5 Differences Between The Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox #catholicism #easternorthodox

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In this episode of the Catholic OCD Podcast, Nick explains the Orthodox religion. What are the differences and similarities between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic?
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Very good and fair balanced observation. Quick note, Orthodox do believe in Divine Simplicity, but not Absolute Divine Simplicity (ADS) that the West teaches.


Thank you for being fair while still stating where you stand.


This was well done and balanced. We can all certainly use more compassion and understanding like this.
-Your Orthodox brother in Christ.


A very fair and balanced rundown of Orthodoxy, IMO. My own opinion is that the West and East will reunite. But it will take another thousand years to mend the wound.

I once joked with my priest about taking communion at my local Catholic church to "save money on gas". He did NOT find it amusing! He said that I worked hard during my Catechumenate, and it would be a shame if I were to be excommunicated so soon. Ouch!


"Now I confidently say that whosoever calls himself, or desires to be called, Universal Priest, is in his elation the precursor of Antichrist, because he proudly puts himself above all others."
- Pope Saint Gregory the Great - defender of Orthodoxy (or as he is known in the Orthodox Church, Saint Gregory the Dialogist; Book VII: Epistle XXXIII


The apostles assumed Moses would continue to be preached in the Synagogues. This meant the Gentile followers were attending Synagogues, not practicing a separate religion apart from Judaism.

21“For Moses from ancient generations has in every city those who preach him, since he is read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”
-Acts 15:21


The Catholic Church recognises that the Orthodox Liturgy is a valid celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass. In contrast, no protestant denomination has Apostolic Succession or valid Sacraments.


"usually have black hair..." That is a really profound difference everyone should know before judging us on the more superficial doctrinal distinctions. Thank you for that...LOL. It is not true BTW, I am bald...


In Matt. 16:18, we are told Jesus will build the "ekklesia" (those who are the called-out ones). The called-out ones here were the "lost sheep of the house of Israel, " not Gentile followers. Please see proof texts below.

5 These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; 6 but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Matt. 10:5

15 “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. 16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church(ekklesia); and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18 Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven."
Matt. 18:15-18
