Setting The Record Straight: Introducing...

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Setting The Record Straight is a new series of short, family history-themed videos presented by Dave Annal of Lifelines Research.

The idea behind Setting The Record Straight is to share some of my genealogical research experiences with you. One of my main aims is to highlight some of the problems with the databases provided by the big commercial genealogical websites. There’s a lot that’s good about them but they often fall well short of the standards which we, as paying customers, really deserve. And when they do, we need to expose their failures and shortcomings. I feel strongly about this and examples of what I call REALLY BAD DIGITISATION will be a recurring theme of these videos.

But it won’t - I promise! - be all about me getting up on my soapbox and having a moan. I also want to use these videos to look at new online releases and to share tips and suggestions to make your research smarter and more effective. And I want to spend some time exploring some of my favourite websites.

The plan is to release at least one new episode of Setting The Record Straight every week. Watch this space...
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Look forward to seeing these and learning from you Dave.


Just found you via Lost Cousins. Thanks to Peter.


Best of luck, Dave, looking forward to your episodes, plenty of material to be set straight!
