How to Ctap

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Ctapping as soldier can get you more velocity and distance on your rocket jumps! While you don't need to know how to do this as a beginner soldier, you should definitely learn this as you begin to approach the higher levels of the game.
Competitive Team Fortress 2 Player and Commentator
Competitive Team Fortress 2 Player and Commentator
How to CTAP in 42 Seconds
How to MASTER the ctap in tf2, comprehensive tutorial
Ctaps in Exquisite Detail - Rocket Jumping Extra Credit
How to ctap in under 2 minutes. (probably) by dd5f
How to Ctap
How to ctap in tf2
Jump Academy CTap
TF2: Advanced Rocket Jumping Tutorial
c-tap tutorial
Learning to ctap
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Trying To Ctap in Jump Academy 2
ctap script 1
[TF2] Triple Sync + Ctap
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Average ctap script user
tick perfect ctap(with the new script)
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TF2 - Perfect Ctap
Perfect CTAP (almost)
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CHEATING the ANTI-CHEAT CTAP protection, Jump Academy Team Fortress 2