Gravitas: NATO Expansion: Russia threatens to respond with nuclear missiles

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After Erdogan lifted his veto, Finland and Sweden have been invited to join NATO. Russia's Former President Dmitry Medvedev has threatened to respond with ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. Palki Sharma tells you more.

#NATO #Erdogan #Gravitas

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Erdogan was never on Russia’s side. Erdogan was on Erdogan’s side from the start, he just wanted a higher price from NATO.


Sad that our lives are in the hands of these leaders. Even if we had nothing to do with their mess, we are doomed when the red button is pushed.


With thousands of years of developments in science, medicine and technology and somehow humanity is still behaving like we were still in the Stone/Bronze Ages: waging wars against each other to prove who's "more powerful".
Is it too hard to work with each other? If it is, then why don't we just leave the other alone in peaceful co-existence? Some of these leaders have so much unused lands in their countries and yet they instead prefer to go to war to grab neighboring territories already owned by other people. Why don't they just use modern technology instead to enrich their territories that aren't productive? Instead, they choose to waste precious money, time and lives on the course of action that yields the least benefit to everyone else: war.
Seems that as time goes by, we've become very good at making our weapons better but not at becoming better human beings 🤔


Amazing WION for the first time you actually showed a negative side of Russia instead of blaming everything on the west.


There is no permanent friends and no one is permanent enemies in geopolitics .it is just a matter of interest.


Brace yourselves people, things are getting tough


Thanks for your great coverage, always on time and to the point.👍🎯


Finland - Russia border is 1340 Km - Alberta - British Columbia border is 1842 Km long, but it would be 1212 Km if it was a straight line.


It’s funny how just a few men in suite can decide our fates..


Vladimir Putin: NATO salesman of the year 2022 🏆


Thank you Gravitas to be such good reporters here in Quebec Canada with ou you we will never know the real story


Hope you get well soon Don....we need your updates.


I'm an American that gets almost all of my news from Wion. Why? Because I trust them more than any other media organization and secondarily...I love to watch and listen to this beautiful intelligent lady with a name I can not spell🙂


Finland has treated PKK as terrorist organization since EU and our closest allies has done so. However, the sister organization of PKK is YPG, which has fought against ISIS with western support, is now going to be in same category. No Swedish or Finnish support for them anymore. This is sad news, but it was hard to see any other solution. Kurdish people has been key allies but when support for them has increased, Erdogan has been pissed, and that support has been dropped.


Ur the only reporter or anchor or person that I look for!!! God bless, stay safe.


Albright, the first female secretary of state in United States history, made the remarks during a 60 Minutes interview. Correspondent Lesley Stahl discussed with the then-United Nations ambassador how Iraq had been suffering from the sanctions placed on the country following 1991's Gulf War.

"We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima, " Stahl said. "And, you know, is the price worth it?"

"I think that is a very hard choice, " Albright answered, "but the price, we think, the price is worth it."

Why worry about people saying something like Albright said?


Making Decisions out of Emotion.
Very off move.


Lets get this party started! ACCELERATE!


Why I can't stop watching these day by day threats from Russia and NATO.


In history this should be called the hot war
