Excel Magic Trick 1169: Are Items In Row In Master List? Filter & Conditionally Format To Highlight
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See how to Match Ingredients for a Drink with the data base for all drink ingregients:
1. (00:13 minute mark) Problem Setup
2. (00:35 minute mark) MATCH Function to Compare Two Lists: The Row as a Relative Reference and the Master List (Locked Absolute Range). This demonstrates a Function Argument Array Operation, and Array Formula that requires Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
3. (02:36 minute mark) Rap COUNT around MATCH to count how many Matches.
4. (03:10 minute mark) Use COUNTA to count how many items we are searching for and compare it to COUNT result using comparative Operator, Equal Sign
5. (03:40 minute mark) Add IF and COUNTA to check to see when no items have been entered in Master List.
6. (05:15 minute mark) Filter To Filter List
7. (05:40 minute mark) Conditionally Format the Row when a Match is Made.
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