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RxJava has been taking the Android world by storm. There is not a single API in Android that doesn’t have a RxJava wrapper available. Yet the steep learning curve and the overly simplistic examples available can make it hard to grasp the real benefit of RxJava. Many developers are left with questions like:
- Do I really need RxJava if my API responses don’t require mapping and filtering operations?
- Most of my features are simple, is it worth it to implement an RxJava based architecture for simple features?
In this talk we will briefly introduce RxJava and the most important concepts. Next we will look at how you would implement a basic feature in an Android app and we will closely look at the additional benefits that RxJava will provide other than just basic mapping and filtering of data. You will see how threading turns into an afterthought instead of an upfront design decision and the impact this will have on the overall architecture of your app.
- Do I really need RxJava if my API responses don’t require mapping and filtering operations?
- Most of my features are simple, is it worth it to implement an RxJava based architecture for simple features?
In this talk we will briefly introduce RxJava and the most important concepts. Next we will look at how you would implement a basic feature in an Android app and we will closely look at the additional benefits that RxJava will provide other than just basic mapping and filtering of data. You will see how threading turns into an afterthought instead of an upfront design decision and the impact this will have on the overall architecture of your app.
Managing State with RxJava by Jake Wharton
3: RxJava Observables: Completables, Singles, Maybes, Observables, Flowables -- RxJava Masterclass
Android reactive programming with RxJava by Ivan Morgillo
Introducing RxJava into a Spring Boot REST API
4: RxJava Observables in Action: Completables, Singles, Maybes -- RxJava Masterclass
RxJava Android Tutorial : 1 Introduction
Exploring RxJava 2 for Android • Jake Wharton • GOTO 2016
6 Techniques for Unit Testing with RxJava
Mastering RxJava Filter Operators: Filter, Take, Skip & More! 🚀
Functional Reactive Programming with RxJava • Ben Christensen • GOTO 2013
Observables and Observers with RxJava and RxAndroid
2: RxJava Anatomy: Observables, Operators, Schedulers, Subscribers -- RxJava Masterclass
🚀 RxJava in Legacy Projects (Tomasz Nurkiewicz)
1: Project Setup -- RxJava Masterclass
Modern app programming with RxJava and Eclipse Vert.x - Thomas Segismont
KotlinConf 2017 - RX Java with Kotlin in Baby Steps by Annyce Davis
RxJava and RxAndroid for Beginners
RxJava Android Tutorial : 3 Simple RxJava Example
RxJava - Observable, Flowable. Полный обзор. Часть 1. [RU, Android] / Мобильный разработчик...
RxJava и основы реактивной разработки [GeekBrains]
Transformation Operators in RxJava
RxJava Android Tutorial : 4 Concurrency and Multi-threading With Schedulers
RxJava: простыми словами о сложном (by Alexey Bykov)
Create, Just, Range, Repeat - RxJava Operators