Repair | Surface Laptop 5

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Surface Laptop 5 has replaceable components to enable repair. Watch Sierra demonstrate how to take the device apart with minimal tools.

Microsoft recommends that you seek professional assistance for device repairs and that you use caution if undertaking ""do it yourself"" repairs.

0:00 – Introduction
1:12 – Removing feet
1:55 – Removing keyboard assembly
2:41 – Removing SSD
3:19 – Removing display assembly
4:38 – Removing thermal module
5:27 – Removing Surface Connect Port
6:11 – Removing motherboard
7:36 – Removing audio jack
7:44 – Removing speakers
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I don't own a surface laptop 5, but I always enjoy watching tear down videos. For self-repairs.


It feels so good to see the company providing official info on how to open and repair the devices. Makes everything clear for the users, about the components and the system in general. Most of the time the info is made by some random user online or forums. I hope Microsoft can keep giving the user the power to own their products and build trust. I bought a Surface 1 or 2 years ago and I'm very happy with Its performace, I hope I can see some more videos to learn more about my PC and other devices. I agree with some other comments, the way some components are placed make it very difficult to access or replace them, but hopefully things will change in the future.


I hope that Microsoft can teach other manufacturers to adopt this method of opening up the device. Almost all PC manufactures have you opening from the bottom and getting to the keyboard is such a pain because you have to literally take out everything just to reach the keyboard. This method here is so simple and effective


I'm glad to see Microsoft heading in the right direction, unlike Apple.


Do you also provide replacement parts for the Laptop 5 ?


Thank you for finally making the device repairable!


hum hum ... the battery is still glued down ? it's nice, you make good efforts.. but the most important thing is still missing. an easily replacable battery. the device could be a few millimeters thicker and the battery could be screwed in and easily taken out and replaced. but noooo .... and the rubber feet -_-
Also, I have a surface laptop 5. coming from a surface book.
Is it a bug or a feature, that the surface laptop 5 display can't dim and that lowest brightness is way stronger than on surface book ?
Can it be fixed in software ?


Props to your engineering team for the effort, the first gens were pretty nasty to un-glue! This is an outstanding reversal!


This video is amazing, is really good to see microsoft being this transparent publishing these kind of info. Thanks.


"fully disassembled" *battery is still present inside of the laptop* literally the one thing in the laptop that is guaranteed to die in 5 or less years is still glued in. the only "change" from this laptop as compared to others such as the surface book gen 1 is now the back cover is now easily removable. besides that, the surface book gen 1 is equally as "serviceable." Last i remember, you can easily replace a battery in a new mac book. there is literally no compelling reason to purchase a surface product; not price competitive, not repairable, awful hardware reliability, and buggy and broken software. i've had two different surface books and both of the batteries died within 4 years.


Hello !
Your video is very clear concerning the tear down but I still don't understand where can we find components (what is called FRU or CRU in your microsoft service guide) to change the one which doesn't work ?
Thank you


Would love to see the field replaceable wifi card, ssd m.2 2280 and sodimm slots available through off the shelf products and no whitelisted products. M.2 2230/42 SSD are hard to source and very expensive


This is a game changer, great job designing the laptop for repair and thank you for providing the video.


Good job.
Is the display from Surface Laptop 5 the same as the Luptop 6?


Great Video!. I have a question about Surface Laptop 4 keyboard replacement... Is it possible to replace the alcantara keyboard for a metal one? My model is 1958.


Great video. Like to see videos like this as it pushes right to repair content.


Bravo Microsoft! publishing a guide on how to repair its equipment. When a company is proud of the guts of their equipment and want to share what they know it usually means they've done a good job engineering. I've mostly given up on Apple due to their hostile behavior against repair-ability [e.g. planned obsolescence of phone O/S forcing you to scrap your phone, not providing reasonable cost replacement parts and preventing shops from importing aftermarket ones etc..] Until proven otherwise, their recent repair-ability marketing is just lip service on the pig of indifference.


It would be nice if I could find a battery for the surface laptop 4.


After 1 year of using this device i have to say, it is my best laptop ever. Changed from DELL XPS15 4K before. It is super fast, lightweight. The only thing because i searched for repair is, because in summer it is overheating sometimes and cpu is clocking down to 0.6 ghz.


Can we increase the ram for surface 5?
