The Reality of Being a Hospice Nurse

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#endoflife #hospice #activelydying
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He died at home where he wanted with a caring person. Your a living angel. 🕊


This happened in the hospital with my husband. He had lung cancer and was in his second round of chemo when he couldn’t breathe they sent for an ambulance which took him to the hospital. He had a DNR and a DNI and I understood that and I held firm. I did, however inform them that he had been taking morphine for the pain and needed morphine at that point in time. They couldn’t find a Doctor Who would OK the morphine. So instead, my family and I watched as their father, my husband suffocated in a great deal of distress, instead of being medicated and being able to drift off easily. This was 21 years ago. I will never forget it. I will never forgive the hospital for not grabbing any doctor and getting him to OK morphine. Plus his oncologist had told us that whenever he asked for morphine that meant he needed it and to give it to him. I logged every bit that I gave him and when I gave it to him and took that list to the hospital with me. The nurses took a look at it, shook their head, and told me that I was giving him too much that it was disabling him from being able to breathe.I have had to live with that for 21 years and more to come. I’m sorry you had to go through that. We didn’t have time to prepare. He was diagnosed the day before Thanksgiving and passed on December 23. It was a whirlwind of confusion and sorrow and misinformation. The nurses felt so bad and surrounded his bed around the family. One young aid stood at the foot of his bed, rubbing his feet to comfort him little did she know that was his favorite thing in the world. Then she started singing the Lords prayer as he slipped away. I made sure to write the hospital to thank her and commend her for what she did to make me feel better.


My brother in law had cancer. His wish was to pass at home looking at the lake he loved. We live on the same lake. It was a beautiful August afternoon when we saw EMS on route to his home. We quickly came over. He was on the floor and having breathing problems. He refused to go to the hospital. I stayed with him and saw his heart rate slow down. It was very emotional to see him pass. Everyone knew this is what he wanted. The last six months had been rough for him. I stayed by his side. After EMS left and we waited for the ambulance to arrive for transport. My sister was as expected a mess loosing her husband. Months before he had created a binder with everything we needed. So I handled the arrangements, telephone calls to his brother and son. I stayed by his side until they placed him in the transportation bag and walked him out. I just wanted him not to be left alone. It was my honor to help him.


I was a Community Hospice Nurse in Western Australia for over 10 years. I used to work 4 nightshifts a week - Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. One night many years ago, I had 7 deaths in ONE night. No matter how many deaths you've attended, sometimes it still hits too hard, and I remember crying all the way home that morning.


At least you showed up. When my dad was dying, we needed a hospice nurse to help get his agitation under control. Although she was THE nurse “on call, ” she refused to leave her home to drive the half hour to our home. I had to try to deal with it via phone calls and guess work. We had the morphine because I had asked for it in advance. I knew what was coming. So again, you were THERE. That is so important.


My husband died on hospice a month ago. He was in a nursing home because I couldn't lift him and he was very sick. But I came and visited him for hours everyday. I brought soft food for him to eat and took him out side. I love him more than anything in the whole world including myself and I sang to him too. I miss him so much. He was my everything ❤-- One of his nurses who took care of him was a special blessing. Her name is Sylvia ❤ --


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


Julie my mom passed away 5 days ago. Your book was the only training I got and I treasure your guidance. Mom saw a peaceful thanks to you.


Your compassion for your patients is what makes you an Excellent Hospice Nurse. Morphine and Oxygen would have helped the patients comfort level but you do have your limitations and dying happens on it’s own schedule. Bless you Julie and all your fellow Hospice Nurse’s…. Thank you for what you do!


Cry your eyes out its good for you. Nurses have feelings too. Use your steps and call your sponsor. Love you my friend


Go ahead and cry honey. It snows you have a heart! If I were dying I would want you to be my hospice nurse. Much love to you sweetie!


I'm going through this right now with my husband. Shortness of breath, I have no oxygen, only a fan. I have no morphine. He wants to die without either.
We are prepared.
But there is no preparation for watching shortness of breath.
We did plan. This is what he wants.
We talked to the doctor.
And in honoring his request, there is a helplessness as his caregiver and a shock no matter how prepared and all the hours we talk. This is end of life.


This gentleman had his self-determined life closure. He died where he wanted. That is the best gift we can give our patients sometimes. I've been a hospice nurse for quite a while now have have seen death at every end of the spectrum. You did the best you could for him. If nothing else, you were there and sometimes that's as good as it gets.


Hospice nurses are the most empathetic kind souls on this planet ❤

Thanks Julie


I'm controlling my dad's shortness of breath and pain right now. He is actively dying of stage 4 lung cancer that metastasis to the bone. Thank God I got him oxygen and morphine 🙏❤️. I'm controlling everything best I can. He looks comfortable❤. Your videos have been helping me through this. To know what to expect. Thank you 🙏😊 may God bless you ❤️


Awww I remember my daddy couldn’t take his pain meds or swallow water and I broke down and hugged him telling him I’m phoning hospice as mentally and physically I couldn’t anymore and I wanted him to be in no pain.. Thankfully a hospice bed came available that day and I stayed for 5 days and nights holding his hand, I didn’t leave him as he had a sofa bed in the room and the nurses made sure he was comfortable as well as me .. Those hospice nurses were amazing and I couldn’t have done it without them.. My dad went down fast within 7 weeks of being told he had cancer and maybe 6 months to a year but it was only 7 weeks from hearing the news to his peaceful death.. He lived with us for over 11 years and we did palliative care in the home until I could no longer do it .. Once we went to hospice I became his daughter again instead of his caregiver.. Those five days were so filled with love, song, talking his ear off to him and telling him thanks for a wonderful life he gave me .. Thanks Julie for all the work you do and all the other wonderful hospice nurses ..


Hugging you right now Julie. Even talking about it again, must be difficult. We are nurses but we are human first. Bless you my friend. ❤❤❤❤


Nurse Julie, I feel your pain...rough day indeed. I work as a private in-home caregiver and those situations are part of our landscape. But you need to know that your videos have been shared with many by me and so many others, and so you ARE making a difference and this video will help even more people. ❤


You're a special lady Julie. Every person deserves to be taken care of by someone who cares like you do. God bless you!


PLEASE Julie remember to take care of yourself also.
Your work is so necessary AND essential.
