REWILDING BRITAIN - Small Scale Rewilding, Should You Even Bother?

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Paraphrasing Gandalf from Hobbit, politicans think that only great actions can push away changes to our planet, but I have learnt that it is the small things, small Daily things made by ordinary people that keep darkness at bay. Why rewilding? Maybe because I am afraid, and wild life gives me courge.


I've rewilded my 120ft back garden & have 3 big trees, slow worms, wild birds nesting in my hedges & hedgehogs in it. But my landlords been on my case about the garden as it's not all manicured like the neighbours! I live in Cheltenham & that's a conservation area so any help/organisations you can give me to help get my landlords (local authority) off my case would be very much appreciated. I don't want to lose my home or my wild area. Love your videos 😊


In the western US merely changing a park strip/hell strip from grass to yarrow/cat mint (cheap and easy AF to grow) will change things from an pain-to-mow neighborhood dog toilet to a musical little ecosystem with bees, lady bugs, praying mantis, butterflies, etc.


Bravo!! Just moved from South Africa to Scotland .... my wife and I bought a property and were so fortunate to find a small house with a comparatively big garden!! The previous owner had laid decking that had a 40% footprint. Ripped it up and started the rewilding process. Thank you for the inspiration!


I have a 10x20m garden and have planted trees around the outside, then shrubs. Trees in order of benefit to wildlife (I believe) are oak (from an acorn), silver birch (2), hawthorns, wild & domesticated cherries, an apple, etc. Also now have a pond. Very happy with the results 😊


Great video Rob. Key is that everyone can do something and doing something is better than doing nothing. Even a shallow bowl of water with marbles/small stones in it will help insects drink safely.


Keeping cats from roaming helps too, but most people with cats are horrfied of the idea. Leash train them or keep your indoor cat happy with lots of play and they won’t run around making a dangerous dent in the local wildlife. Local flowers, shrubs and trees are wonderful for wildlife no matter if it’s a balcony box of flowers or a big garden. Ponds bring more willdlife than most things, I’m working on how I can make ponds in a container since I don’t have anywhere to dig.


I stopped mowing my lawn (apart from getting rid of grass flower stalks during the peak of hayfever season) and turning parts of it into vege gardens. I've been planting sections of lawn that aren't good for vege garden with native plants. I'm seeing a wide variety of plants other than grass take over, and more insects, birds, and skinks - and I'm more than happy to cohabit with my small neighbours!


I rewilded the garden now I have 12 months of wild foods saving 1000 pouns a year and 4x more bird life than any neighbour with theiur bird feeders and insects everywhere while neighbours have sterile landscapes imagine the posibilities if we open our minds


Rewilding for us included converting turf to native plantings and a sidewalk to a street-side rain garden with native plants in our region. I’m amazed how naturally plants come just from birds and squirrels introducing them. Serviceberry, oaks, American Holly and flowering dogwood all keep coming up. My job now is deciding what stays and what needs to be removed and passed on to our local park or friends. So fun to be in a place of abundance. Thx for the inspirational video.


Try to stick to native plants. I have several gardens around my yard with different native grasses, wildflowers, butterfly host plants, and whatever else I can fit in there.


Rewilding small areas would be better than large areas.Invasise species are a huge problem in larger areas.Rhodedendrons have taken over here in Ireland.Japanese knotweed as well.Both are impossible to control.


💚💚💚💚💚 love this!!! Thank you for creating this 🌳🙏🏽🌳


I loved the yard at my previous house. You could say it was wild and unkempt, but that's why I loved it, even if the rest of my family didn't always necessarily agree. Sometimes we would have squirrels crawling on top of the skylights haha.

Unfortunately, due to some personal things that happened, we had to move, and now I live in a very new cookie-cutter neighborhood with a strict HOA that likes everything to look the same. At least there's a pond and some very small patches of forest nearby to look for wildlife at.


Agreed, A good point that rewilding can happen on a small scale … Impressive moves 😉


Nice to see you back on both feet! I am going to try sowing wildflower seeds on my window ledge for pollinators this year. My first time giving it a go🤞🏻


Thanks again Rob. I love that you are excited over rewilding


The effect of smaller rewilding depends in part on having a reserviour of wildlife external to your project.
In a highly agricultural area my acre of garden is rewilded. Buzzards made it, and adjacent trees their territory and were there for a few weeks until shot. Five years ago there was a small but stable population of hares on agricultural land nearby. They have been hunted to extinction by dogs. Both acts are illigal, but it makes little difference to what is taking place on the ground. It depends on area, but in some places we are losing wildlife faster than we are preserving it.


Great video! I have a garden and we have a ginormous tree


I thought rewilding is when you let nature just take its own course without any human intervention?This is more restoration and just old fashioned planting
