What NOBODY Tells You About E-Bikes...

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My main channel: @nrmlmtber
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I love my ebike. I'm 48 years old got back into mountain biking at 44. I was unhealthy for years. I was addicted to cocaine smoked like a chimney ate horribly. I was depressed. I hit a wall and decided I didn't want to die and got clean. well... the part they don't tell you about addiction is quitting is just the first of many steps. for a few years after getting clean I had two emotions nothing at all or pure blinding rage. I had no idea how to deal with my emotions anymore. I ruined my first marriage because of it. at the end when it was too late I realized I had to figure out how to deal with them. I met someone new and she made me fall in love with her and being alive again. but I still had my emotional control issues. I started hiking. it was great it felt incredible. I was happy but still lacking something. then a friend told me to get a mountain bike. I bought a regular bike and worked and worked getting more fit and trying so hard to get up that hill. I finally quit smoking! why? not because I loved my now wife not because I didn't want cancer but because I wanted to climb mountains better. that worked for a bit. I was riding constantly. I thought yeah without smoking I'll get better. well it worked for a while but I hit a wall. I was back to dreading the climbs and not going to places with big climbs because, 1 id be left behind by my friends, 2 id be so exhausted by the end of the climb the downhill became not much of a pay off for the suffering I endured. I was diagnosed with asthma it was my fault yes from the drug abuse and heavy smoking. I was ready to give up. I loved riding some much and it had done wonders for my mental health. I was finally happy and feeling better but my body was now fighting me my mental health was again starting suffer. then a friend let me borrow his ebike. that day I rode 19 miles easily. I wasn't exhausted I felt happy and amazed with how I was able to pedal all of the ride! ive always been bigger Than I'm supposed to be. my parents are big their parents are big its the way my family is. I'm strong as hell but I'm a big dude. I bought a new 2021 Rocky Mountain instinct powerplay ebike. I rode and rode and rode that bike!! I ran it in eco mode most of the time. just enough to help me get up the mountain. my mental health became better than it ever had been! I was incredibly happy! I wasn't using the bike to "cheat" I was using to get me through the climbs that my body by itself was not able to handle anymore. I'm now 48 almost 49 and ive ridden my bike in 15 states. I live in Colorado and my life revolves around my bikes and the happiness they bring me. Ive lost 40 lbs I eat better I'm in the best shape of my life but I'm still a chubby dude. My legs are nothing but muscle. I'll ride 30 miles pretty much any time I go out. The workout I get from that bike is twice what I got from my regular bike. On my regular bike id just go slow and grind out a terrible climb stopping 10 times or more catching my breath. On the ebike ill still stop but its once or twice. This ebike has given me back my life. I don't understand the hate on ebikes. maybe it's an ego thing. I know they don't do much if any damage to the trails. the most I could see is that id ride the trail more than one time that day and others would do the same. whatever it is its dumb to ban them. it helps people more then it hurts trails. thanks for being an advocate and voice for ebikes. your videos are great! I love them! mountain biking has saved my life.


Well done, I am 60 yrs old, everyone said to me no dont get one until you really need now find myself going way further on any given ride, but its not because of that small engine in the back wheel, I only ever use it when going up long tough hills or into strong winds, but now instead of a 12 mile round trip I do 20 to 30 miles round. Just knowing the power is there to get home if i over stretch myself is a confidence booster. If you're toying with the idea, go for it, you will smile on your first ride.


For me, an e-bike means my heart rate has dropped out of the red zone when climbing and into the cardio zone. It’s far healthier and has built up my endurance. Since I enjoy technical downhill the most, now my rides only end when my shoulders are on fire. Yup gotta work on that, but it’s a great problem to have. 😊


Adding an Ebike improved my standard bike riding 100%. Going faster uphill allowed me more corners to work. Plus, like you said, I started doubling my ride miles, so I was getting much more time on a bike. I love switching back and forth between the bikes for different types of rides. I got my wife and oldest son one as well. Now they can join me on longer rides where the climb would have knocked them out, but they can enjoy and we have more family time since they can keep up better. Great video and glad I started following you, keep up the awesome content!


I’m 56 yrs old 6 ft and 4 months ago I was 336 lbs. in 2018 I had a small stroke and my main symptom is my right side is numb all the time and I have bad stenosis in my lower back. I have a 3rd gen Levo alloy comp and have been riding 14 miles/day and eating keto. This morning I weighted 282. I couldn’t have done it without the Levo and I’ll never apologize for riding one. If someone has an issue that’s their problem. I’ve been following you for about 6 months and you have giving me some help with motivation so thanks


Your honesty is an inspiration. Using the E bike to get excited about riding and climbs, and then improving your mtb is amazing. I will always want my standard bike. I hope E bikes keep me riding when I’m 75 years old….


I'm the Calirado Kid and I like E-Bikes. I just don't own one. 😂


I love the style of this video! I have all the same feelings for my e-bike. There's something to be said about being able to session a jump line over and over again without burning yourself out on the climb back up. It's definitely sped up my progression! Also riding a Levo🤘


Cheating what? It’s not a competition it’s about enjoying yourself.


100% agree. I've been falling further and further behind my friends and resisted getting an e-bike. I'm > 50 and 240lbs and it has been a game changer for my enjoyment of riding. I don't ride any faster, but it allows me to keep up with my friends. E-bikes should be allowed everwhere.


I love my e-bike. I am 57 years old and at 51 I had a widowmaker heart attack and was one of the lucky 3% to survive. My wife and I both purchase our e-bikes in 2020 and have been riding ever since. You are absolutely right about how an e-bike will allow you to ride more often and still gives you a great workout. I think the reason why some trails do not allow e-bikes is that there are some riders that just go too fast on the trails and do not respect other riders, walkers, and so on. I believe trail etiquette is even more important for someone riding an e-bike. Great video and thanks for sharing!!


Exactly the same reasons I upgraded from my hardtail. Was tired of getting left behind by my buddies. Always been a big guy as well. I also, had the same psychological impact being left behind had on you. My ebike has had such a positive impact on my riding and my life. Zero regrets adding one to the stable.


Great video. I am a traditional cyclist and admittedly a bit of an e-bike snob. I watched your video merely out of curiosity but I have learned a lot. I’ve always thought of e-bikes as a lazy person’s way to get up the hill and never considered an e-bike to be so beneficial to those who otherwise can’t get out to enjoy a ride. Thanks for pointing this out. Love him or hate him Lance Armstrong also motivated many people to start riding the bike.

While watching the first 2/3 of the video I noticed the course as one of my favorites…UCSC/Wilder Ranch S.P. Nice trail choice. I’ll watch for you next time I’m out there. -Cheers.


I've had my ebike for over 3 years now and its a game changer climbing hills and getting to trails often miles away from train stations I use. More energy, more trail riding, more fun! Thanks for sharing! 😁🤙


I hate this 'cheating'. You're cheating yourself if you don't make use of things available to you to give you more enjoyment and better quality of life. Using a motor to help with pedalling, isn't cheating. You're not in a competition, you're out with your mates :)


I've always been a biker and always struggled on hills. I've just got an eBike, but I should have got one sooner. Your definitely right by saying that, when you come to a hill you attack it more on an eBike. I've noticed that on the eBike when coming to a hill I'm dropping the power down a level as I'm getting fitter.


Yeah, that was my experience as well. I'm a former marathoner who has led tours across multiple countries, and an e-bike is the game changer that got me into riding more. I still have my road bike and a couple basic mountain bikes, but I put 7, 000 miles on my e-bike in two years, and I never rode my other bikes that much. What makes a big difference is the versatility. I can set it so it's easier, the same, or harder to pedal than my other bikes, and I can put more into it because I don't have to worry about wearing myself out and not getting home!


Good stuff man! The way I look at it, anything that gets people outside instead of sitting on the couch is a good thing.


As a fellow 330lb dude, your videos are exactly what I was looking for. I was 200 post COVID and commuted by bike, fell into some seriously neglectful habits and am trying to get back on the horse. One of the things I enjoyed most about biking has been lost along the way, I can't do distance and I can't do speed. It also puts massive wear on my bikes components. I have been looking into ebikes to help get myself in the zone, and stay there longer, while also being able to get some distance rides in at the same time. Thank you for your content!


Up top and all the way through - Love the honesty of video

Buuuut... Maybe a quick trigger real quick. ebikes should NOT be allowed on the trails.

Why eBikes should not be allowed in trails?

To help a bit beyond a thumbs up or like, I think it's probably good to at least answer your question. bc if we just all agree, and high five each other, then it's not likely to help the fix the issue much.


1- "eBike" as a classification. eBike is a wide ranging term and like most things, can and is often manipulated. Only a very small percentage of "ebikes"sold are the type you are riding and likely thinking of when posing the question"why aren't ebikes allowed?" In fact less than 3% of ebikes sold are eMTB mid drive torque sensing trail and turbo mode style of bikes. The vast majority are ranging from the, nearly disposable, "entry level" "budget friendly" ebikes, to the flat out electric dirt bikes that have pedals attached to them only to pass as a bycycle in she legal sense. The extremely large range of variety and lack of control over classification mean, often the ppl trying to make the rules for the masses defer to the, "One bad apple spoiles the bunch" theory and often just opt to ban then all.

2 - Bigger, faster, heavier and MORE, are things that usually scares the few who make the rules and are slow to embrace change, but are fast to fear it. With the wide and ever growing market for these often high powered, low cost machines... More people are likely to get out there on the trails... And that's a fear for some who still want to keep them for themselves and the people they are used to seeing on them

3-C'mon you already know this one, chances are you were this one before you got one. ...🤗 Envy is s green eyed monster. Simple as that. Hate what you think you can't have, until you somehow find a way to have it for yourself 😂 . Some people don't like ebikes you ARE thinking of, simply bc they are exclusive! And they feel like they can't afford them. ... Until they can, then they love them and post videos about them, and tell everyone they know and meet about it 😁😎
