Joe Rogan - Why 'Intersectionality' is a Religion

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When you have disagreements with a 'Intersectional Feminist', they treat it like if it's a blasphemous act or something. I thought of them as a cult for a while now.


I've been in the church for a long time now. I've seen a number of Christian fundamentalists in my day and have read up on the phenomenon a bit too. A friend of mine is one of these super-SJW types and I swear, he's a bigger, meaner fundamentalist than any other fundamentalist I've ever met. The crazy thing: he doesn't even see it. He's completely blind to his own righteousness and bullying. I dare say, if he had some religion, he'd have more perspective on just how sold-out to the church of progressivism he actual is.


As an atheist I agree. A Christian is much easier to have a conversation with than a SJW. A SJW is convinced they have facts to back up their claims. A religious person acknowledges that they don't but they have faith.


Absolutely. It's a new religion for the secular. These people are the witch hunters and inquisitors of the modern age.


The fact that people like this are the minority is scary. Fact based arguments are becoming a thing of the past.


Nietzsche said as much a long, long time ago. "God is dead" When the people kill god, it will cause a lot of suffering to transition to a post-god world. Hegel spoke about it before that.

People always seem to worship something. If one thing is gone, another replaces it.


Lmao, I learned about this from professors at my college. That is why this mentality is dangerous-it's taught in schools now


Humans are naturally inclined to believing in religion or ‘myths’. Back in hunter gatherer days the tribes who held the largest number of people would win out against the tribe against the smaller number of people. How do you get tribes with larger numbers of people? You need something that they all subscribe too, faith in God’s or other religious beliefs that unites them all under the same band. Hence humans evolved over 1000s of years to become more susceptible or inclined to believe in religious beliefs or ‘myths’. Therefore nowadays people without religion often find themselves naturally yearning for some other form of myth to subscribe to that other people also do - in this case intersectionality. This is why I believe it’s incredibly common that large groups of humans will readily commit themselves to almost faith like systems of belief


This is an important discussion. I've definitely seen this among friends, family, and acquaintances; however, I'd propose that this thinking isn't new. What these guys are talking about are people making themselves out to be god and therefore the authority and deserving to be worshiped ....the prideful.

It is interesting that the Bible mentions this narrative in Genesis, where the serpent tempted Eve with being prideful by rejecting God's only rule in the garden by eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, and once they ate from it their eyes would be opened and they would be like gods. As opposed to eating from the tree of life, which Jesus later referred Himself as the way the truth and the life. Eating from the tree of life by contrast requires one to be humble and trusting God's word on the matter. Eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and you shall surely die, or eat from the tree of life and live.


I can't think of a more qualified panel of people to talk about this


I think this title should be changed to "How intersectionality is viewed as a religion"

I don't think these people have actually experienced intersectionality, unless they have lived in another country where white people are the minority.


The problem with intersectionality is that it assumes victimhood. It does not take into account the positive factors that those same people may possess. For example beauty, talent, the status of family and friends, wealth, education, profession, etc. Beyonce' is a black woman. According to intersectional rules, she is a victim. But she is a beautiful, talented, rich, celebrity. Does anyone think that her life suffers from negative intersectional bias? In fact, I would say that as of 2020 no beautiful, rich, or talented woman does.


Easy- intersectionality is an overlapping Venn diagram of race, gender, sexuality, nationality, and disability. For example- 1 point for being a woman, 1 for being black, 1 for being disabled, 1 for being gay= 4 intersectionalities. Basically, "Equity" rebranded.


How have I not noticed this? It make so much sense


Talk about this purity factor in terms of mass vaccine mandates and turning vaxed against unvaxed


Or as people who ascribe to the Dark Enlightenment movement, Intersectionality is the modern Cathedral, and rejecting their views is blasphemy.


While I think it's true that people invent new gods or ways or religious thinking when they don't beleive in the old ones (Killing Joke does a great talk about this regarding the development of nuclear power, al though on the esoteric side) I don't remember that being a factor in Game of Thrones. Followers of the new gods conquer or impose themselves on a thriving culture of people who do believe in the old ones, for better or worse. Sometimes the existing culture and brlief system was working just fine for everyone, sometimes not, contantion leaving a void or oprning for some new movement. This is important to point out because conquering has happened throughout our history, and in some cases is happening now.


i think this conversation would be more effective if they actually understood what intersectionality is... I mean... maybe.


they mentioned penn jillette. he'd be a great one to have on the show


I tried watching the whole thing and it said it was private :O
Found it on Spotify.. whew!
