AITA for not allowing my daughter to join me?

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NTA. You Have The Daughter All Week And Plan Smth For Her And You And Prob The Family As Well While You ONLY Get The Weekends With YOUR OWN SON! She Is Just Jealous That You Both Are Having Fun Without Her


NTA. If the girl was your biological daughter, you'd still be going off with your son for daddy/son activities. She gets her mother/daughter and stepfather/stepdaughter activities, and she gets more of them than the boy does. Maybe phrase it in a way to SHOW (or drive home with the proverbial sledgehammer) that she is getting more of you than your son gets, and it's only fair that she's not invited to these outings. After all, this boy isn't around when she gets her outings.


NO! You need to spend ALONE TIME WITH YOUR SON!


I think the mom could have taken advantage of that and planned a activity for her and her daughter and you both would be happy


NTA. Both children get one on one time. She has no right to steal his time from him.

Do NOT allow your jealous wife and her brat to push you out of your son's life.


Good for you for carving out specific time to nurture your relationship with your son. This is prime time.

Later, with finals and dating, one-on-one time may be harder to come by. You are literally investing in your future together.

Wife needs to step back. Step daughter needs to learn to respect other people's boundaries.


NTA. As a child of divorced parents, feeling distanced from one parent isn’t uncommon, and Im sure it’s worse when one parent remarries to someone who has a whiny child like that.


Nope. No. Nada. She has to learn it isn’t about her.


Not the ahole....each kid deserves their own time


Not the A.H. you an son deserve own time together. There is no competition!
Tell your wife n step daughter that they need t just accept the situation - otherwise you will cease t support your step-daughters extra activities! That should help them realise true perspective!


Watch how quick he stops coming to see you and stops opening up to you if you allow your step daughter to get her.
She needs a kick up the arse back to reality.


I used to make 4 “dates” a year with each of my 3 kids. Nobody was allowed to join the dates. Not my husband or my other kids or the kid’s friends. They were just mom and one kid. They are some of my fondest memories.


If your step-daughter wants to do something big like camping, then you should plan a family camping trip - in addition to the camping trip you take your son on. I can see why a kid would want to do an activity like that and feel like just going out for ice cream or a movie is not the same, even if it happens more often. For small stuff, it is fine to have separate time with your son. It's also fine to have some big things on your own with your son. But if every big thing is just your son, and your SD wants to do those same activities, then I can see why she's upset.


Those are father-son trips. no invading your special time with your son.❤


Nta, even if they were bio siblings, I think it is important to spend one on one time with them. You get a better chance of really connecting with them because they might not feel as comfortable opening up around siblings.


NTA that private father and sin time is important!


Nta just say that it's a boys day


NTA, girls need more time than boys. the weekend is enough to catch up with him. 5 days is enough for her.


Nta, but maybe consider that your stepdaughter might want to spend time with your son, not just you. You do stuff with your daughter, and I get that you and your son need time just the two of you to focus on him, but if she wants a relationship with your son I personally think you should try and help accommodate that if possible.


NTA. I can thing of three possible explanations.

1. She's jealous because her weekends aren't as fun. In this case, maybe you could suggest a big fun activity when the schools are out and you can take a day or two off.

2. She feels threatened by her step-brother. She is young and, from what I gathered, an only child, so it's normal. It's nothing that a heart-to-heart and some quality time with her step-brother wouldn't fix.

3. She's spoilt, used to getting her way. If that's the case, you need to have a serious talk with your new wife and to set your boundaries with her. You shouldn't have to be the bad stepdad for actually parenting the girl.
