Introducing RxJava into a Spring Boot REST API

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Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015.
Speakers: Simon Baslé, Laurent Doguin
Web / JavaScript Track
RxJava is an awesome library for async data streams. It is both expressive and powerful but the learning curve can be quite steep at first. So we want to quickstart developers into the world of Reactive eXtensions with more context than just listing operators!
Adapted from a hands-on workshop, this talk will describe how one can migrate code into a fully async and RxJava-based application, built upon Spring Boot and Java 8.
What kind of changes does this require? What shifts in thinking? What are the traps and pitfalls to avoid? Hopefully you'll learn the answers to these questions in this talk!
Speakers: Simon Baslé, Laurent Doguin
Web / JavaScript Track
RxJava is an awesome library for async data streams. It is both expressive and powerful but the learning curve can be quite steep at first. So we want to quickstart developers into the world of Reactive eXtensions with more context than just listing operators!
Adapted from a hands-on workshop, this talk will describe how one can migrate code into a fully async and RxJava-based application, built upon Spring Boot and Java 8.
What kind of changes does this require? What shifts in thinking? What are the traps and pitfalls to avoid? Hopefully you'll learn the answers to these questions in this talk!
Introducing RxJava into a Spring Boot REST API
Spring Boot - Introduction to Reactive Programming | JavaTechie
A lite Rx API for the JVM
0: Introduction -- RxJava Masterclass
Introduction to Reactive Programming
Android reactive programming with RxJava by Ivan Morgillo
Reactive for the Impatient - A Gentle Intro to Reactive Programming and Systems - Mary Grygleski
Live Coding #4 - Reactive Programming Example with RxJava | Tech Primers Live Stream
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3: RxJava Observables: Completables, Singles, Maybes, Observables, Flowables -- RxJava Masterclass
RxJava Gone Wrong: Subscriptions
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Create, Just, Range, Repeat - RxJava Operators
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Real-world Reactive Programming in Java: The Definitive Guide • Erwin de Gier • GOTO 2018
Reactive Spring
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What is Reactive Programming? | Tech Primers
Intro to RxJava for Android by Josh Mieczkowski
Spring 5 Webflux Framework | Reactive Programming Introduction | Simple Programming