RAPTURE; Proof of a Pre Tribulation Rapture in the Old Testament

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The Lord pulled me into the Old Testament to show me proof of a pre Tribulation Rapture.
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Great video brother. I've been studying rapture and tribulation for about the last 10 months straight and God has made it abundantly clear that it is indeed pretrib rapture. One thing that I have noticed with people who oppose pretrib is that some are pretty mean and nasty about it. It's almost like some spirit grabs ahold of them. Then they start calling names and saying ignorant things or accusing US of being "idiots". My personal opinion is that the pretrib rapture is important to properly understanding the gospel message as a whole. That without understanding Christ love for His bride to be, you can't understand His love for us as individuals. This seems to raise a lot of people's unclean spirits. Keep preaching the truth brother! God bless.


Hello brother, so I have a question if the rapture and the marriage supper are pretrib what happens to people who get saved during the great tribulation, will they miss the marriage supper?


Praise your revelation to Voice Of Truth Jesus! ❤
Hide us when You are ready!
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Nice to meet another Pre-Trib believer. I was looking for some Old Testament verses to add to my New Testament Pre-Trib proof verses. I have Isaiah 26: Isaiah 26:19 NLT
[19] But those who die in the Lord will live; their bodies will rise again! Those who sleep in the earth will rise up and sing for joy! For your life-giving light will fall like dew on your people in the place of the dead!

Micah 7:2 NLT
[2] The godly people have all disappeared; not one honest person is left on the earth. They are all murderers, setting traps even for their own brothers.

I also see numbers and when I see 324, I know that the NLT has 324 times the word "rescue" appears, and the pre-Tribulation rapture is our rescue. Maranatha.


I'm with you my friend. Thank you for your videos! Maranatha ☝️


Immediately AFTER the tribulation will you see the Son of God in the clouds on the last trump.


the prophet Ezekiel 13 also speaks of the rapture as well which is also in the old testament


I appreciated your latest video, whether your pre-trib or post trib the main important matter is we believe in Christ and that he died for us so our sins can be forgiven through him. I'm a pre-trib rapture believer myself, I want to escape this mess, can't wait to get out.


I'm glad I hear the message thanks


Jorge I wonder how Faith our sister is doing in the Philippines haven't seen a New video from her lately 😊


I also have a question about Rapture.. Aren't they also false prophets when they Rapture Christ's followers? Isn't it also called Rapture?


I thought it was The hour that would come upon the whole 🌎 world 🕛


I only need to see ONE story and that is the story of Lot. The angels could not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and the other 3 cities until Lot and family were removed. There you go. All one has to do is look at God's nature. It is consistent throughout the Bible.


You know the pre-tribulation rapture is kind of like the Trinity. The Bible doesn't specifically say or use the word Trinity but if you read the entire council of God's word it's there. The Old testament shows God removing the ones who have been faithful when it's time for judgment to come. I don't know much but I don't believe God's going to make the ones who have been faithful suffer with those who have not. Not when the incomes anyway.


Everything in the bible says the sun and moon would go dark. The stars will fall. This happens in the 6th seal. 1st cor 15:51-52 says at the last trump. Thessolonians says theres a shout of an angel and trumpet of god, and the dead shall rise....the shout of an archangel and the trumpet of God happens at the 7th trumpet. Jesus in matthew 24 says immediately after the tribulation of those days he would show up. So why are we straining at gnats and swallowing lies. When we escape something it normally means we made it out alive. To be kept from the hour of temptation means we arent affected by it because we are covered in the blood of the passover lamb. Im sorry so many people are confused. Wake up....we are here until after the 7th trumpet and leave before the 7 vials.


Revelation 13:7 debunks the pre-tribulation rapture. Christians just don’t want to face the fact that we will be persecuted and will die for our faith. Sounds cowardly to me. Repent and turn to Jesus Christ. John 14:6


The ONE mention of the time of Jacob's trouble in the bible was about Israels captivity in Babylon. Nothing else.


I believe in the pretrib rapture for over 40 yrs. Im ready cant wait seems closer everyday. TY ❤ thank you again for the heart. ( 🙏 my son just lost his job today) pray God leads him into His kind of job ASAP. TY. (Noah and flood) (Sodom and Gomorrah) Book of Esther/ and what happened there. I'm redeeming the time till he returns. 🙏🎉👍🌎


I agree with a pre-trib that we won't be here during the 7 years Trubulation. GOD protects His own, those who have put their faith and trust in HIM, and who believe that HE is the Savior of the world, the only begotten of the FATHER, our Redeemer and the coming Messiah, our Rescuer.


While it's secondary theology (NOT a Salvation issue), the Rapture is a great segue to the Gospel of Christ.

Deficient understanding of the finished work of the Cross leads to misunderstanding of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
For all who believe, Jesus took the penalty of sin for us. What is the penalty of sin? Spiritual death, but also God's wrath.
In Revelation 6:1, we see Jesus begin to break the seals of the scroll that only He can open. This is the beginning of God's wrath. We are not going to be on earth for this since we are witnesses to the event, having been Raptured to Heaven at Revelation 4:1.

Many verses reflect the promise that "Born Again" Christians will not have to endure the wrath of God.

Revelation 3: 10 NKJV
"I also will keep (save) you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."
