Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 1 – Job Setup and Vector Selection

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Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 1 – Job Setup and Vector Selection
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This is the first in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM software before. In this video, we start at the absolute beginning, for the absolute beginner.
I’ll show you the layout of Version 12 and newer of the Vectric CAD/CAM software family. First, we’ll go through the Job Setup screen when we create a new file, and I’ll demonstrate basic navigation, and selecting vectors and objects.
As usual, if you have any comments or questions, please put ‘em in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching!
On Sunday, July 28th, I’ll be hosting a LIVE Q&A session, where you can ask your questions pertaining to anything I’ve covered in this video. That Q&A starts at 3 pm Eastern time, Noon Pacific time. Hope to see you there!

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#Vectric #VCarvePro #Aspire
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This is right on the money! Great information !


This is what I am looking for ! Thnx Mark ! Regards from good old gemany


Thanks Mark. I was hoping you would do this series.


Well done my friend. Clear, concise explanations that even a former Marine can understand. With all the changes and new features instituted by Vectric, this will be an invaluable asset. Looking forward to each installment.


Very well done Mark. Good clear and concise info


Howdy! I subbed as I bought a wood CNC machine several years ago then life happened (covid) and it was put into storage. I am getting ready to pull it back out of storage and try to power on for the first time ever very soon. I got carve 3d 10.5 with the machine and until I get able to use the machine I do not want to pay an upgrade on software I have have hopes your videos help and are close to my older SW :)


Thanks, Mark...well done...How often will you drop Absolute Beginner tutorials?
