Did you notice 'these subtle details' in HARRY POTTER?? #harrypotter

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Did you notice "these subtle details" in HARRY POTTER?? #harrypotter
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I love how Voldemort, a being of pure evil who wanted to eradicate half of the wizard population is being reduced to “the biggest bully in the world”


HP’s parents be looking 40 when they were actually just 20😭


Completely agree. He changed and in a best possible way.


Exactly. It’s always bothered me how people can hate James, but also love Draco and Snape. Especially since Draco and James are cut from the same cloth.


Seeing James at supposed to be 21 in the films with a receding hairline is hilarious still


Not to mention James was a rich pureblood but still accepted people who were different like Remus, took Sirius in when he had nowhere else to go and stood up against the real world equivalent of racists. I mean really when did bullying the racist kid become so controversial


So we forgive James but ignore everything great Dumbledore did and still hate him?


Tbh, the difference is that we get to see the change in other characters, plus we see them in actions, whereas we're just told about James, but never see him do anything, though we do see him giving Harry good advice and being a good paternal figure.


I personally disagree. I don’t forgive James, but do forgive Snape and Draco. Like many said here, Draco was brainwashed into his blood purity kind of thinking. Tbh, I think if Harry joined Slytherin, they would be great friends. He really only started bullying Harry because Harry stood up for Ron and publicly humiliated him.
Snape is forgiven solely based on his last actions. He died so Harry could proceed with Dumbledores plan. Beyond that, if he was a coward, he could’ve sold Draco out telling Voldemort Draco was the owner of the Elder Wand. But I think beyond the plan, Snape had compassion for Draco and died to protect both Harry & Draco as well as the rest of the world. That is extremely selfless.
James on the other hand, while I see your point, was not someone who would’ve changed without Lilly. He’s just lucky he had Lilly to reign in the craziness. Snapes adjectives to describe him are pretty accurate. I have respect that he died trying to protect his son. But tbh, unless I hear other convincing arguments, I don’t forgive James.


I agree that James did change, probably influenced by Lily and his own maturity. And he sacrificed a lot, eventually giving his life. That’s the ultimate sacrifice. But, the harmful psychological effect of being bullied cannot be understated. I doubt that the one scene we saw was the only time that James bullied Snape and I'm sure Snape was no angel. But just because it was a long time ago and James ultimately changed doesn't excuse or undo the emotional harm that being bullied had on Snape.

As an adult, James looking back on things would have viewed the bullying as an issue of "Well, that was years ago and we were all just kids playing around back then. That’s what kids do.” To Snape it probably caused lifelong emotional damage. Snape had to learn to live with this damage and the effect it had on him.

Of course, I know that these are all made-up characters in a story, but in real life the psychological damage of bullying is very real and has, for many years, been minimalized by people, especially the ones doing the bullying.


No buddy, if he didn't go to war with Voldemort, and Voldemort wins, James's wife as a muggle would be in danger


Nah, he was a spoiled a hole who didn't do anything sitnificant. Yeah he joined the order but he still didn't do anything within it. Meanwhile Snape devoted his life and image to getting close to the dark lord securing his defeat l.


First of all, I think that Draco Malfoy has the weakest "redemption arc" in all of literature. Second of all, the difference between James and Snape is that we _see_ Snape's, but we only _hear_ about the redemption arc of James Potter. For all we know, he could have just been a jerk who made the right decision.


you can also turn this around tho. if you think Snape and Draco are despicable bullies, James was just as much of a bully as them


So because he decided to be better after being a bully. It washes away the pain he inflicted on Snape and his other victims?


Hmm. Wasn’t Draco and Snape’s form of bullying verbal? I understand any form is bad but James used force to humiliate Snape, Sirius nearly got him killed by the whomping Willow. And if we remove the Mudblood word (racism is never ok) didn’t their adversaries also hurl insults etc. Bullying is bad whoever does it. But while James grew into a decent man it was said Snape was a “special case” he didn’t apologise, didn’t seem to have regrets. These characters are mostly grey, good and bad as most people are.


Just pointing out, Lily was muggleborn. If he wanted to live his life with her by her side, he didn’t really have a choice


Not to mention snape was a bully as a teen as well! He hung around future death eaters, hexed and called muggleborns mudbloods, tried to tell Lily Remus' secret and laughed at Mary MacDonald being attacked, calling it a 'prank' when it's described by Lily as creepy and dark and whenever Lily tried to confront him on his behaviour he got mean, insulted her and essentially manipulated her saying stuff like "oh I thought you were my friend" when she brought up valid criticism


He traumatized kids into becoming death eaters and wound up murdered by one.
