Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization In The Jungle More Ancient Than You Think | Series

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Scientists Discovered An Ancient Civilization In The Jungle That Pre-dates The Aztec And Inca

Journey deep into the lush jungles of Mesoamerica, where archaeologists have unearthed the remnants of a civilization that predates even the mighty Aztecs and Incas - the enigmatic Olmec. Unearth the secrets of this ancient culture, whose colossal stone heads and intricate jade carvings continue to baffle experts. Explore the sprawling ruins of Tikal, a once-thriving Olmec city hidden beneath the Guatemalan rainforest. Discover towering pyramids, ornate temples, and mysterious hieroglyphs that offer a glimpse into the lives and beliefs of this ancient people. From their sophisticated calendar system to their mastery of agriculture and trade, the Olmec left an indelible mark on Mesoamerican history. Unravel the mysteries of their sudden disappearance and contemplate the enduring legacy of this pioneering civilization.

#Olmec #archaeology #Tikal #AncientMysteries #AncientCivilization #LostCivilization #Prehistoric #History #lifesbiggestquestions #lbq

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Look at these smaller statues that were buried. They display Asiatic features, BUT they also display those conehead features much like the conehead Egyptian pharaohs, and such conehead skulls found all around the planet.


Yep, we have had 6, 000 and 12, 000 year solar cycles


Ya they moved all that stuff with there height of 5"0 tall before the Spaniards came and over took them then they gained some height other wise they were short bull frog looking people now you got some Alex peria looking south Americans and thats why there's canelos walking around with red hair aint no red headed Amazon people I'd like to see a red headed native American person with long straight hair with dark skin that would be something huh


0:26 Sentinel Alert! Sentinel Alert!
(for all the Marvel fans out there...)


True Hawaii people remind me of the almacs


There was NEVER an Empire called the Olmecs. The word Olmec means rubber ppl. This name was given to the tribes UNDER the umbrella of the Maya. It was given to them by a European archeologist. Since before the Toltec, every tribe contributed something significant to what is now Mexico and Latin America. The European didn't understand that they were a society with structure. It seems to be a collective of great tribes. Anyone who uses looks, skin color. to try to dictate and skew history, needs to catch up with recent science. Since new sophisticated genetic studies and dating techniques, every new found ancient human fossil, tool, and site strengthens the position of the REAL Indigenous of the Americas and makes bigger fools of these wannabes. Catch up with recent science. The world knows that tight curly hair and dark skin don't always equal black African. The world knows that diet and environment can dictate your physical appearance, including hair texture and skin color. Catch up with recent science. Recent science has given up lots of shocking surprises with more to come. Catch up with recent science.


Ankor wat, olmecs, easter isle megalithic, pyramids and sphinx are all preflood civilizations and artifacts. Plus I believe that the look on the olmecs head carvings was the actual look of the tyrant or ruler before the genesis flood. Wow.


This goes out to my 10 people audience you think for one second that I think this goes out there I look at my face book and every picture is a avatar picture and 90% of the people I type don't show up huh wonder where they went, hacked up in a grave some where huh Truman


We don't know what the heads "looked like" before they were carved. We do know a number of near-perfectly spherical stone "balls" have been discovered in Costa Rica, spheres whose purpose or reason for being created is unknown. I postulate these heads started as these spherical shapes and they were simply rolled into place from the quarry they were sourced from. Once in place (tens of miles away from the quarry) they were carved into the massive heads existent today.


Each of your videos is carefully invested, from content to images, very admirable!”


These structures and their writing s & honest documentation of victory s and loss’s is way ahead of A) the Egyptian s dishonesty about losses. And I believe the building of the Pyramids. What always interested me was the Egyptian s sudden change to a SUNGOD. I don’t remember where from or when( how long ago) but I recall some one telling me that there was a documented journey of a Pharaoh who had stated he flew in a ship from X-place to Y-Place and the reason the person had mentioned it was that if one “Took the distance travelled in the Time travelled in their means of documenting time it would mean that they flew AT LIGHT SPEED”. A weird and impossible thing which is what I thought back then in the 1980’s. But then I say looked at that completely flat tabletop mountain in S.America, which has no evidence of any stone removed from its top down its sides or at its base and one wonders. Certainly the appearance of “The Handbag Image” and many other s from varied continents around the World is like many other Repudiative Images very odd indeed, as well as the disappearance of certain S.American Culture s who Only set the well structured Date lines or Calendars to certain periods only. Also the strange image on the Burial Stone Of The Mayan Chief; who seems to be seated like an Astronaut on top of an engine with an Oxygen mask and with hands and feet seemingly placed to perform a task as if “His about to launch into Space. It does strike one as odd.As does the wide knowledge of buildings waterways;Raised road ways, The growing of food on built layers of Super rich soil (still not reproduced by modern man).& The seemed to build and float them on marshy ground and live and work those areas. They soil supplying annually. It would resolve today’s earths problems with over farming farms. And give rise to areas to farm in never before farmed in. Like Hayawaska. Imagine determining the 2 ingredients required from The Entire Amazon that were needed to create that mixture. A lot strikes one as A Little FAR Out there. The Nazka lines& images.(For whom by whom) Incredible!And they worshipped the sun. Which was Golds only value since it gleamed like the Sun. So much went on on The Americas, With the Almec and other Southern tribes and people s. Those of Easter Island and I believe a whole lot more which today lie permanently under The sea(from an island chain), Iraqi, Somalia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India; N.America;which was heavily flooded after a (part)comet strike(4 which they now found the impact crater). At one time or another after the earths N.Ice belt melted almost every part of the world were filled with ancient culture s, which contributed to the earth s culture. But Asia was a great contributor as were The Russian s and other European cultures. But Roman s built upon the ruins of ancient Huge stone sites which had been there. And face it all that knowledge of using sound to cut and move stone must have come from “Somewhere” and “Someone”. The holders of Those bags. I mean the Almec Mayan and Azdec s didn’t just decide one day to build A few large temple s&start playing a game with a rubber ball. Constructing Stealia covered with their dialect and images. The layout of structure s is perfect even beyond the fact that it echoes the stars! And why does it? Because they had visitors from there often or were struck by meteor s so often they were forced to have a plan and layout. All a dash advanced if you ask me. Or maybe we’re absolutely stupid. It’s a possibility. Face it we let gov.s hide the existence of UAP’s UFO s whatever it presently is today. Perhaps back then the skies were full with visitors. So much so they were taken for granted.


What will be our legacy....?
A nuclear wasteland 😢


Learned this in the 1980s in high school.


Is that helmet for play there ball game


A bit shallow.Ah well another slim pickings 😢


If the Olmec colossal heads truly depict individuals with distinct features, could they be preserving the likenesses of an ancient, previously unknown ethnic group that played a crucial role in Mesoamerican civilization, and if so, what happened to these people?


Who were the Mochica? They supposedly predate the Inca, the Mayan, or the Aztec and were headhunters. Yet so little is ever said about them in the timeline of Mesoamerica.


We KNOW that the ancient Maya 1200 BC - 1200 CE had multiple 400 year cycles of existence, then collapse. The Mayans, Maya, are the true biblical Magi of Jesus' time.

Also in the same times, there were the Druids of the British Islands, western Europe, and Scandinavia. The Greeks called them the Theraputae. This is the root words for their civiization, that was said to be (the bastardized translated word) El Dorado, that is the City of the Druids. This means that the Druids were also of the Americas. El Dorado hasn't been properly found, but it would appear to be in South America, and those would be of the Amazon basin, that were documented in the Spanish 1500s reccords, then only finding again their lost, abandoned, and dying from Spanish diseases, the El Dorado (Druids, Theraputae) of the Amazon river basin.

The Incas and those on the west coast of South America are known as far back as ~1000 BCE. King David farmed out his concubine sons to the East Coast and West Coast of the Americas. One we know of an assurety is Nogah, the Tribe of Judah Israelite son and his colony who founded the Nogah (Inca) empire of Peru and Chile. It was this Nogah, half-brother to King Solomon, that the Gold of Ophir (Peru) was transoceanic shipping (Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea) traded with Solomon. These are the origins of the true King Solomon's gold mines.

The Aztecs, another group of Israelites, said to have come from the north in a region called Aztlan (Azt-land), down South into the collapsing Mayan empire of 1200 CE, established the Aztec empire of 1200 - 1513 CE. These Aztecs are known by their true biblical name. Aztecs, Azt-tecs, Tzad-tecs, Tzaddoks. Tzaddoks are those of the descendant Levite priestly tribe of Israelites, the Sadocs, or Tzaddoks, the righteous ones. These were also around at the time of Jesus.

So finding anything predating the Aztecs is pre-1200s, which is the Maya. Pre-dating the Inca is ~1000 BCE, a vast difference in time.

There is also the pre-Exodus leaving Zara-ites of the Tribe of Judah, who (Greek-Egyptian historian Manetho [Amenhotep] says left Egypt after their entrance and settlement into the Nile Delta East Bank of Goshen, and went back up into Europe, settling and creating the new civilizations of Troy, Greece, Rome, (British Isles), Scandinavia, Germany. The sons of Zara (Osiris) were Ethan (Odin) of Scandinavia, Dara (Thor, Darius) of Germany, Heman (Amenhotep, King Minos of Knossos and Crete and Linear B), Gymry of the Cimmerians and the later Cymry Welsh, ... and Chalchol. Chalchol is known by another name in another land as Kulkul Khan, Kulkul the Great, Chalchol the Great, a legendary leader of the Maya. These Zara-ites left 150 years before the Exodus (1207/1206 BCE) or 1357/1356 BCE. So Chalchol would have had a transAtlantic sailing over to Central America and such Judah and Israelite colonists who came with him. This would be the real start of biblical Israelites in the 1350s BCE start of the Mayan empire.

So, if the real (correted) title of this video is finding the founders of civlization before the Maya (~1350s BCE) and the Inca (~1000 BCE), then this would have been those people of the Noahic post-flood race (biblical flood ~1987 BCE), ... when "in the days of Peleg and Joktan the Earth was divided." The Elohim grabbed various Noahic branches and spread them across the post-Flood Earth in the multiple Fertile Crescents, restarting the Earthly populations there. As such, the Joktan-ites remained in the Americas, or were moved to the Americas, as the Yucatan is Joktan (!). This movement of peoples was ~150 years after the Flood, being ~1837 BCE.

So anybody wanting to find and pinpoint anything to any people prior to the Cenrral America Maya of 1350 BCE and the South American Inca of ~1000 BCE, would be these Hebrew Joktan-ites, and the mentioned genealogical branches in the Book of Genesis !!!


Olmecs are from Phillipines Tonga Somoza Māori Easter island vice versa who come 1st😮


Many of the heads look West African. I notice that the narrator excluded pics of the most African looking Olmec statues.
