force" making each of us divine.

4) You want a spirituality that embraces the sacred Masculine & the sacred Feminine - Yes, as a woman, honoring the sacred Feminine in addition to the sacred Masculine helps me to love and respect myself.

5) You have an interest in ancient civilizations - Yes, especially ancient Egypt and India!

6) You are uncomfortable with the excessive materialism in the world - Yes! The materialism and addiction to screens (phones, computers, VR) totally depress me.


I started researching paganism just randomly last night and it turns out I already always was one. I go for 10 hours walks in the snow outside the city, carve symbols on stones, observe nature and cycles very closely over a long period of time, love astronomy and ancient civilization, study trees/plants/fungi and the physical laws of our universe, learn the habits of local animals, I can interact a little bit better with wild animals than normal people, make sacred places in forests, have close cultural ties to the traditions of my ancestors, value exercise instead of sedentary lifestyle, I am hypnotized by the full moon, I go outside to participate in extreme weather, travel to extreme landscapes, respect the Atlantic Ocean and the Milky Way and have always had trouble explaining this to the people in the big city I live in


I grew up christian, but have never felt connected to it. Everything you've said in this video fits me perfectly. Thank you so much


I have been forced to be a Christian since I was old enough to understand it. I have always been upset about not connecting to it like my sister. Now I am old enough to experiment with religion and I can find somthing that truly fits. Thank you


The earth is our godess
The spirits are her servants
And we are her childre


I am Hindu pagan vedic, I pray every day with nature, blessings for all humen being, om shanti shanti shanti


I’m from Aztec Decent and learned paganism from my grandmother, every pagan I meet in the US has the same main views as me. We are all over ❤️


I've been a practicing Pagan since my mid teens (now 53) and you ticked every box and you're right there is so much more to Paganism and it is different for everyone.
Being kind to every creature, the plants, the environment, appreciating the veil morning mist, the rumbling sounds of thunder and the sereness of evening sunsets, the foods we eat, the clothes we wear and the water we bathe in, it's not just about following a calendar and praying to the full moon, being a Pagan comes from the heart and from within your soul, it's inside you.


I am a Hindu. After listening to you, I feel we are so similar. LOVE FROM INDIA :D


I am a Hindu and even Hinduism has a lot of nature-based aspects to it, given that it is one of the oldest religions and kind of flourished during the time other pagan religions flourished, nature is very much intertwined. I've always loved Paganism and I've been willing to learn more on paganism and incorporate more practises of it. Thank you for the video! Everything resonates and whatever you said forms just as much part of Hinduism! I love the connection here. Makes it feels like that everyone's one and we're all connected by nature.


I was raised Christian but felt so little was mentioned about nature. I've always felt DEEPLY connected to nature and when I felt stressed or overwhelmed in life I would walk the nature trails and stay quiet sitting next to a large gnarly tree (which I felt drawn to since felt had more wisdom) and listen for wisdom. Every time I'm in nature I listen close and connect for wisdom. Also I take my drum with me to the park close my eyes and play what I hear and what energy I feel. BTW...I did this on Spring Equinox 2021.😁


I am 29 and been a Christian my whole life. Grew up in Oklahoma where Christian churches are literally on every corner. I’ve always felt guilty that I haven’t been good enough, always the pressure to be a better Christian and while I do believe it has good things in it, it hasn’t given me purpose or a true spiritual life. It’s just... so much that isn’t working but I’ve been afraid to even look anywhere else. My wife became Norse pagan earlier this year and she just jumped in full force. I feel after what I’m learning it’s time to have courage and give it a chance. Literally everything in this video resonated with me and gave me even more confidence that this is something I need to go for.


I'm from a christian household and just recently started looking into other religeons cause christian isnt one i firmly believe and always had trouble with it. Paganism speaks the loudest I guess? I liked the 6 one about money and success. I've wanted to be a programmer most of the time cause money but recently a friend reminded me my love of archeology as a child and I drifted away from it because people kept telling me it wouldn't work. But now I'm looking more into it cause I love that type of stuff! Learning about our history, about different cultures and beliefs. Makes me feel more connected to the world I guess?


I’m clairvoyant and just wanted to say I saw your aura!! I saw a lovely pinkish violet. Radiates beautifully and brightly!💖


13 years a Christian. Last 3 years a new practitioner of Witchcraft. I am a solitary Witch and work with the Celfic pantheon of gods and goddesses.


This was a really relatable and refreshing look at Paganism. I love the simplicity of just you talking it out, no bells or whistles, no expensive "witchy" items you bought, no extra effects on the video. I've been looking for a deeper, more intellectual approach to this topic that doesn't just emphasize the aesthetically pleasing aspects of the craft. I wanted honesty and truth and you have provided that. Thank you so much! Will be watching more of your videos in the future! :)


Love this! Coming from a religion, that you do NOT resonate with to paganism, there needs to be some sort of healing being done. There are blogs, forums, videos, and social media groups dedicated to this change. It helps to fill yourself with some or all of them and then take what you can relate to your life! Blessed Be.
