World History: The Rise of the Civilizations

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World History: The Rise of the Civilizations, Hunter/Gatherers, Neolithic Revolution, Sumerian Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Mesopotamian Civilizations, Sinic Civilization, Indus Civilization, Andean Civilizations, Aegean Civilization, Mesoamerican Civilizations, Greek Civilization, Hindu Civilization, Iranian Civilization, Etruscan Civilization, North African Civilization, Hebrew Civilization, Hellenistic Civilization, Latin Civilization, Korean Civilization, Japanese Civilization, Arabian Civilization, Ethiopian Civilization, Greco-Roman Civilization, Caucasian Civilization, Germanic Civilization, Celtic Civilization, Tibetan Civilization, Central Asian Civilization, South East Asian Civilization, Mongolic Civilization, Western Roman Civilization, Perso-Arabic Civilization, North West European Civilization, East European Civiliation, Nubian Civilization, Indigenous North American Civilization, Indigenous South American Civilization, Sub-Saharan African Civilization, Papua Civilization, Aboriginal Civilization, Pacific Ocean Civilization, Arctic Civilization

Ignosi - Kevin MacLeod
Final Battle of the Dark Wizards - Kevin MacLeod
A Tale of Vengeance - Aakash Gandhi

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Final Battle of the Dark Wizards by Kevin MacLeod
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Man, this is excellent! This is probably (one of) the best videos you've ever made so far! I always wanted to see how hunter humans finally shifted to pastoralist, then farming, and finally civilised lifestyles! (In my opinion, we were examining plants and bovines for hundreds or thousands of years before 8000 BCE and were doing selective breeding for them--which lead to their domestications. Also, life as hunters probably made us use "less" of our brains in technology and thinking so this change probably initiated the continuous rapid advancement of humanity in these last 10, 000 years.)


There are 6 cradles of civilization: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, the Indus, the Andes and Mesoamerica


It's amazing how the Kuk Swamp was used for farming 8000 years ago but now the densely, forested primitive region is Hunter-Gatherer like


Excellent job! This is the kind of a thing that you can watch for hours!


Congratulations from Turkey Costas. Such a great job.


3:19 the music adds a new instrument as north america magically goes from hunter gatherers to farmers lol


Nice concept, would be awesome to see some outline for that particular model of civilizations.


Great video and probably reason I subscribed. Civilizations can come and go in an instant within the long stretch of time! ;-)


How exactly do you define Eastern European, Northwestern European, Western Roman, and Greco-Roman civilizations in the twenty-first century?


This is a well-done video, but I would include Gaul and the Pueblo civilization in North America, as well as the various city-states of southern Nigeria and Benin, which had advanced iron working as well as some of the most technically complex bronze working techniques known anywhere before the 20th century (Igbo-Ukwu, Benin City, Nri, Ile-Ife, Oyo, Abomey/Dahomey, etc.), unless the main determining factor is writing rather than city building, which to me seems surprising. In any case, it's not entirely clear that the whole area of the Andean civilization presented in the video actually had a writing system before 600 CE (the WarI). Even then, what you have in the Andean civilization are the quipu, which have never been deciphered in any of their forms, so it's unclear exactly what is written on them beyond numeric values, or even what the exact meaning of the numeric values is (some believe the numeric values are actually representing stories or reports in some cases, using the numeric patterns as a kind of language, while others think the quipu are mostly just accounting information and similar, with a few place-names and similar "titles" also encoded through numbers, as I understand the current state of the ongoing controversy). At the very least, if the city-building cultures in Gaul, Oasisamerica, southern Nigeria and Benin, are not "civilizations" they certainly are something more than nomads/pastoralists or "farmers." Maybe there should be an additional category called "non-literate, technologically advanced heavily specialized and urbanized city-builders"?


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Some of these seem a bit vague. Like, is there really such a thing as a unified aboriginal civilization? Or an arctic civilization? It started off great, but as time progressed, some of these "civilizations" turned very "catch-all".


I commented before the re-upload about discrepencies for the Subsaharan Africa region, as well as whole swathes of civilizations not accounted for. Hope it gets added soon, because as of now there are pastoralists in places where farmers were already well established for many millennia; as well as no centers of civilization when there absolutely were, other than "Egyptian, Nubian, Ethiopian, and North African" alone, such as Tichitt-Tagant, Nok-Sokoto-Katsina, Gajiganna-Sao, etc.


Well done humans, we really came long way . Long live humanity 🙏


It's interesting and funny that 4 East Asian civilizations are standing together. Mongol, korea, japan, china


That's pretty neat but some glaring errors. Hallstadt(early Celts) pre-dates Rome, NA farming was much widespread, West Coast NA had settlements with farming and fishing permanent towns long before Rome.


Good job! A question: would the Byzantine Empire be Christian Orthodox civilization or a continuation of the Greek civilization?


love the sound when kingship descended from heaven


Papua going straight to farming. Ain't got time for no pastoralism.


This is one top videos on YouTube. You will have more subscriptor
