The 'good enough' life choice : Derek Sivers at TEDxTaipei 2012

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Translated into Chinese, Traditional by Paul Lai • Reviewed by Yun Liu

原本擁有音樂人和小丑身分的他,在1998年創設CD Baby,而一舉成名。CD Baby 是 1998 年一場意外的結晶,當時他在自己的網站上販賣 CD,友人問他可否也代售他們的 CD,後來,CD Baby 成爲網絡上最大的獨立音樂賣家。2008 年,他將 CD Baby脫手轉而專注於其它新事業及爲音樂人謀福利,包括他的新公司 MuckWork,主打由一支有效率的團隊助音樂人處理他們認爲"沒創意的苦活"。他正在改變音樂買賣的方式。音樂人的救星。音樂企業的最後幾位民族英雄之一。他曾多次站上TED的舞台,累計超過5百萬的點閱率。

Originally a professional musician and circus clown, Derek Sivers created CD Baby in 1998.
It became the largest seller of independent music online, with$100M in sales for 150,000 musicians.
In 2008, Derek sold CD Baby for $22M, giving the proceeds to a charitable trust for music education.
He is a frequent speaker at the TED Conference, with over 5 million views of his talks.

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"Good enough" is the best word for those who tend to seek the "perfect choice" in the life.


"If you learn that life has no meaning, you will do whatever you want"


I can't tell whether this guy is literally a genius or just the best I've ever seen at giving a ted talk. There's probably a difference


This is certainly one of the best TED talks I've listened to! It's such a pity that not many people have listened to this. I think the main point is that you are the one who create meanings to everything, including your own life. Once you realize this, you can be free from looking at your life based on the eyes of others, or society in general. It's your personal choice. Time is under your control if you allow it to be. Memories matter. And so do communication. Follow your heart and let's see where it leads you to be. :)


True self is without form, Meaning of life is to experience.


In Russia Quality means that something is performing its original function despite being quite old. It doesn’t mean new, it doesn’t mean without scratches. Quality performs beyond its lifespan, it’s not obvious at first sight.


Always love your talks Derek! Inspirational!


Why is it that the best ted talks are those that are 20 minute long and are also the least viewed??


Nurturing your followers is a sure way to make sure that more people feel comfortable joining your team or movement. People want to feel safe and included, but they also don’t want to stand out and most times, they do not want to start the movement. This is where the leader’s role becomes so important. They are the first ones to start doing it. “It” may vary depending on the activity, but leaders are the first ones to put themselves out there and risk embarrassment. Going along with leaders' nurturing aspect, they also must make sure that their first few followers feel comfortable entering into what they are doing. The leader needs to guide them on how and potentially even why they are doing what they are doing. Leaders are meant to be a guiding presence and once enough people join in and start adding to the movement, the leader’s role becomes less important. Their role is more about facilitation than showing people what to do. Leaders then move to keeping everyone on the same page and acting in the appropriate manner. They make sure that the idea, movement, team, etc. does not stray from their original idea. This new role is just as important as nurturing their followers in the beginning.


Many have said what a great talk this is.
I agree!
Derek is tossing each of us the key to the jail where we are holding ourselves in bondage to our projections that don’t actually exist!!


Fantastic talk! Life has so much meaning and yet no meaning other than what you project onto it, so you can do whatever you want. Well worth watching!


I loved this. When you go to the Talking Heads, I knew then I was going to hear something really astounding. Because I've been listening to them since The Big White Suit and trying to make sense. This made more to sense to me than just about anything I've read or heard in years. Life really does have no meaning. Except what I want it to mean!


I'm going to have to keep watching this once every year minimum.


i think, "Life is a game we cannot quit, and the goal of the game is to max a self-value."


I really enjoy your website and the synopsis of books you love. Looking forward to reading your work!


原來人生根本沒有意義,just do anything your want ~ nobody care, nobody know, just enjoy now.


What he is saying is common sense but I've never thought about these things


No time and choise for everything!
Time and choise imply división!!


I’m a big fan of Derek and a Korean who lives in Japan. But I do not understand the part about “quality” at all. Quality = 質 (a degree of excellence) is the only definition we use in Korea and Japan.


Loved the message. Re-examining what I have let become the meaning and what is stopping my unused potential. I wonder what the notes from the top of the chair were for. He didn’t explain that part.
