How wealth inequality is dangerous for America

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The top 1% of the population controls 40% of the nation's wealth. Think about that for a minute.

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You guys don't seem to get it. This video isn't about how wealth equality sucks and life is unfair. This video is about how wealth equality will end democracy and begin oligarchy.


Some are more equal than others... Goerge Orwell, Animal Farm


Let's be honest- as long as our politicians survive on money from big donors, the best interests of the poor and middle class will never be fully realized in our laws and thus in our society. It is sad, most politicians are constantly trying to raise money for re-election bids. If only American voters were not swayed by big money through political ads, and our legislators realized


I find the background music a bit too loud. I have a hard time focusing on what's being said :/


It’s sad this video didn’t get much views, even though it’s talking about one of the biggest problem we have in USA and around the world.


But the top 20% of America also pay 80% of America's taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom 40% take in more than they give.


this isnt only america. the world is in the same problem.


this isnt socialist, it may look like it. my question is why large corporations get tax breaks from government and unfair advantages? corruption?. i believe all business in america should be taxed and treated equally to help prevent this issue. and thats being fair not socialist or whatever. 


This is called an Oligarchy, and we live in one. Democracy has fallen.


"The worst thing about Capitalism is that everybody is unequally rich. The best thing about Communism is that everybody is equally poor" - Winston Churchill.


All men are created equal. In terms of freedom. Not financially, intellectually, or ability.


when i had subscribed, i thought this channel was not fucking communist


You know, it's funny. My net worth is greater than the bottom 20% combined, and I don't even own a car or a house. Why? Because the bottom 20% have a negative net worth, so you would have to gather about the bottom 30% or so of the population to simply reach net zero.

"The 6 Waltons own more than 125 million Americans" is just a ridiculous statement, since you could make a similar statement about a newborn owning more than 60 million Americans combined. If the Waltons are instead compared with the average households, they would only be as rich as a fraction of a percent of the population combined. This is still an astronomically large fortune of course, but the way it is presented in this video is simply misleading.


PragerU doesn't like this video (another reason to watch it)


The "created equal" has to do with "that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."  You cut off that portion of the sentence which clarifies this equality.  This is typical of people who want to skew things to their own agenda.

Free market capitalism has created more wealth, reduced the amount of poor, eliminated social casts than any other type of government system out there.  

Now why does the rich want to control politicians?  It is because once they are rich, they want to shut that door to protect their own wealth.  The government can create laws that increases the rich's business, tax shelters, or reduce competition.  If we instead limit government to were it only protects individual rights, then you will have a totally free republic that is lets any one do what they want as along as they don't trample on other rights.


The visualisation of thoughts is simply stunning! Love your work ;)


thats a lie, people who are born rich dont tend stay rich unless they work hard/smart to keep that wealth and grow it.


Still on his quest to find the best structure of society


This video is very interesting and enjoyable to watch. It shows how and why wealth inequality exists, but it does not show why it is dangerous to America at all. I know that most Americans, including myself, almost instinctually believe that it is dangerous -- but I want to have more concrete reasons to why it really is. And this video lacks in that critical aspect. That would require a bit more philosophical insight being added to the journalistic and statistical foundation of these videos, but I think that it would improve them for the better. Show me why wealth inequality exists, then show me why it is bad for society. Make the point resonate to my core.


Do you think it's honest to report the pre-tax percentage of national income that the 1% earns? Was the post-tax number not juicy enough. Why not run both numbers and show how much they pay in taxes?
