The Expulsion of Muslims from Portugal

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King Manuel I of Portugal made the controversial decision to expel all Muslims from the country, uprooting thousands of families and forever changing the religious landscape of Portugal. In this video, we delve into the history, causes, and consequences of this event, exploring the impact it had on Portugal and the wider world.

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I don't know much about this channel but the amount of deliberate misinformation in this video is mind-blowing


I am so proud of Portugual. We should all follow suit. Turing this beautiful country into slums like their countries would be a sin.


Portugal does not have that much evident Muslim or Arab influence. We have some buildings, some words, names of towns, terms etc but aside from that its very superficial honestly compared to Spain. What the narrator of the video doesnt seem to understand is that strictly speaking the muslim past is not our past, but the past of other people. Sure, many of the Muslims were native and in fact, the last emir to be conquered was blue-eyed and fair-haired since he was from an ancient Visigothic family that had converted. The problem is: we don't feel any connection to that past in cultural, religious, or in terms of national identity, we simply do not, just like the Arabs in Syria or Jordan do not feel any type of direct connection to "their" Byzantine past. We are neither ashamed of it, nor proud of it. We think of it as both an important and interesting part of our history but little else. I have to tell you that the people of Portugal do not feel any connection whatsoever to Muslim or Arab culture and if I myself wasn't an avid reader of history with an interest in Islamic history in specific, I would have no affinity or relation to arab Muslim culture because i simply don't feel connected to it despite the fact that i find it quite interesting and pleasing. Simple as that. It is not that we don't like it or deny that past, we learn it in school as a matter of fact. But Muslim and arab cultures are so different from our own modern Portuguese culture, that it is seen as a foreign one, just like Indonesian or Afghani culture would be. It doesnt mean we dont like foreigners, it just means that we are different. Is that bad? I dont think so. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. As you said, all peoples are a big mix of previous groups, especially in the Balkans where you come from but that is not the point: the point is about modern identity and nothing else. People here in Portugal dont care about their genetic heritage: we learn from school that are a big mix of different peoples, but that we have a single identity: the Portuguese catholic one. I did a test and i was not really suprised about having 5% of middle eastern DNA. did it find it interesting? Sure, but it doesn't change my identity one bit and doesn't make me want to rethink it in any way since im perfectly comfortable with it as is the vast, vast majority of portuguese citizens. As for the law of citizenship, i think it is total bullshit. I dont agree to give citizenship to any of the two groups, muslims or jews that we expelled. I dont believe in historical reparations. Unless it is something that happened like 100 years ago and still is in living memory like some sort of modern genocide like Bosnia or the Armenians or the Holocaust, then yeah we should apologize. But historical reparations? Not a chance. Look at the Palestinians and ask them how it feels to give the Jews their reparations for which the Palestinians have no responsability at all and are totally inocent. Most descendents of the Jews that were expelled do not have any connection to this country: they are turkish, russian or israeli. Its purely about money trying to attact rich people here just like we just did with Abrahamovich. I dont give a damn about accusations of "racism" or "anti-semitism". As for the muslims, well same thing. They are morrocan, algerian or turkish now, not Portuguese. There is no reason whatsoever to consider it.

As for the history part, well... Just no. Muslim rule in Iberia is not a monopyth. The view presented by the author and the professors that are cited is the one adopted by most academics now. The representation of Al-Andalus as a paradise of tolerance has been debunked for years and only american academics full of romanticism and orientalism think of it that way. Al-Andalus has its golden age with the Umayad Dynasty for three centuries during which they presided over a very very prosperous emirate with enormous cities and mosques, strong agriculture, trade, etc. But it wasnt free at all for the native christians: they could not build new churchs, had to wear a specific outfit so that you could recognize a christian from a block away, they could not carry any arms, ride horses, speak of their religion in public and had to pay a specific tax which was remarkably heavy ( Jyzia/ pool tax). The Martyrs of Cordoba are testament to that. Many christians did convert freely though, but it was because of a mix of economic insentives, social pressure, outright presecution and many other factors. Life was easier under that system if you were a muslim, that is why they converted. That myth of tolerance actually comes from two racist myths from the 19th century: the myth of the noble savage ( the muslims) and the myth of the lost paradise ( the romaticized version of al andalus). It was a great realm of science and architecture there is not doubt of that, but not the tolerant paradise you imagine it to be because places like that simply do not exist: its fantasy. As for the portrail of the muslims as innocent victims that were expelled, well... That is just straight-up cynical and myopic. The Capihate of the Umayads was relatively ok, but the muslims did exactly the same thing to jews and christians: the Almohad Caliphate of the XIII century expelled all of the jews and christians from their part fo Iberia to the northern christian kingdoms because they had a fantical interpretation of Islam. Are the Morrocans going to give us citizenship because of that? Of course not.

Resumed, it is complicated.


Moors never ruled Portugal because Portugal was born from the expulsion of moors from the territory that would become Portugal. And Portugal's expansion towards the south was achieved by taking land from the moors. Muslim expulsion from Hispania by our kings is a very strong pilar of Portugal's establishment as a kingdom. It has been proudly and consistently represented in the variations of our flag for almost 900 years. It remains there to this day and it will be there for centuries to come. That should tell you all you need to know. When the Portuguese from the North wish to offend the Portuguese from the South, they call them moors. And the insult is a grievous one. So, the islamic connotation in Portugal nowadays is as bad as it ever was, even before our foundation as a kingdom. Don't delude yourselves that it has changed, is changing or will ever change. That's historic revisionism and trying to obliterate a country's culture while replacing it for what you wish it to be. You may succeed in doing that in several places, but I assure you that Portugal is definitely not one of them. History dixit. I repeat: do not fool yourselves.


Thank you for your commentary. I have Portuguese ancestry. I researched my family's ancestral connection with Portugal for the past twenty years. Insh'a Allah, I plan to visit Portugal on my next trip to Europe.


Eu sou português, a melhor coisa que aconteceu na península ibérica, foi a expulsão dos mouros, nunca na vida Portugal e Espanha seriam os países de brandos costumes que são hoje..


I am a Kurdish Muslim
English is my fourth language
Please use more frequent words in your clips for Easy understanding
جزاک الله خیرا


The Reconquest was the proudest struggle in Iberian history—A long hard battle to take back their land, their Iberian-Roman—Visigoth roots. Their Christianity.


I am Muslim from Timor Leste and I speak Portuguese


Portugal made its choice a long time ago. It's no use coming with the past this the past that influences from here influence from there. Portugal is a Christian country and always will be.


Im portuguese and i reverted to islam about 20 years ago just by studing my countrys hiden islamic history.. الحمد الله على الاسلم رمضان مبارك


Assalam Alaikum
Once a Muslim put his feet in a country to live there, that Muslim recite a single time the name of ALLAH, that country can never never never never never be free of Muslims. I have been many times in Portuguese ports and have many crew from Portugal, they STILL have the Islamic or Arabic names like DUNYA, BAZAR, FATIMA, OMAR and so on.
Now it has been reported by TABLEEGHI JAMAAT people that there are not many but TOO MANY Muslims in Spain and Portugal and I am sure they will never finish.
Wassalam o Alaikum wa barakatahu


O Allah, on this day, make my efforts worthy of appreciation, my sins forgiven, my deeds accepted, my flaws concealed, O the best of those who hear.💜🌙🌼✨💗


They invade Malacca for many years, alhamdulillah islam still strong till today


I visited Porto, Lisbon, Sintra and I can say it is so visible to see the Muslim heritage everywhere, from names to tiles, fountains and other art and architecture and also visit second hand book shops, there is actually very wide academic research on this but sadly it is not as mainstream as Spain...


I love Muslim brothers sisters in walrd 💚💚


''If there weren't Muslims in Portugal and Spain then Portugal and Spain would be different'', one of the best lines


Check out Portuguese flag 🇵🇹

You’ll find 7 moslem castles 🏰 Portugal 🇵🇹 conquered, We display them in our flag as war trophies 🏆 when Portugal 🇵🇹 annexed the moslem kingdom of the Gharb modern day the province of Algarve.


Sad to know that knowledge of Islamic era was used to conquer Melaka empire by Portuguese.


I'm really happy with this video, I'm a 19 year old Portuguese convert to Islam, I converted 5 years ago and now I cant even imagine my life without Islam, thinking that once I wasn't muslims feels like a lie to me haha
I'm quite concerned with the lack of muslims here tho but inshaAllah I shall find some good company
