4: RxJava Observables in Action: Completables, Singles, Maybes -- RxJava Masterclass

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With the fundamentals of RxJava cemented in our minds, we're going to move into our first three RxJava Observables types: Completables, Singles, and Maybes. You'll learn two of the most common ways to create these Observables types, subscribe to them, and react to their outcomes on UI within an Android app.
#rxjava #complatable #maybe #kotlin #android #reactiveprogramming #rxandroid #course #free
Table of Contents:
⏩ 00:00 Introduction
⏩ 00:20 Completable
⏩ 10:29 Single
⏩ 13:36 Maybe
⏩ 15:50 Conclusion
Relevant links:
TL;DR Academy:
📱 Build responsive Android apps for foldable phones and tablets
🧩 Build your first Gradle plugin
Behind the Scenes:
🎥 Studio setup
#rxjava #complatable #maybe #kotlin #android #reactiveprogramming #rxandroid #course #free
Table of Contents:
⏩ 00:00 Introduction
⏩ 00:20 Completable
⏩ 10:29 Single
⏩ 13:36 Maybe
⏩ 15:50 Conclusion
Relevant links:
TL;DR Academy:
📱 Build responsive Android apps for foldable phones and tablets
🧩 Build your first Gradle plugin
Behind the Scenes:
🎥 Studio setup
4: RxJava Observables in Action: Completables, Singles, Maybes -- RxJava Masterclass
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