Truth for Sale - the sad irony about this book that no one noticed

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In this video we discuss the irony of Megan Basham's new book "Shepherds for Sale" being sold for profit. While the book exposes the dangers of progressive agendas infiltrating the Church, the author has put it behind a paywall, which is unintentionally cruel and illogical, contrary to Scripture, and casts doubt on the author's sincerity. Commodifying the truth carries sad consequences. Instead, we are called by Jesus to freely give (Matthew 10:8). There are simple, clear alternatives to peddling Christian exhortation. Let’s pray that this is the last time someone tries to sound the alarm and inspire reform within the Church by SELLING their message.


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She is not a minister, she is a reporter. I don’t think that’s a good argument because you can see all that she says in public podcasts that are all free.

I feel the fact the book is a “best seller” will make sure more people talk about it and share it.


This critique is ridiculous. She shouldn't receive compensation for her labor? Should pastors get paid for preaching the Bible?


Jesus also told his disciples to sell their cloak and buy a sword (Luke 22:36). Maybe I should start a ministry where people can exchange coats for guns.

This whole analysis is the perfect example of straining a gnat and swallowing a camel.

First, Megan is not selling the gospel. Her message is available for free online in her journalism articles, her podcasts, and even on interviews on youtube. Her book, an actual commodity, is for sale, just like any other commodity is bought and sold.

Second, the SALE of her book has broadened the scope of exposure. She had been writing about this subject long before it became a book, and no one was talking about it before her book was published.

Third, I don't pay to go to church and worship with other Christians. I don't charge people to learn the secret of the hope that I have in Christ. I don't bill people after I pray for them. But I do expect to pay something if I go to a conference or purchase an actual commodity like a book. Conferences have budgets for venues, equipments, travel, and speakers. Pastors are paid, as they should be (Don't muzzle an ox), but conference speakers don't get a salary taken from the general tithes of a Church and their budget.

The notion that any time a Christian asks for compensation they are committing a sin and breaking the commandment of Jesus is legalism at its worse.

Fourth, the fact that this video is attempting to capitalize off of the success of Megan's book, using clickbait and disingenuous piety while also seeking to get greater notoriety and recognition, all while adding revenue to one of the largest corporations in the world. How is this better than Megan going to a publisher to help push out her message? What about all of the people who don't have computers or smartphones? What about the paywall of people needing access to the internet? And, no, whether of not this video is monetized or not does not make a difference to Google's profits of providing the platform for your so called ministry.

Putting something out there for 'free' does not mean that there is no profit center. For instance, the news is 'free, ' according to your standards it is not behind a paywall, but only because people don't realize that they are the product being sold. Their viewer numbers are being sold to advertisers.

There are so many flaws with the arguments of this video that it would take a fundamental retraining of the entire bible to show how dangerous 'Selling Jesus' is in leading people down a path of legalism, self-righteousness, and uneven weights and measures.

Finally, stay tuned to my new ministry, coming out soon:


I'm sorry, but I couldn't make it past the 3 minute mark. You've massively overstated your case. First, Megan routinely shares her findings, for free, across multiple media platforms. Free articles, free podcasts, her X account. Much of the information in her book she has shared, for free, on X over the last 2 years. Second, just because she has a vital ministry doesn't entitle you to her labor. As stated in the Old testament, and reaffirmed by Paul, "the laborer is deserving of their wages." If you don't want to spend an hour's wage on her book, then pan back through the many articles she has written over the years and the podcasts shes been on. Labor, materials, and manufacturing has value. It's costs money.


Well said Andrew. It is ironic that she is selling this information, thereby joining the crowd she calls out in her book.


What do you think about Bible publishers? I suppose you'll say check out the links in the pinned commment.


I think the bigger irony is that this book misses how Evangelical leaders have ALSO traded the truth for right-wing politics.

Did anyone else notice their prayer meeting bullet point list begin to follow whatever Tucker Carlson was talking about that week? Did anyone else change churches in the last 8 years because the next election became more important than the Great Commission?


I think a better topic might have been, is she profiting greatly off these book sales? Books cost a lot of money to produce, with lots of steps and people with jobs that need to be paid for their efforts. This includes the ultimate book for Christians, the Bible.


Interesting point of view. Irony? Maybe hypocrisy fits better. The guy who endorsed her book, John MacArthur, does the same thing in a big way. Having him endorse it opens the pathway. The only well known Christian author out there who makes his stuff available without cost is John Piper that I'm aware. She is clearly on the "book seller's" parade showing up on all the right pod casts, Youtube channels, etc. It's clearly a money train, but I don't believe that she set out on that journey by herself; the people around her know the trek very well and are leading the way. It is intentional. If the message is solid, I hope people will have access to it. Haven't read it. I did see her on a Youtube channel though. From what I heard, it seems like the things she is "calling out" are obvious to anyone who is paying attention. BTW, I'm not bashing on her, but the system--the good ole boys club, even though she's a woman, which is actually the irony. A woman teaching men in the church! How could it be?


Hi there,
may I ask what your opinion on the publishing and selling of this book would have been, if the book was published in printed form in the same way that it was published (assuming it was published in printed form) except for the difference that no Copyright would have been put on the content of the book itself (assuming the contents of the book are copyrighted as of now - I didn't check though in the content of the book myself to see if the book is really copyrighted)?

Looking forward to hearing back from you and God bless you,


This is such rubbish. She wrote the book, she can sell it if she wants to.


There is this wonderful place called the library were you can check out books for free. If multiple people request the same book then the library will order multiple copies. Did you forget about that?


I agree with this Dorian principle I just dont understand how to keep from muzzling the author who needs to eat?


How many pastors and leaders in churches are making disciples as Jesus taught in Matthew 28:19, 20 and what Paul taught in 2 Timothy 2:2? if they are not then they have deceived themselves according to James 1:22.


I just put this book on my Amazon 'wish list' and will wait for the price to go down before I purchase it. One thing I am moved to say, my heart is with "Selling Jesus" and the wrongful profiteering of the Gospel they expose. Though many people don't agree, probably the most successful bible publishing organization applying "Selling Jesus" philosophy, especially internationally, is the Watchtower publishers of Jehovah's Witnesses. All bibles and bible teaching books, videos, audio, etc are absolutely free, yet the are among the largest, most productive publishers throughout the world, with a web-site in 1091 languages and Christian followers in virtually every country of the world. If they can do it, why shouldn't others?


I dunno. That is a large amount of material, work and research. Books are not cheap to produce. If it was on a website for free, it would not get as much of an audience. I have no idea if I agree with her or not, haven’t read it, but I don’t think it was wrong to publish it as a book.


I believe that your warning is not set on the correct footing as Megan Basham is neither a prophet or involved in a ministry. She is a reporter and author. She gets paid for what she does. I have paid for books written by many Pastors and Evangelical leaders - present and past. I never begruged them for that. I believe that for you to call her out for not offering her work for free is at least misguided, if not judgemental. Instead of criticizing her for not using the distribution methods that you discussed, wouldn't it have been more productive for you to contact her and offer to help with the work and expense of doing it? That would seem to me to be a better use of time and resources.


On the one hand, I do think there are numerous ways to get the message of her book across that don't require reading it, and thus don't require purchasing it.

On the other hand, I do feel she is more of a political actor operating in the world of faith than anything else, and doubt the actual spiritual value of her book. If she's not devoting as much time trying to convert the jews of the Daily Wire to Christ as she is trying to convert progressive Christians to Christ, her politics may be ahead of her religious interests.


Good point, I have not read the book because I know it misrepresented at least one person I follow, but it could have truth in it as well.


I agree with you and wish I could find other believers nearby who share your ideas about giving the gospel away freely. Thank you!
