Suunto Vertical vs Garmin Fenix 7 (& FR 965) - Can Suunto Keep Up?

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Suunto Vertical vs Garmin Fenix 7 (& FR 965) - Can Suunto Keep Up?

00:00 Start
00:16 Overview
00:52 General Differences - Watch
03:33 Wellness Differences
05:33 Training Differences
07:35 App General Differences
07:59 App Wellness Differences
09:42 App Training Differences
12:20 Summary
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Garmin has a huge amount of customisation and Information available, but at the end of the day most people will not use 80% of the features available on the Garmin...or even understand the metrics.
I am from NZ..we have an extremely variable climate, and very rugged terrain.
Design, simplicity, ease of use, battery life and build quality are super important..and that's where the vertical wins out for me.
All the the extra stuff you can get on the just nice to have.
That's it..

When you are in the middle of nowhere and the elements are not in your favour and you need a tool watch, simpler is sometimes better.
Cheers from NZ


Ambit 3 peak and now suunto 9 baro titanium. Dificult to upgrade with the current suunto options but hard core brand fan. Garmin is very attractive choice as well as Coros. As I get older reliabitiy is becoming a factor. Thanks for your video. Cheers from México.


Since the Suunto Vertical firmware updates of late, it would be interesting to hear your take on the differences again…
The Vertical now offers more customisation of the menus/widgets, HRV analysis and a snappier interface, to mention some.

I do appreciate that GARMIN offers everything, but how much of that do you actually need?

Keep up the good work!


For me as a 100mile runner chooseing Suunto Vertical is a no-brainer, that i dont need to recharge my watch is a huge thing while im at 50hour+ race


I have Both the Suunoto and Garmin, although different versions ( Transverse / Garmin Fenix 7 ). I can tell you right now, given the choice of the GPS accuracy and widgets, there is no comparison . I did Ski Patrol for seven years volunteer out west in BC, not one single member of our teams ever yelled to another ( OMG, you know, just when i needed a widget to tell me how many steps until I hit the next Starbucks shack was ever uttered ) Please, add-on's for people who are add-on's ! Suunoto wins if I need to place myself within 2-3 meters of exact positions, Garmin, definitely has a better resolution and tracks better than a bread crumb trail, also response time for accurate heart rates and blood oxygen levels are good with the Garmin. Again, highly useless compared to the equipment we carried but hey . "I tell you I climbed Mount Everest, with only this watch and a roll of duct-tape ", "please". LOL ...


I think you are spot on these differences. Suunto should copy some Garmin training readiness etc. features and maybe Garmin also could update their layout for all the data they offer (and maybe take a look what Suunto is doing on that. AND make an option on the app to change the backround to white, when on my opinion it's much more easier to read) 😅

Other thing, could you please help me with one thing? 😅 Your battery on Vertical seems to be running out. My Vertical, when battery is low, like under 10%, it seems to stop vibrating on alarms or anything else that should be vibrating. When charged, it starts to work again. No battery saving mode is on, restart doesn't help... Would it be possible you to test, does your Vertical still vibrate (if you still have 7% battery left)? 😅😂 missed an alarm alredy twice because of this 🤬 and wondering is it another bug or is it just my watch...


For me, Suunto usually wins because I prefer long battery life and cheap price.

Other than that, the watch must have accurate GPS. HR does not have to be accurate as I have a chest sensor. Everything beyond this (in terms of software) I don't really need.


Garmin's understanding of accelerometer movements are far ahead of Sunnto's. this applies to Swimming Strokes recognition, Steps counting and possibly other areas im not considering here. Also the ability to create custom swimming workouts, adding drill lengths etc does not exist on any suunto products. Running & Trail Running they are probably very similar, I had great gps tracks with Suunto S9Peak, so I imagine the GPS Tracks for the Vertical with its multiband should be equal to Fenix 7's Multiband tracks. there are many nuances where Garmins just excel
e.g not limited too:
Ability to store multiple Sensors,
Ant+ and Bluetooth smart,
connecting to other machines via watch (concept 2 PM5) lots of Bike Trainers etc.


Year 2023, I'm still used garmin fenix 5x plus, .


I have the Ambit 3 peak and I so wanted the Vertical to be the new upgrade. But it looks like the 7X just for the better maps.


Minimal : Suunto : Nokia
Maximum : Garmin : Android


The Suunto also looks cooler. Garmin needs to update its look.


I am happy to get back to suunto after around 10 years with a boring and unintuitive Garmin Descent Mk1, but I discover with bad surprise there is still not a GPS navigation functionnality ! (navigation, not a straight virtual line). when I wished to change route to come back, I selected "Return to start" and either - make the same route back - or navigate : fastest, shortest, with or without trails - then just follow the watch just like you car GPS does.
Still not available on Suunto Race or Vertical ???? Here I'm somehow


The Suunto can do the laptime and autolap time at the same time. When I ask a garmin's fan about this they pretend to be stupid and say it is not important. In The Garmin, during running u push a lap time the autolap measure from that laptime. What an idiot thing is this. Shame of the Garmin. learn from Suunto a little bit. But they can count ur paratroops jumps. Congratulation. OMG.


Most of the video is about how did you sleep, those watches are for outdoor people not dude that run after work, from other watches they differ with grate GPS, maps and battery life. If you whant your wach just to track your training, you have to be mad to spend that kind of money for watch! About solar if you don't work outside as a mountain guide how can you test it? in your office?


Hola estaba buscando una comparativa como esta pero he de decir que para ser sincero no me sirvió porque creo que depende de lo que busques en ellos te será util o no, me refiero que no se habla de aspectos importantes para mi, como la carga solar, como funciona realmente en uno y otro, la batería en una prueba real, la precision del gps, la precision de los mapas, las alertas de detección de lluvias( que su unto si tiene), como funciona la brújula y su precisión, el barómetro y demás sensores. Te agradezco tu comparación y tu trabajo pero creo que estos relojes se enfocan a la aventura, a las carreras largas, a la montaña alpinismo no solo a su utilización diaria como cualquier banda o similar.Yo creo que se deberia hacer un anailis mas profundo de otras cosas. Pero ante todo gracias por tu trabajo eso que quede claro pero sigo con las mismas dudas sobre el verdadero potencial. a demásá hay una cosa sobre garmin que no me gusta y es que da muchiiiisimos parámetros pero me gustaria saber a cuanta gente le da por mirar tanatas cosas, yo corro ultras y monto en bici y al final siempre utilizo los mismos 4 parámetros, no quiero decir que este mal tenerlos pero de verdad miras todos los dias que tal duermes por horas, y su profundidad y tal? respecto a los entrenamientos garmin es mejor eso deguro pero para entrenos de gente muy profesional a los demás creo que nos sobran la mitad de las cosas incluso llega a confundirnos.
Solo queria dejar esta reflexión por mi parte, y madar un saludo

Hello, I was looking for a comparison like this but I have to say that to be honest it did not help me because I think it depends on what you are looking for in them whether it will be useful or not, I mean that they do not talk about important aspects for me, such as solar charging, how it really works in one and the other, the battery in a real test, the accuracy of the GPS, the accuracy of the maps, the rain detection alerts (which your unit does have), how the compass works and its accuracy, the barometer and other sensors. I appreciate your comparison and your work but I think that these watches are focused on adventure, long runs, mountain not just for daily use like any band or similar. I think that A deeper analysis of other things should be done. But first of all, thank you for your work, that is clear, but I still have the same doubts about the true potential. Furthermore, there is one thing about Garmin that I don't like and that is that it gives a lot of parameters but I would like to know how many people look at so many things, I run ultras and ride a bike and in the end I always use the same 4 parameters, I don't want to To say that it is bad to have them, but do you really look every day at how you sleep for hours, and its depth and such? Regarding Garmin training, I'm sure that's better, but for the training of very professional people, I think the rest of us have half of the things left over and it even confuses us.


Good day, I have not been able to solve this question with these watches. Which one generates rain alert notifications better and does not depend so much on the phone or which one do you recommend for these rain notifications that has an altimeter and receives phone notifications such as calls and messages?


Better buy Suunto vertical titan solar or fenix 7 pro for now ?


I also think that Garmin Fenix 7's screen is too dark to read. I know it is a MIP screen, but I think the brightness of Fenix 7 is the same as my Fenix 3.


Can you have music saved on Suunto and listen without phone?
