Common Employment Law terms and why they're important - Employment Law Show: S5 E19

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COMMON EMPLOYMENT LAW TERMS AND WHY THEY'RE IMPORTANT on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 5 Episode 19 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 - Intro

🔹 Employer refused to pay for overtime hours - 2:42
I'd worked a lot of overtime over the past few months. I submitted my overtime hours to my employer but was given the runaround. I was finally told my OT hours were not approved. What do I do?

📞 Terminated due to slowdown in business - 6:30

❓ Fired for cause breach of code of conduct - 9:54

▶️ Common employment law terms (and why they’re important) - 13:33

1️⃣ Pay in Lieu of Notice - 14:09

2️⃣ Working Notice / Notice Period - 15:15

3️⃣ Wrongful Dismissal - 16:24

4️⃣ Constructive Dismissal - 17:51

5️⃣ Common Law - 19:04

6️⃣ Without Cause - 20:24

7️⃣ With Cause / Just Cause / For Cause - 21:15

8️⃣ Dependent Contractor - 22:03

📞 Request to reduce hours due to medical condition - 23:18
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: I want to ask my employer to reduce my work week due to a medical condition, as recommended by my doctor. I have worked full-time at the company for 11 years. Can they refuse my request and fire me?

📞 Aggressive behaviour from employer - 25:52
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: My boss has been very aggressive with me since he hired me 3 years ago. I am an older employee with highly specialized engineering knowledge. If he ever decided to fire me, would I be able to get fair severance?

📱 Pocket Employment Lawyer - 26:45
I'm an older engineer with an aggressive boss, and I've been working in a specialized position for three years. If terminated, what would a fair severance package be for me?


#EmploymentLawShow #SeverancePay #SamfiruTumarkin #EmploymentLawyer
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