ANXIETY BURNOUT | ADRENAL FATIGUE | Nervous System CRASH | *Here's How To Heal* ✅

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Nervous system CRASH, Adrenal Fatigue, BURNOUT (symptoms we talk about in this video):

* Involuntary muscle tension
* Internal vibrations, trembling and often muscle twitching 
* Joint aches and pooping due to tense muscles out of fear and a need to protect
* Very low attention span
* Hypersensitivity to all external interactions
* Chronic fatigue and tiredness from simple acts
* Dizziness getting worse through quick eye moments, getting up too fast, or post social interactions 
* An inability to let go and be at ease, there is a necessity to take everything seriously 
* Small things make you irritated 
* A lack of empathy, emotion, love and care towards close friends and family members 
* Constant dramatic mental imagery and mental chatter
* A feeling where life seems like a never ending struggle 
* More mental, emotional, and physical tiredness and less conscious anxiety, however plenty of subconscious anxiety remains

Key mindset for healing: “Lower self, you recover at the time and at the speed that you are comfortable with.”

Key Point: “Healing a nervous system crash (adrenal fatigue and anxiety disorder) must be looked at in a way where you’re subtracting from old habits rather than adding more into your life.

Important points:
- Mindfully be present with your 5 sense more often
- Cut all caffeine out 
- No strenuous exercising
- Distance from highly emotional negative people 

Focus on:
- Holy basil supplementing (mainly for sleep)
- Sleep length and quality, 
- Eating regularly (blood sugar levels fluctuation is a bodily stressor) 
- Nature time

******Comment below on the biggest epiphany you received from this anxiety guy video!******

The voice for anxiety sufferers, Dennis Simsek (The Anxiety Guy) leads others out of an anxiety riddled lifestyle and towards inner peace. Having gone through debilitating health anxiety, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia for years Dennis has found a way through the darkness and back into the light. Now, he is sharing science backed and proven ways to heal anxiety for good.


SOCIAL MEDIA - Connect with Dennis here:


#burnout #adrenalfatigue #anxietyhelp
Рекомендации по теме

Yup... feeling really old... 🤦🏻‍♀️ went from 40 to 85 on 10 Years...


I feel like crying because every single symptom you described is me. Every description of anxiety burnout is me. Every recommendation you gave to recover is exactly what I need to do. It's like you are speaking directly to me. I feel so amazed that what I have is also experienced by others. Most of all, you've made me feel ok about this, instead of constantly being angry with myself for not being able to deal with pressure or obligations. Now I know why. I need to give myself a break and start healing now and be ok with telling people I can't do what they want, I can't be what they want. Dennis, you are life changing. You have taught me more - and things of value - than any other teacher in my entire life.


Sometimes its hard to know if anxiety is causing fatigue or that i am so fatigued i feel anxious. Im 46 no children. Highly sensitive and a lost soul trying to get back to herself after enmeshed family dynamics growing up . I am now facing my aging parents .Father with debilitating stroke and Mother who struggles mentally with anxiety and life in general. I feel completely zapped, drained, depleted . Im surprised im even typing this. Revamped my supplements, trying to sleep more ...but i know the true source is the situation with my family . The history just sucks the life out of me.


Im on my 2nd lifetime burnout... struggling to walk... very immformative. I wish everyone well in there recovery.


I was running and lifting heavy weights which added up to almost 2 hours of exercise per day. It occurred to me that it made me feel absolutely horrible. I am now taking long slow walks with my dog and adding in some gentle Pilates and it feels much more natural in my current state. I have actually lost weight and have less joint pain. I may never go back to that type of exercise as it seems to amp up my already sensitive nervous system. Thanks for everything you do for this community it’s really been a lifesaver for me. This is my second battle with anxiety in my lifetime and your videos and words have been a lifesaver for me.


I was lost in my healing journey.. My inner child started to take control again.. I hope this video will make me remember that I am a warrior


Thanks you for making me realise that I need to take a break and give me mind and body time to heal. So many of us are not even aware our nervous system is fried because we are so used to the feeling for so many years that it becomes the new normal. It’s sometimes hard in our busy city lives with all our screens to give your nervous system a break… I’ve booked a meditation/yoga retreat in nature and leaving my phone on airplane mode during this time. Thanks again for inspiring me to start my healing journey.


I had no idea what was wrong with me until watching your video. This has been THE MOST helpful content i have come across. For the past 2 years I have been a full time carer for my ill mum, working 30 hours a week as well as studying for a bachelor degree at university. A few months ago I experienced an ongoing panic attack (didn't know it was a thing until talking with my Dr afterwards) which lasted over 5 days. I have felt that I was no only straying from my paths but lost my path altogether, and myself with it. So glad I have answers and realistic, helpful tips on recovery. I cannot express how grateful I am for this video. ❤


Excellent video. I’ve been experiencing the trembling. Really notice it at night. My dreams are so strange and scary. I get tossed out of sleep throughout the night.
You nailed the symptoms here. I got out of a toxic work environment due to over stimulation. I set myself up in a healthier environment.
That took a very large amount of energy. And I also deal with a lot of people.
Some days I felt like I was going crazy, running to the washroom every hour.
I had to resort to larazopam to get me through.
Now that I’m more or less settled, this video is exactly what I needed to hear today.
I don’t plan on removing my body from my bed this weekend 😄😄thanks Dennis. You’re the best.


I am recovering/TRYING to recover. I find that if someone talks too much or at a louder volume my head starts spinning and I have to get away from them :( I lost 30 pounds and now I WANT to eat but my head can't seem to think of what I want to eat and I'm not able to go to the store for myself yet. I don't feel much like cooking. I do eat quite a bit each day but feel like it's "empty" food. I liked the way you said to tell our inner child to recover at the speed and time IT thinks is best. I hope you know how much you are helping so many people!


After experiencing burnout multiple times, I've observed a consistent pattern. I can recognize its impending arrival when I exhibit all the symptoms mentioned in the video. At that point, I realize it's time to slow down. However, when I do slow down, it typically takes about a week for the anxiety to intensify before I inevitably hit a profound crash. My body essentially gives in, and I find myself utterly exhausted and mentally drained. During this phase, I tend to sleep excessively and essentially do nothing for around a week. It often takes me another week or more of vacation from work and life in general before my energy starts to return.

I recognize the importance of learning how to manage burnout more effectively and prevent myself from reaching this extreme state. Nevertheless, after 35 years of experiencing this cycle, I understand that change will take time.


This video came at the exact right time for me. Now I understand the joint pain, tired legs, and trembling are related to anxiety burnout. Thank you, Dennis!


This is profound! All these times I have worked harder and harder to try and 'fix' my anxiety. This makes so much sense.


Finally someone who understands what we going through ❤


It’s super interesting to me how I can do amazing for weeks and months and then hit this burnout with no warning at all. I had a great week last week. However I am a doer and I love to pack my days with things that make me feel productive. Sometimes I wonder it this sets me over. Either way, listening and taking all the information in to get back on track. Much love to you Dennis, you honestly you have been so helpful.


Another big realisation moment, i have been doing the surrender sessions and it helped alot with my anxiety symptoms, so i felt better and as a result trained harder, and started running. these just made me feel worse again. This video made me realise what is happening because you just named all of my symptoms so accurately its just what i needed. thank you again. ill order some holy basil right away.


Oh my gosh this is me ALL OF IT. I’ve made great progress recently but i pushed too hard this last week and a lot of this resurfaced. I’ve been burned out for the last few years and finally starting to give back to myself


I'm suffering Burnout at the moment due to 4 years of high anxiety and symptoms! Finally let the anxiety drop properly and now crashed into Burnout. Unfortunately this has sparked more anxiety! What a rollercoaster!


This is me right now. Struggling to see what are real symptoms and what is the anxiety. The internal trembling, heart palpitations and numb limbs which sends me down a dark rabbit hole. Will be rewatching a few of these vids. Thank you so much


Thank you for this precious information. I had no idea what was wrong with me till I seen your videos 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
