Representation Disentanglement in Generative Models with Contrastive Learning

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Authors: Mo, Shentong; Sun, Zhun*; Li, Chao Description: Contrastive learning has shown its effectiveness in image classification and generation. Recent works apply the contrastive learning on the discriminator of the Generative Adversarial Networks, and there exists little work on exploring if contrastive learning can be applied on encoders to learn disentangled representations. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective method via incorporating contrastive learning into latent optimization, where we name it . Specifically, we first use a generator to learn discriminative and disentangled embeddings via latent optimization. Then an encoder and two momentum encoders are applied to dynamically learn disentangled information across large amount of samples with content-level and residual-level contrastive loss. In the meanwhile, we tune the encoder with the learned embeddings in an amortized manner. We evaluate our approach on ten benchmarks in terms of representation disentanglement and linear classification. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our ContraLORD on learning both discriminative and generative representations.
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