Why Are Evangelicals Becoming Catholic and Orthodox?

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I'm most excited about how many people are becoming Christians for the first time right now, but I'm also curious as to why so many Christians are changing affiliations within Christianity right now as well. In this video I talk with Redeemed Zoomer and Keith Foskey about that.
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protestant my entire life, about a year ago started bible in a year with FR. Mike Schmitz. Asked "why do Catholics believe what they believe" found Trent Horn, Jimmy Akin at Catholic answers. Learned about historical documents and early church fathers which finally convinced me at least 70% which is enough to seek out a priest. Found an FSSP Latin community/priest, began catechesis under him and got confirmed Easter 2024! Best decision and experience ever!

Since then I've experienced incredible increases in many areas in my life. personal miracles if you will. Things I never thought possible. I can finally say i am truly on the road to Sainthood here in the Church. Confession and communion are POWERFUL gifts from God that I never had as a protestant and am so grateful that God chose me to be able to receive them when I could have easily stayed blind to it. Praise GOD!


People are tired of evangelical motivation speaker Ted talks without any substance sermons and for some reason they are resonating with the tradition and history of RC and EO churches


Redeemed zoomer is acting like people wake up and say "I'm Catholic now." Every convert I know, myself included, went through a serious discernment process (mine took years actually), not to mention that the fact that RCIA is required for new entrants is a guardrail against that.


Raised pentecostal, became Catholic Easter 2023. Best decision of my Life. Praise Jesus!


I grew up a United Methodist, believing in choir specials and covered dishes. In high school I had a profound spiritual experience that my Methodist pastor could not help me with and was completely lost. I became Catholic, later I became a priest, and was so happy that the Lord led me to a place that I found I could have faith in real spiritual experiences. I met the Lord in the Methodist Church but really came to believe in His awesome love for us as a Catholic.


I was raised agnostic by my Muslim mother and Baptist father and became an evangelical non-denom protestant in 2020. I was baptized in the Orthodox Church in March of 2024. Glory to Jesus Christ!


For me, it was because I decided to honestly engage with what the Catholic Church teaches with an open mind. I wasn’t looking to accept or disprove, just understand. And I was blown away. It was so much deeper than anything I had learned as a Protestant. And it was not the cartoonish “unbiblical” church evangelical preachers had made it out to be. I felt like I had been lied to about Catholicism my entire life…


Redeemed Zoomer was not the best person to interview and ask questions such as "why are young people turning to the Orthodox (or Catholic) church?" His answers were uncharitable and came from the perspective of an upset outsider looking in. Outside of those questions this was an interesting conversation


This conversation went from "why they're leaving" to "why they're wrong to leave" in record time.


On my way to become Catholic. Pray for me


I'm a millenial (32), raised Baptist, and became Catholic seemingly right before this trend apparently started. It wasn't for ideological reasons. I just studied the history of the biblical canon which lead to broader church history, which lead to sacramental theology and apostolic ecclesiology. I really didn't want to become Catholic because of biases I was raised with, so I seriously considered Orthodoxy and visited liturgies and made friends with good priests and laity. After a few years of uncomfortable fence sitting I relented and became Catholic, right in the middle of 2020. Now I'm on parish council and have a little Catholic family of my own lol. Anyways, that's my reason. I still greatly value the low church tradition I was raised in and the love of Christ and scripture it gave me.


Maybe Protestants are becoming Catholic because they came to recognize Him in the breaking of the Bread.


I became Orthodox because no one could square what we were being taught with a method of Living.

I was slandered, ridiculed and belittled constantly for my desire for any sort of Doctrinal Unity by both Pastors and people in my Evangelical Church.

I spent 3 years "Seeking", some of that coincided with the Coof, and eventually I decided that once I could attend Church again I would join LCMS or WELS.

I ran away from home and fell in with not so great people. I started attending Liturgy at a Greek Parish and realized I could never go back.

One thing Evangelical Protestantism gave me was a deep love for Scripture and becoming Orthodox completed that Love.


I'm a Catholic convert because i wanted God's 100% truth. My sister nearly went Norse paganism because of protestantism. Why? So many splintering sects and cults made her think that God couldn't keep his house in order. Only Jesus came in when she was about to verbally renounce him as false for Odin did he stop her. She is also Catholic today by God alone.


Baptist to Catholic and glad I left the American religion and came home to the universal church.


I’m becoming Catholic, I was always a Protestant. I got tired of the bands and non denom churches, and the just feel good about Jesus theology. I want the church that has stood the ages, I feel I can glorify Jesus the best in the Catholic Church.


I was raised evangelical and I converted to Catholicism in 2015. I’ve never felt closer to Christ.


I'm yet another Baptist-to-Orthodox Christian convert, and the reason for my conversion is simply because Orthodoxy provides the theological depth and the practical tools of repentance that I've found necessary to attain my salvation. I have known far holier Christians than me who've thrived off crumbs of the Lord's Truth, but in my weakness, I need the entire loaf of Truth to not starve.


I and my husband, now priest and long-time catechist, became Orthodox 25 years ago along with many other Protestant converts, into a convert church. This is not a new trend. It’s just that Protestants are now noticing. The influx we’re seeing now is not necessarily a net growth, as many since covid have also left Christianity. As you said, Tradition and apostolic succession are surely reasons, but if I had to say, from the hundreds of catechumens we’ve encountered over the years, you’ve really underestimated the draw to the Sacraments (excepting Matt’s mention of the benefits of Confession). Partaking of the Mystery of Communion is certainly the number one reason anyone becomes Orthodox. When one becomes Orthodox, one begins to understand it as the height of our Union with Christ, a way he provided for us that’s beyond our understanding but so necessary. This is the best tool for Christian growth, not to mention all the other disciplines in our Tradition. When we become Christians, yes, we are saved, but we still sin. That makes us sick. The Church is a hospital and we need its medicine. Simply put, I think it has better, tangible tools for living the Christian life. This is the number one reason we see from countless converts over many years. I think this is largely overlooked by Protestant commentators because they just don’t understand how this could be the case, IMO.


I was an anti-Catholic Calvinist for a long time. Very thankful to have converted to Catholicism about a year ago after a couple years of studying the early church and hearing Catholic side of things
