How to Treat OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

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In this video, I'll explain some of the hallmarks of obsessive compulsive disorder, and how to treat it. OCD is a condition that causes persistent and intrusive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It covers the causes, the symptoms, and the hypnotic techniques that can help overcome OCD.

Treating OCD effectively means freeing someone from endless, agonising toil.

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++About Mark Tyrrell++

Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.

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00:00 Introduction
01:05 How can obsessive compulsive disorder present itself?
02:13 Why do some people develop OCD during stressful periods and others don't?
04:08 OCD is like a dream, with trance-like elements to it
05:39 One thing I always do with OCD clients
08:35 We can frame OCD as 'imagination'
09:27 An exercise to disentangle emotion and the imagination

#ocd #psychology #therapytips
Рекомендации по теме

Wonderul video Mark! For a long time sufferer of OCD this was a fresh new perspective! Really liked the part about framing OCD as "imagination" and realizing you don't have to be hooked on your imaginings.


My OCD is checking my self to be as I was in 1996 or not. Going and visiting places that I use to visit in 1996. Watching old TV advertisements of 1996. Not feeling like 1996 makes me depressed and make me feel not ok. I don't know is it OCD or not. It's so painful so painful. Don't compare your symptoms with me, may be I am suffering any other mental health issue. Pray for me. I have 2 kids and am 46. Life is harder with depression anxiety and OCD. Care for those who need help. I use to seek re assurances from my grand mother but after her death in 1992 it all started OCD etc. Keep in touch with your sisters, brothers, family, relatives, keep going to their homes at least once in 1 or 3 months. Give gifts to each other, go to green parks with kids or grand children, give charity. Find a purpose to live.


I wish Mark had some actual induction videos for depression, anxiety, etc. instead of only methods for the hypnotist.


this was brilliant, Mark. thank you for your insights!


Great video. OCD has more to do with one's childhood traumas or complex PTSD before the age of 9. Symptoms starts to come out from late teen years and if not treated you'll be stuck in a bubble for even 50 yrs. Relationships and career will suffer. Good news is it can be treated when you address the deeply rooted fears/traumas and negative associations with a good therapist.


It's like an autoimmune disorder; but instead of my bodily defenses misperceiving other cells as foreign attackers, my mind misperceives its own thoughts as an outside threat. Thus for years I was fighting, fighting, fighting for safety and achieving nothing but holding the invisible enemy line. It is hell.
In my early twenties I finally sought help, and ended up at the UBC Anxiety disorders clinic where I was treated by Dr. Stanley Rachman. His voice was much like yours- measured and giving no anchors for resistance. I found him repetitive and I once sarcastically said, "so what you tell me three times is true?" But after a short period, I found that my obsessive thoughts carried less and less weight. I don't know if he deliberately used hypnosis, but looking back I feel that he probably used some hypnotic techniques. A decade later, my OCD still re-emerges in stressful times but it's a mere shadow compared with what I used to experience.


Hi @MarkTyrrell, can you please make a video on HOCD and how to overcome it; thank you


Kids traumas are bad, adult can have those, as well. There are cases EMRD helped them but you used hypnosis to deal with traumas.


Imagine 70% of the world being brainwashed from childhood that a magical invisible arbiter runs this whole shit show and then being confounded by magical thinking. Quizzical!


I wish Javed had invented YouTube in 1996, I would have been a different person now. OCD sucked my life.


I developed OCD as a child, praying and pleading a certain number of times on my way home from school that my "grandad" wouldn't be home. Now, I've noticed that it does seem to recur whenever I'm very stressed, but I have no control over this. I've definitely tried. How can I make it stop please?


Hipnosis is demonic, and contrlling familiar spirits, ill pass on that demonic therapy ty
