Managing State with RxJava by Jake Wharton

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RxJava's use in building Android apps has grown rapidly! Combining and composing synchronous and asynchronous sources of data has become easy. That burden that remains is where to put the overall state of the application and how to handle its changes. This talk will be an exploration in how we can increase the confidence and determinism of our app state.
Because Rx isn't specific to Android, we'll look at state management approaches employed by other platforms and languages and whether or not they're appropriate to use. We will also look at how state management fits into application architectures such as MVP and MVVM.
Attendees of this talk should already be comfortable with reactive programming and RxJava's APIs.
Jake Wharton is an Android developer at Square working on Square Cash. He has been living with a severe allergy to boilerplate code and bad APIs for years and speaks at conferences all around the world in an effort to educate more about this terrible disease.
Managing State with RxJava by Jake Wharton
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