Her 85-year-old grandpa is living his best life 😂

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(via @olivia_schipper)
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grandpa fr just did a backflip. Not even I could do a backflip.


This is how he got to 85. Living life. Good for him


God bless you, iam 82 and have forgotten how to swim


Back in my day we swam in nothing but puddles 👴🏻


I hope I could to that when I'm that age, I'm almost 66 and I hurt everywhere, getting old isn't for pussies, take care of your body when your still young. I played sports in school and if I could take it back I'd never played football, the weekend after a game I was mostly bed ridden, my body was beat up so bad I couldn't move. I have spinal problems, and pinched nerves in my neck after school was over I had some very physical jobs. I was a route salesman for Pepsi cola from 78 to 85, and that's back when they had returnable bottles and I moved about a thousand return bottles a day full ones and then empty ones and I spent about four hours a day sorting out empty bottles in the Sun, in 85 I started delivering freight which was a much more easier job but it was still quite physical going in and out of trailers loading tires up throwing tires out pushing a hand truck all over the place just freight is whatever you have to deliver it was everything, but they were only 5 to 10 minutes stops wasn't like I was there for 3 or 4 hours unloading three or 400 cases of Pepsi completely different kind of work so much easier, well while I was working at Pepsi I had gotten married and had three children born in 87 88 and 92 a boy and two girls, I also bowled from 1975 until 2010 in 1994 I fell out of the back of a trailer and tore up my right knee, my knees fine but the fall I took fractured my spine in four different places. I also bowled, from 96 until 2010 I was one of the best amateur bowlers in the nation, the only sport that I truly loved doing. My spine so messed up there's no way I could bowl anymore I bowled in tournaments on the weekend and two leagues during the week I put all three of my kids through college from bowling I bought them cars and did what a dad had to do so they could be more successful than me. The doctor said they did all they can actually do for me. And for me just to take it easy and try and live the easiest life I could, it's not that easy to do on a fixed income that's half of what I used to make when I worked, the last 19 years I worked for sysco foods as a shuttle driver, I just hooked up a set of trailers and drove them a hundred miles and hooked up to a set of full trailers loaded with food and brought them back and then I turned around and did it again, 400 miles a night and all I had to do was hook and unhook trailers and then drive. the driving part was the easiest part it was the best part I listened to audiobooks all night long I have over 2, 000 stories in my head. But even that job took its toll on me I started pinching nerves in my neck and in my shoulder blades I've had three surgeries and a lot of metal in my body. In 2018 I pinched a nerve and I lost the use of my right leg, when the doctors saw my x-rays they retired me at 61 years old and I've had two surgery since then, all the surgeries really did was to help me walk again they didn't take away all the problems I have with my spine, I know I went on way too long for this but my only thing is I wanted to tell everyone was to be kind to your bodies when you're younger cuz when you get older things change and they're not for the better, if I hadn't played football and if I had n't had to fall I had in 1994 out of the back of a trailer, I'd still be bowling and I probably have around 250 perfect games, I had 144 when I retired in 2010. I still had to work and after bowling the following day I could barely walk. If There's any young moms and dads out there don't let your sons play football. I I had some games where I didn't get hurt at all and I had a lot of fun but then the other times I was running for my life I was a quarterback and some of the bigger schools had much bigger players much faster players and I took a beating I was a baseball player playing football I should have just stuck with the baseballl


Hey He deserved it! Let him live his best life!!!


I can’t even do a backflip I’m too scared 😭😭😭


This is the time to just do it. Whatever IT is!


That backflip is exactly how I do them. The little 180 into it. Amazing. I hope I can still do this stuff at 85 lol


That diving board board had like, zero snap to it.


I wanna be able to do that, at 85 years...😁😁


My young ass couldn’t even backflip, your grandpa is a real g


Imagine if they had an actual diving/spring board. Man, u would never get gramps out tha water




Love to see him having fun but I don’t think his body is meant to move like that anymore 😂😂💀


That's what's called stain and shape go Grandpa


If I ever get that old I wanna be able to do that too (chances are I go sooner though lol half my family was gone by 60)


That's sad my grandma isn't even 85 and she can barley walk 😪
