Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization In The Desert That Vaporized And Turned To Glass

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Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization That Vaporized And Turned To Glass
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In Pakistan, the ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro hint at a civilization's mysterious end. Could their demise be a sudden catastrophe, not a gradual decline? Evidence of vitrified structures and skeletal remains suggests a powerful force swept through this Indus Valley metropolis. Explore the theory: was Mohenjo-Daro vaporized, leaving melted ruins? Uncover archaeological clues like scattered skeletons and enigmatic "glass beads." What caused this devastation? A natural disaster? An ancient weapon? Discover the unsettling possibilities surrounding this ancient city's destruction.

#MohenjoDaro #Archaeology #IndusValleyCivilization #AncientMysteries #Ancienthistory #Discovery #Pakistan #lifesbiggestquestions #lbq

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What interesting ideas for future videos do you guys have?


Just bc we're here today doesn't mean we're smart or modern, that is just too damn arrogant. Life comes and goes repeatedly.


Honestly, in an era of The Finest Silks and Gold Jewellery surpassing todays craftsmen, Sanitary Systems, Wells and Waterways, its an insult to "recreate" this civilization as wearing animal skin dresses. Please.


Because it WAS modern . We simply had to start over. Again and again


I'm rather curious about how a supposed nuclear explosion would be close enough to melt stone, but not utterly destroy the structures.


The video is missing a critical piece of information and that is the background radiation level and the isotopes that produce it.


I find it hilarious that people today are like how in the world did they do that back in the ancient world. Like all they had was a chisel and a hammer.


This is only one of several places fusion has occurred, Your Not giving the most important fact for a Nuclear explosion and that is its radioactive fingerprint.... What are readings of the city and bodies??


Material from a coronal mass ejection would make all sorts of noise coming into Earth's atmosphere. If some larger chunks build up a charge entering Earth's atmosphere, then an aerial explosion is plausible, and maybe resembling a nuclear explosion.


So, they query how humans were able to build advanced cities without modern technology while exploring the evidence that they were hit by a nuclear weapon. There's an anthill peacefully coexisting with me in my yard, probably not even aware I exist, but they might have told stories of the giants traversing the great flat stone desert. I pretty much ignore them, they got their own anthill politics going on.


In the Bible, Lot's Wife climbs up out of their Shelter that God directed them to. She, then according to Christian Dogma, was turned into a "pillar of Salt"... Hmm... Yet in Hebrew, the wprds for 'salt' and "Air" are differentiated by a SINGLE Accent Mark! Thus, I postulate that Lot's Wife ended up like some at Hiroshima/Nagasaki, with their SHADOW Imprinted upon the Exterior Walls of Concrete/Stone buildings. SHE Turned Into a Column of "AIR", Vaporized as she Boldly and Stupidly looked out at the NUKES hitting Gohmorra and Sodom. The glass shards of the Sands around those former Cities is still visible in Iran.


To think Oppenheimer knows something about an ancient nuke is mind blowing! Great video


What a great start to a video with Praveen and Billy in the intro


I had a vision that the Earth has been inhabited six times and wiped out. Also what they're not telling you is they found nuclear activity like this on other planets


If they where that advanced it was probably a nuclear power plant. And I know this sounds crazy but there is evidence of a nuclear plant in Africa where certain materials found can only happen with the use of nuclear technology.


The sun can also produce vitrification via a micro nova, the next level up from a CME.


My thought; a cometary air burst. At Tandeski many of the trees and much of all plant material were turned to carbon. With no vegetation, only silica sand a cometary airburst would vaporize soft matter and fuse cilice sand into glass as it has in other places in Africa. A possibility?


2:03 "Catastrophic
event 4000 years ago..." Hmmm, the Great Flood of Noah's
day rings a bell.
Perhaps the possibility of a Nuclear type blast precipitated that event. God did state that "The end of all flesh is before me...." (Genesis 6:13), and intervened before all flesh was destroyed, just as He will at the end of this present evil world. (Matthew 24:22)
Another possible reason for the glass might be massive lightning bolt strikes. The inrushing frozen water ice crystals would have caused the air to be charged powerfully, far greater than storms produce now. I have seen some storms that produce bolts so powerful that the air glows for seconds afterwards, so imagine that, times ten.


So many people on weird ideas and paradigms, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and they found glass in those overthrown cites.


What can cause a seemingly thriving Civilization to completely vanish ?
They called it: Noah's global flood .
