Easier Tastier Prettier - Hummus

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Hummus is an all-time top-five food for kitchen ROI. Fifty cents and five minutes yield hummus that's ten times better than store-bought. I'm trying out a new series format that lets me walk the line between the easy version of a recipe and the "best" version. (you'll never catch my ass using the B word tho)
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37 seconds and he's already taught us how to make hummus. Most efficient cooking channel around


this guy knows our attention span lmao


Everybody admiring Shaquille's time management skills but nobody asks how is my boi doing. So, how are you doing, my good man?


Instead of water use ice! Produces way smoother hummus (Arab grandma tip). Also, always boil your own chickpeas in big batches because they freeze really well.


Long time viewer, been depressed for years. Just made the easiest version in no less than 5 minutes. Damn that was so simple, quick and delicious. Never buying store one again. Thanks for what you do.


3 methods in less than 3 minutes?!?
Guess I'mma start make homemade hummus even tho I never had it before in my life! THANKS INTERNET SHAQUILLE


had to like when you started talking about hydrophilic dietary fiber and my gastrointestinal wellbeing 😍 yes king


Dude you are murdering it!! Love that... that whole chickpea skin thing gave me an idea 💡


God damnit I literally just made hummus for the first time like 3 days ago and spent like 2 hours peeling the skins off by hand and wishing there was an easier way lol


To add to this for my fellow experimenters who lack Tahini in their local supermarket, but have a coffee/seed grinder at home: It's literally just sesame seeds toasted in a frying pan or oven, grind them and then blend with some olive oil.
Yes, it's a bit messy to prepare, yet also the easiest "exotic sounding ingredient" to make at home. In return you get a nice batch and it can last for ages in the fridge.


What I like about your channel is that you just do what you say you will. You don't talk about a load of nonsense for 8 minutes before the video starts.


Bonus way to elevate a hummus is to buy sesame seeds, toast them and puree them in your processor for homemade tahini. Adds a lot more depth of flavor for very little work, and a bag of seeds is usually cheaper than a jar of tahini.

Lovely video as always!!!


That sumac-raisin- butter-pinenut is ridiculously tasty. Like for real everyone needs to try it.


Holy crap dude. I love watching Brad from Bon Appetit spend 20 minutes making fermented garlic butter, but your straightforward, no bullshit approach is so digestible I finished the video before I even knew it was halfway over! Perfect amount of generally applicable tips, and some more creative stuff like removing the skins with baking soda. Hell, I didn't even know the skins were what made it subpar, but now I get to "wow" anybody I take for Mediterranean food by pretending I found this tip out on my own!

Awesome stuff, instant sub with the bell buddy


From my experience, Smoothness is more dependent upon tahini and water amount, rather than chickpea skin. I like my humus light and creamy. I get it by putting a fair amount of tahini and making it more watery and mixing it for a very long time like, as much as your mixer can survive, but for me it’s 5-8 min. Result isn’t a a ‘watery humus’, but nice lite, creamy humus.
Disclaimer: ‘ watery humus’ means very mildly watery, like a bit more watery than what you imagine as a end result. If it’s too watery, it will not blend well and the best use in that case to use it in an pasta sauce with some dried tomatoes and spinach.


Time to destroy this recipe with Taco Bell Diablo sauce packets


Every other cooking channel besides this guys and Kenji have like a 5 min intro and some drawn out cooking out process. Love the efficiency.


man shaquilles been posting way more than usual, hes finally relevant again


I've been making Hummus almost every week for the last two years and they were already waaaay better than store bought. Once it was so creamy because I peeled them by hand - I'll do your way next time and save some time! Thanks!


To the point! Love it. Good technique I've found is to do what you do with removing the skins but then (separately) blend the juice of two lemons with one head (yes, head) of garlic with the outer skin removed but no need to peel the separate cloves. Then drain the 'matter' (the blended cloves and skins) retaining the lovely light garlic-infused lemon juice. Then add that to the chickpeas+tahini etc. before blending. Gives it such a delicate, light but suggestively garlic flavour without the intensity of direct raw garlic in the mix.
