Is Stevia Worse Than The Other Sweeteners?

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Should You Use Stevia As Your Go-to Sweetener?

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When people who take illegal drugs/hormones are concerned about the type of sweetener they use, their priorities MAAAY be messed up...


New study published in January 2024 in Nutrients, states that 12 week consumption of Stevia has no significant effect on gut microbiota


"If you looked at the health data" Cmon Dr. Mike, lets not make the critically flawed assumption that people can do basic data analysis and critical thinking in 2023, let alone read.


The word you’re looking for at 0:23 is “etymology” (the history of a word) and it actually does have one. The herb Stevia rebaudiana (pronounced Steve-ia) is native to Paraguay where it is called ka'a he'e. European researchers studying the plant, named it after Spanish physician and botanist, Pedro Jaime Esteve.


Stevia acts as a diuretic and a vasodilator on me, and the fact that I had open heart surgery last year to replace an Aortic Valve doesn’t make Stevia safe for me. It landed me 3x’s in the ER before I caught onto the connection, and then found multiple references to vasodilation and diuretic effects in publications.


How about a video on allulose? I find it interesting because it tastes almost identical to actual sugar.


Whenever I drink something with aspertame or sucralose, it immediately gives me a stomach ache. Stevia doesn't seem to bother me. I go by what literally doesn't cause physical pain... I don't know, common sense


Thanks for not dragging us into this mess, and for the consistently great content!


"Go by logic and evidence" after offering *one* study that it *may* affect gut health in *some* people.


I doubt nothing that was said, but every time I consume aspartame regularly for more than a week or so, I get facial ticks. If I consume stevia, I get no noticeable side effects. What would you do?


It would be interesting to see more studies. It is my understanding that Stevia was introduced a long time ago in America and has been used as a sweetener in other nations like Latin America and Japan for decades, or at least the sweet leaf it comes from. Big sugar did not want a replacement for sugar, so funded some study painting Stevia as a cancer causing agent. As much as I mostly agree with Mike that technology is good, there have been a lot of examples of business trying to slow the adoption of new technology using nefarious means and government power. Stevia seems to be one of those examples where something was perfectly healthy, but other interests pushed it out of the market place to avoid competition. Just like EVs and 100 mpg engines until the the marketplace demand for these items was too strong to halt. And the overall environment is far more information efficient in the modern day, so it is much harder to hide nefarious activity in the market place to destroy competitors. I'm not too worried about aspartame either. It is nice to have an alternative in Stevia. I usually use Stevia because for whatever reason aspartame causes me to get mild headaches when I consume it in drinks. I don't even know why as I'm not particularly an organic driven person. When I drink a soda with aspartame, it causes tension in my system. I'm wondering if it is aspartame combined with caffeine that makes it worse than a normal soda. When I drink a Stevia soda or drink with caffeine, I'm fine. So I try to stick with Stevia. More options on the market are always good.


Stockton Rush wasnt worried sbout safety. He's doing ok.


I really hate the naturalistic fallacy, simply because the people who commit it are usually so efffing worthy. Good to see someone pointing it out.


What are your thoughts on the recent news about the WHO planning to add aspartame to its list of possible carcinogens?


I know another natural white powder, and that's definitely not healthier just because it's derived from plants.
Powdered sugar! And maybe another one.


Dr. Mike, I agree that more research is desirable. And while an extract is not the same as a whole herb, doesn't the fact that the stevia herb has been safely used for hundreds of years to make tea, hold some weight in your book?


Dang good to know. Thank you Dr. Mike!


Everyone’s body is different. Some get side effects from Stevia. Some get them from Sucralose. Some from Aspartame, etc. There’s no “one size fits all” like with most things. Mess around with different sweeteners and see what works based on your unique situation.


Here’s the thing: I only like to site studies when they line up with my current beliefs.


Gotta say, the app is kicking my ass (in a good way). Big fan so far
