Ask Mayim Anything #3: Sex & Love Addiction, Repressed Memories, ADHD and Imposter Syndrome!

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I got diagnosed with ADHD when I brought in a cup of coffee to my appointment. She saw I was sipping it and asked if I was drinking it for fatigue. I shrugged and said that coffee didn't really do anything to me it was just freezing cold outside. She then silently grabs a quiz and says please fill this out. Scored basically 100 percent for ADD. After that I was able to organize both my school and home life due to medication. Because of her I made it to college and was successful in my major. More women need to be tested for it, PERIOD!


Simply yet eloquently she delivered quite possibly the most digestible version of this. Wow, she’s brilliant!


My meds for my ADHD are like putting on a pair of glasses. I get clarity.


I'm constantly blown away by how brilliant Mayim is and how she can break down something so. Complicated into something easy to digest


I worked at a school-age daycare for 16 years. One boy had just started on ADHD meds. He was in a specialized environment because he had trouble learning, and was our only non-K for over 30 minutes everyday. During this time, one of the teachers asked him how he was doing since he started taking the meds. He was so happy that he could focus in class and not get in trouble, that he almost cried.


She gave the best explanation of ADHD and medications that I've ever heard.


And that’s why my ADHD husband drank TONS of coffee. It calmed him down ❤


It’s so amazing what we know about ADHD now. I needed this when I was a child in the 80s. I would literally do my homework sitting in class, put it in my desk to go do something else, and mentally reset to the point of forgetting where it was or that I even did it. All of my spaces were paths and piles of things. I drank 8 cans of Mountain Dew a day because I didn’t know that I was constantly craving more stimulant. I didn’t drink coffee until my 30s but immediately gravitated toward light and blonde roasts for the caffeine. No sense of organization even though the concepts and work were easy and boring to me. Please keep talking about this. The more people that have this that get diagnosed even later in life, the better quality of life that is possible.


Thank you, Mayim. ADHD is so misunderstood. The inability to filter out stimuli is painful.


I remember being labeled "hyper Active" as a kid and my mother was told to give me coffee to calm me down, to this day, it still knocks me out when I cant sleep from brain overactivity


I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and Adderall has been a game changer. I’m able to keep my kids on a routine, I’m getting better at finishing tasks, and I have a higher tolerance for the amount of noise produced by my kids. I’ve noticed a major improvement at my job, where I don’t get behind on my work like I used to.


Mayim is one of my favorite people, she's definitely someone I greatly respect and admire


My mom was a nurse all my life and she tried to get me tested ever since late elementary school. I refused until I got into college and actually had to study. I was reading pages of my textbooks and would realize that the whole time I was reading a page, my eye's would be seeing/reading the words but my brain would be having about 3 different things going on and I had no clue even the sentence I just read. I finally took a test and my mom was right all along...


I had no idea that Mayim Byalik has ADHD! That’s endearing her to me even more! She speaks the “language” of “Our [ADHD] People”! 😊❤


I could literally listen to her all day.
Holding a conversation before I got on medication was so difficult. My hyperactivity is internal. I’d start to talk about something and my brain would basically move ahead of my mouth and I’d forget what I was talking about, or something in the environment would totally throw me off. It was so frustrating.


Totally!🙌🏼 ADHD here. For me it even works as an antidepressant because I can get more things donde since its easier for me to focus and finish tasks and that makes me feel better about myself


I am 45 years old and just got this diagnosis again and finally agreed to let them put me on medication. They put me on Adderall and while it doesn’t keep me from getting distracted. I am able to redirect myself easier and I will say it has helped my depression so much because it was stemming from me being overwhelmed by, executive dysfunction and things piling up around me so once I was medicated and able to take care of those things, my depression went down a pretty good bit. It’s not gone but it’s manageable.


Perfect explanation.
At 62yrs old and just recently dx, I've often felt like the epitome of "oh look, a squirrel" throughout my life 😊


54 yr old ADHD
I'm living proof.
Caffeine has always been my go to.
This makes so much sense


I love it when you find someone that can put into words what you have been all your life and couldn’t explain it. ❤. …thanks doc..
