10 Things You Probably Didnt Know About Warlocks

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The spell and fire stone were actually crazy strong back in WotLK, especially as a Demonology lock. They were used on your main hand weapon (including staffs) and it was possible to have a stone and a normal enchant simultaniously, kinda like the old shaman weapon enchants. So basically, free stats.


i used spellstone all the time in wrath... and it was applied to your primary weapon.


The Spellstone and Firestone were used a ton in Wrath of the Lich King, when they were modified to work like Rogue Poisons: as a temporary buff applied to your main hand weapon, and were not equippable items anymore. Spellstone increased Haste and DoT damage, while Firestone increased Crit and non-periodic damage.


A couple other interesting facts:
1) Soul shards initially had a temporary lifespan! Like healthstones and soulstones, they would disappear from your bags after 15 minutes of being logged out...
2) Dreadsteeds weren't added to the game till 1.4; warlocks only had the Felsteed. (unlock Paladins who had both from the start, I believe)


some mistakes in the video

1. banish had no 30min-CD in classic. There were entire boss mechanics (Garr, Ragnaros) which required adds to be banished by warlocks.
2. the soul shard bags weren't implemented until late in classic - and they were expensive to obtain / make (the two biggest one's (the 24 and the 28) requiring mats you only got from mobs in MC - and these were needed for fire and shadow resistance gear of other classes...)
3. the black book became OP when the Felguard was introduced to the warlock late in Classic - as the effect of the book also worked on it, making it possible for a warlock to solo the then-elite mobs in Sillithus (which were at Level 58/59 Elite).




Spellstone wasn't entirely useless for PvPers.

 IIRC, The old Vanilla Warlock PVP Trinket only broke Stun, Poly and Fear. So any other magical effects, like Root, Slow, or even DoTs could be cleansed away with the Spellstone. That's why UD Locks in Vanilla were just great, With WotF, Trink, and Spellstone, you had 3 CC breakers if need be.

But outside of that, yeah, it was pretty bad.


I'm surprised there was no mention of the Infernal summoning or Ritual of Doom. I used to love terrorizing Goldshire with those.


Back in the PTR for burning crusade there was a bug with warlock's seed of corruption that made its explosion affect happen instantly and it did not have a global cooldown, combined this with the fact that it was an instant spell and you could essentially kill most anything in an instant with the spell bound to mouse wheel. We put together a full raid team and went into Gruuls lair. We killed the High King in less than 30 seconds and then got gruul down to about 20% health before his special room-wide attack killed everyone.


Did you know? according to the lore, warlocks gave up their mage moral codes for extra power n shit, so Technically, warlocks are SUPPOSED to be OP, compared to the mages who seemingly call for the nerfs of every class.


In Vanilla, warlocks could permanently control enslaved demons by striking them during a duel under mind control. Setup would be to enslave any demon, dual a priest, have that priest mind control you and attack the demon. Alternatively, you could get a "Jadefire Trickster" (found in Felwood) to use "Cause Insanity" which acts as a mind control and will cause you to attack the demon. If all went right, the enslavement chains would disappear and you would have that demon following you around acting "enslaved" until either it dies, you leave the zone, you log out, or you choose to enslave another demon. This was quickly patched after many warlocks were spotted running around Orgrimmar having the gigantic infernal "Kroshius" (found in Felwood) permanently enslaved from the warlock infernal quest "Kroshius' Infernal Core".


Here's a good one you missed:
In Vanilla WoW, Enslave Demon was glitched, in that it could permanently enslave a demon if the warlock dueled a priest, and the priest used Mind Control to make the warlock attack the enslaved demon. The demon would permanently be under the Warlock's control until death, and the warlock could summon one of their base demons while it was still enslaved. This effect would persist through logging out (the enslaved demon would simply wait where you'd logged out with your tag on it) and would cause some rather odd effects with flight paths (sometimes teleporting the warlock to the endpoint).

However, it still followed some rules for Enslave Demon. It could not change instances, nor could more than one demon be enslaved in this way.

Still, it was great fun to bring Kirith the Damned from the Blasted Lands all the way over to Lordaeron to spook low-levels.


banish had no cd as far as i remember also worth noting that curse of doom always summmoned doomguard if the target died from the dmg if i remember correct and the spellstones and firestones used to be appliable to your weapon at one point like that wizard oil from enchanting


I played demo in wrath, and there was a talent that made your firestone give you a SHIT load of crit %. I was the only warlock I knew of that had close to 40% crit, and with all raid buffs it was about 42%.. so yeah not so useless after all eh? That being said.. I STILL to this day carry around both the last spell and firestones I conjured right before they were removed along side my Skull of Gul'Dan and two books from vanilla and bc for rpg purposes


yo hirumaredx!

i've been lurking your vids for a while but took a break for a month or so and just checked this one out. your production quality is looking great, keep up the hard work!


warlocks used to tank some bosses that did almost only shadow-fire damage due to the massive resistance(only for demolocks) that you were taking while having fel hunter out, most notable bosses we used to tank are illhouf(karazan) illidan in his demon form(black temple) soulink did take a part in it but it was mostly because locks could have more resistance that any other class


I'm almost certain the banish CD was not a thing in BC anymore, I played a warlock actively back then and remember quite a bit of banish as CC in instances and raids.


Banish didn't have a cooldown in vanilla and you could only banish one target. It had two ranks, one for 20 seconds and one for 30 seconds. In wrath they changed it so that if you cast banish again on the same target it un-banishes it.


i remember playing UA spec in TBC because i refused to go SL/SL.
eventually i did and the survivability was ridiculously broken. i have to disagree on the dmg throughput though, which was fairly mundane. what made the spec broken was sustainability from instant-cast dots and survivability.


I think the reason for the long cool downs in vanilla was because they were trying to be like dungeons an dragons. Where some spells you could only use once a day. just my 2 cents.
