Niksen, or the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing | Brut

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Doing nothing isn't lazy — it's an art, according to this Dutch concept.

Niksen is the Dutch lifestyle concept of literally doing nothing and letting your mind wander. Psychotherapist Katie Krimer explains how it can help promote creativity and reduce anxiety. She says its stress-reducing benefits are similar to mindfulness and meditation — but that there are some key differences.

Unlike mindfulness, niksen is not about staying in the moment and being conscious of your surroundings. It's about letting yourself do nothing. Instead of occupying your mind with what you need to do next or by bouncing from one task to another, it’s about the slowing down.

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Commit to one minute of daydreaming at work? My problem has always been committing to breaking up the daydreaming with work.


Walking a labyrinth or tracing a finger labyrinth with a finger sounds like a perfect source for giving the mind some much needed space as mentioned in the video. A labyrinth (unlike a maze) has only one path from the outside of the pattern to the center and back out--no choices, no dead ends, no tricks. Since it is not a puzzle to be figured out, there is nothing for the analytical mind to "do" so once it realizes that it's services are not required it often will just sit down and be quiet (it gets its payoff when reaching the center, which it can trust is coming without its help). Especially for people who can't sit and meditate, or for whom other activities (like knitting!) would just add to the frustration and stress, the labyrinth is a gentle tool for quieting the "monkey-mind" and centering oneself. More labyrinths are being installed every month not just in churches, spas, and retreat centers, but also in parks, hospitals, schools and universities, prisons, etc. You can find various finger labyrinth patterns online that you can print out at home (slip them in a sheet protector or even laminate them to make the finger slide better and ease cleaning), or there might even be a labyrinth near you! Check out the "Labyrinth Locator" online and the regional maps at the Wellfed Spirit site.
Blessings on your path, from Transition Labyrinth! <3


I do have to say that in the Netherlands, doing nothing is often frowned upon.


When someone says that he or she "zit te niksen" it isn't necessarily letting your mind wander. The verb "zitten niksen" is more like, another expression for "procrastinating" or not doing work when it should be done.


Does anyone have the name of the song we can hear in this video please?


I often end up picking up my phone and searching something. I need to learn to slow down n do nothing. Not even my phone.


I think you touched on it, so let me add, there is a HUGE difference between simply doing nothing, by thinking into the past with maybe some regrets and/or the future with maybe some worries or doing nothing by staying in the here & now. Observing and being only present. That may be what you are referring to as challenging and it really is, but with regular practice, even for a minute at a time, the benefits are tremendous.


That definition of "mindfulness" is collapsing it into a peanut from a galaxy.


Doing nothing can be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.


Remember that the Dutch don’t plan when they want to Niksen. That way it is no longer spontaneous and it’s becoming something you have to do at a certain time.


pouvez-vous me dire quel est le son / la musique de fond / la bande son ? merci beaucoup


Essential is to REMOVE all un-necessary DESIRES.
Everything will itself fall in place


We from a village in India, in the Coastal towns of Maharashtra near to Goa too have a word for this - "Wamakukshi" 😂
Niwanta Hospitalities


And that is why God told us to rest on the seventh day of the week


Mmm.. You have to tell people its Ok to relax.. Motivation coaches have really been successful hey..


God, this is all I do. All I've ever done. I should have been Dutch.


The Japanese should add this to their bucket list ☄️
