Real Reason Yugoslavia Collapsed

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Yugoslavia. One of Europe’s most complex nations - and one of its largest! From 1918 until the 1980s, it was a diverse European power player, home to countless internal conflicts as well as cultural influences that spread over much of Europe. And today, it simply no longer exists. What happened that completely broke apart the country? Check out today's epic new video to find out!


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Ustase did not use today's Croat flag, they used a flag with first white square on shield, no crown, and an U in the corner.


It's crazy how many people do not know that Yugoslavia never belonged to USSR


There are still demolished buildings in my village where i lived.


In 1877-1878 not just Serbia got its independence Montenegro 🇲🇪 did as well.


"Yugoslavia is a country of six nations, five nationalities, four languages, three religions, two alphabets, but ONE Yugoslav." - Josip Broz Tito. From this speech is clear why Yugoslavia didn’t live after his death


im so glad yall are actually making more diverse videos instead of doomstay nuclear scenerios and ukraine war videos


I am from Bosnia and Herzegowina and my father was alive when tito still ruled and he said that tito was a very good leader and that alot of people cried at his death and i truly think he was a great leader.


The Infographics Show has helped me learn so much, I dropped out of high school last year, and got my GED, but watching these videos have helped me expand my knowledge, love you guys <3 <3


Crazy to think Macedonia was the only country that broke out of Yugoslavia without a drop of blood!


This man teaches me more than my school taught me in 10 years


My Father served as a Canadian Peacekeeper until 92. He had tours during this conflict as he was apart of the Nato force in Europe. I was even born on base in Germany in the 80's. I can't even begin to understand how the people in this area survived. The trauma my father experienced is only a fraction of what the citizens did. I know his experience was very traumatic.. My heart goes to all of those who were affected by this conflict..
Bless you.


The truth is that though our languages are similar, we were never one nation or country to begin with. There are vast cultural differences between us, and have been from our arrival to Europe, and the gap widened with catholic/orthodox split and some of the lands falling into Ottoman hands. It was an idea created in a more "romantic" time, and one without any real basis in reality.


Among the all the Yugoslav countries, there were big differences in ethnicity, culture and development. When Yugoslavia was formed in 1918. Slovenia had a literacy rate of 92%, however countries like Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro about 10% literacy rates. Also Slovenia was part of German kingdoms since Charlemagne days until 1918.


One of the rare times when I can be proud of the politicians of my country Macedonia, gaining indendence without a blood spill. We are on a downwards spiral ever since..but at least the generation of my father was not dragged into pointless war.


When Tito died, the ideology of brotherhood and unity went with it.


Very informative and digestible as always 😀👍 🇲🇰🇸🇪


Thanks so much for this! It's hard to find anything on the history of Yugoslavia, everything I've found so far just focuses on the war and fallout and even in the literary space I couldn't find anything very in depth, the majority of books have little historic context and are written in a way that assumes you already know the complete history. This is the most comprehensive breakdown of Yugoslavia and the build-up to the war I've seen for a while, great stuff.


If I was born 50 years earlier, I would've saved us


There definitely was alot of atrocities during the war. Bosnia was the hardest hit and still to this day there is a lot of tension. The two entities and 3 presidents “deal” was not a good idea as now the country can not progress as the three presidents can never come to an agreement, with one of them holding a referendum nearly every year to secede. I really hope the EU steps in and stops the continuous threat of war still looming this beautiful place.


As someone who was born there but now lives in an egnlish speaking country.... there are so many of mistakes and I really had to watch it twice
Firstly wayyyy back and jumping to Ilirians and then Slavs is just sloppy - Ilirians got wiped by Slavs (or assimilated by 8-9th cent). Olny Ilirians now are from Arbans tribe - todays probably Albanians.
South Slavic federation idea didn't came at 1848 (that was tho the year when most of todays Europian nations came to be) but a bit later from the Croatian side with the so called Ilirian movement. Idea of Serbs Croats and Slovenes only came to be around the end of WW1.
I'll not rant about times before I was born - but:
Yugoslavia was never a Soviet country (actually there was a possibility of Soviets attack Yugoslavia at 1948). In truth Yugoslavia was one of the contries that founded independent movement outside of Nato or Soviet pact (with India and Egipt).
Dayton did't stop the war in Croatia or Slovenia - It stopped the war in Bosnia&Hercegovina - independence of Croatia and Slovenia was won already before
And all of of that Yugoslavia was a federation with constitution where all republics had a right to go their own way
And last and foremost - It was originally created by winners of WW1 to make a strong buffer state to protect south-east wing of Europe. Mixing in 3 different religions and 6 nations into one forced unified nations by a strong power will make havoc down the line
